01519 Status of coal ash behavior research

01519 Status of coal ash behavior research

04 related to fuels By-products %/01511 Worming Ogawa, T. and Suds, S. JP.O7,166,168, Jlcn of coal tar (Assigned to) Nippon Kokan KK JAP. Pa...

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related to fuels


%/01511 Worming Ogawa, T. and Suds, S. JP.O7,166,168,


of coal tar (Assigned

to) Nippon






A method where gaseous products from coal carbonization is contacted with watered tar or heavy petroleum oil spray to effect reaction of hydrogen from watered tar of heavy oil with the low molecular weight radicals within the coal tar formed by pyrolysis of high molecular weight. Coal polymer components give reformed coal tar. A ramark on intramolacular transfer of an InJectad %I01512 alactron In C and C, Okada, M. et a?, Fullerene Science & Technology, 19%, 4, (l), 167-176. A simple analysis on the intramolecular transfer of an in’ccted electron into C and C, has been performed based on the concept o1 orbital Interaction. l-a s anaIysis wntains the partitioning of each fullerene Into three parts and the exan;ination of the f&tier mol&lar orbital Interaction for hropagation of an injected electron into the whole C, or C, molecule. This clectroontransfer process is shown to be ‘one-way’ from energetical point of view. Rhaologlcal


and carbonization

of coal-

Li, X. and Qingtian., L.. Fuel, Jan. 1996, 75, (l), 3-7. During the carbomzat~on of coal-tar pitch the viscosit ;f thhd pi$c decreased at 200-36O“C, reached a mmimum at 360- 4&F increased at 400-450°C. The decrease of the viscosity of the p&h after its melting may be attributed to the solubilizatin of benzene insolubles (BI) and quinine insolubles) by the solvation of benzene solubles in addition to the Increase of thermal movements of pitch with temperature. The viscosity increased above 4ooDC can be explained by the growth of a high molecular weight mesophase. The addition of extra B-resin to the pitch resulted In the formation of smaller anisotropic domains, compared with the carbonization of the pitch alone. Betaresm seems to become nuclei for thermal condensation, leading to the rapid solidification of the meosphase. %I01 514 Sattln times of fl ash and slag-cement concretes as affected by cur Png tampers L ra Eren, 0. et al., Cent. Concr. A gregates, 1995, 17, (I), 11-17. Using Test Method for Time o f Setting of Concrete Mixtures Paste by Penetration Resistance (ASTM C 403). Proctor penetration resistance was determined under isothermal curin temperatures ranging from 6 to 8oOC for concretes containing up to 50 4 of fly ash or ground-granulated blastfurnace slag. The results show that as the temperature increases, the initial and final setting times decrease for all types of concrete, with fly-ash concrete having the longest setting times. 95/01515 Slntarlng ablll of anthraclta-blndar mlxturaa used In manufacture of carbon 7I nlnga Szpineter, J. and Mikoda, M. Karbo-Energochem.-Ekol., 1995, 40, (3), 83% (In Polish) A study was made of the anthracite sintering in the presence of coal-tar pitch bmder. The mixtures are used in the manufacture of carbon lining. Slzaralatad varlatlona In coal fly ash composition Q6/01516 as datarmlnad ualng automated scanning electron mlcroacopy Katrinak, K. A. and Zygarlickc, C. J. Fuel Process. Technol., 1995, 44, l), 71-79. cscribes a new preparation method for fly ash samples which has enabled characterization of particles as small as 0.1 urn in diameter, an order of magnitude less than the lower size limit of 1 um previously used for automated SEM. The method involves freeze-drying an ash dispersion on vitreous carbons, which provides a very-low-contrast background.



@6/01517 Solubllltatlon of a brown coal In a solvent mlxtura of methanol and non-polar solvent at room tamparatura Miura, K. et al., Chem Lett., 1995, (lo), 909-910. The paper describes how brown coal, pretreated with hydrogen peroxide, was extracted by using a mixed solvent of methanol and a non-polar compound. Q6lOl516 Stability of graphlta lntarcalatlon compounds with TaCl or NbCl agalnat water or dilute acids -A study with XRD, SEMkDS an8 electron mlcroproba analyala (EMPA) Wake!, J. and Boehm. H. P. Carbon, 1995, 33, (8), 1121-1127. Graphite intercalation compounds (GICa) combine a high electrical conductivity with a low density. The strong covalent bonding within the graphene layers results in a high tensile strengh of carbon fibres. Therefore, intercalated carbon or graphite fibres would be of great interest for application In space- or aircraft. However, the high reactivity of GICs towards water or, in the case of donor compounds, atmos heric oxygen, is an obstacle to practical application. In the course of t/ie work with NbCl,- and TaC& paphites it was noticed that these compounds are also very stable under hqmd water although NbCl, and Tat& crystallize in the form of dimeric M$l, molecules. These molecules are quite volatile and should be mobile m & e intercalated galleries.


