100th Anniversary Issue of Thermocimica ACTA

100th Anniversary Issue of Thermocimica ACTA

Thermochimicu Acta, 100 (1986) VII Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam VII - Printed in The Netherlands Preface 100th ANNIVERSARY ISSUE OF...

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Thermochimicu Acta, 100 (1986) VII Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

VII - Printed

in The Netherlands

Preface 100th ANNIVERSARY



This issue of Thermochimica Acta has been in the planning stages for the past two years. As is the custom with the Elsevier Publishing Company, a special issue is published when this milestone is achieved by the Journal. To celebrate this event, I asked each member of the Editorial Board to recommend the names of four or five prominent workers in the fields of thermal analysis, calorimet~, thermoche~stry, thermodynamics, and other thermal related areas, who could write about personal experiences in their respective fields. I then narrowed the list of names to a smaller group and invited them to prepare a manuscript that would relate the author’s personal contributions to the field’s development, the people they had known, and other personal experiences. From the enclosed articles, it is seen that the authors pursued this task with great vigor and clarity. Each paper contains a unique collection of experiences presented by the author. The personal insights in each manuscript should be of interest to all readers of Thermochimica Acta. The founding of Thermochimica Acta was described by this author in 1981 *. Issue Number 1 of Volume 1, published in April, 1970, contained 110 pages. The current Journal publishes two issues per month. In 1981, only 2500 manuscripts had been processed into published articles; in 1985, the total had reached 4500 manuscripts. Thermochimica Acta is truly an international journal in that manuscripts have been received from almost every country of the scientific world. The Editor maintains a computerized file of all of the authors who have submitted a manuscript to the Journal during the past 4-5 years. It is a unique collection of all of the present workers in thermal analysis and calorimetry. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Marc Atkins, Dr. A.B. Dempster, and Miss Dawn Thomas of the Elsevier Publishing Company, for making this special issue possible. W.W. WENDLANDT Editor-in-Chief ( Houston, Texas)

* W.W. Wendlandt,


Acta, 50 (1981) 1.