Fuel and Energy Abstracts

March 1996

W01519 Status of coal aah bahavlor raaaarch Benson, S. A. et aL, Fuel Process. Tech+, 1995, 44, (1). 1-12 ‘I%! paper discu.ssesthe conyersi?n of inorgamc components of coal to ph durg combushon and gaslficahon and problems caused by the resultmg

%I01 520 Studlaa In the davalo manta of fly ash brlcka - An approach for cleaner anvlronman P: Part 2 Dube, S. K. and Palit, A. Proc. Am Power Cot&, 1995,57, (1). 315-320. The use of super thermal power station coal ash for the man-n of bricks was examined. Ply ash and pond ash or la oon ash, were chamcterized for their chemical and physical properties. -I! c physical and engineering properties of lime-ash bricks show promise for the effective recycling of power plant ash wastes. %I01 521 Study on strength propartlaa of concrata contalnIng a larga amount of coal-ash So&, T. it al., Semento, Konkurito Ronbunshy 1995.48.370-375. (In Japanese) Because of the increase of electric power generation using pulverized coal, the amount of coal ash produced in power plants is supposed to expand. Ply ash has excellent particle shape and pozzolanic actwity and there are many reports that fly ash brings low thermal generation of cement and that it improves chemical durability when used as cement or concrete admixture. This paper explains how a high mixing ratio of coal ash-to-concrete affects concrete strength development and provides fundamental data on concrete containing a large amount of coal ash. 96lOl522 Surface energy and machanlcal propartlaa of plasma-modified carbon flbara Dilsiz, N. et aL, Carbon, 1995, 33, (6), 853-858. The surfaces of carbon fibres were treated by allylcyanidc and xvlene/air/areon olasma oolvmers. The surfaces of untreated and treated fcbres we& %a&cd bi s&ming electron microscopy. Electron micrographs of the surface of the carbon fibres showed that the surface striations and surface roughneu were changed increasingly on the fibre surface after plasma treatment. Surface energy determinations of the fibns were carried out from advancing wntact angle measurements. together with tensile testing of the single f&es. A qualytative agreement bet&n an increase in the strength of the plasma-coated fibres and an increase in the surface energy of the fibres was observed. S~$he~la 96/01523 Dlala-Alder qulnodlmathana

a$d chamlcal tranaf~;W~~m~;;a [5O]fullarana


Science & Technology,


et al., Fullerene

1996,4, (1). 101-113.

95101524 Synthaala and hyalco-chamlcal charactarlatlca of tha zaolltaa from warts ant Rracita briquette ash and fly ash Mon, Y. T. and Kim, T. S. Han’guk T’oyang Piryo Hakhoechi, 1995,28, (l), 11-21. (In Korean) The preparation of synthetic zeolite from residential waste incineration anthracite briquette and fly ash was examined and the products were characterized. 96lOl525 Synthesis of radlolabalad fullaranaa Co and C, V$14~ S. R. and Chin, E. Fullerene Science & Technology, 1996,4, (1). - . The synthesis of radiolabeled CJC,,, for potential biochemical tracer studies was carried out. Vaporization under plasma arc conditions of graphite rods impregnated with the “C labelled steroid progesterone generates the expected C&,,, mixture. Isolation and characterization of the “C-C, is reported. Interestingly, the C,,, had more radioactivity than the C, Thermal polycondanaatlon of tara extracted from 95lOl526 low-tamparatura carbon black Aldashev. R. A. et al, Nefiekhimiya, 1995, 35, (l), 62-66. (In Russian) Describes the use of tars from low-temperature carbon black in the production of mesophase pitch. The groups composition and kinetics of formation of a fraction- are also discussed. 96101527 Thermal propartlaa of polymar mortar USlng racyclad PET and fly ash Rebeiz, K. S. et al., J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 1995, 7, (2). 129-133. Describes how recycled polyethylene terephthalate, mainly recovered from used plastic beverage bottles, was modified to produce unsaturated polyester resin, which was then mm polymer mortar (PM) for construction applications. amount of fly ash on the glass transition temperature degradation temperature, tensile peak strength, and tensile modulus of the PM was investigated.