05617 Study on the mechanism for removing PAHs from coal tar processing wastewater by coagulation

05617 Study on the mechanism for removing PAHs from coal tar processing wastewater by coagulation

75 Environment (pollution, health protection, safety) Recent deposltlon of %r and “‘01 observed In Igarashi, Y. et al., J. Environ. Radioacti...

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(pollution, health protection, safety)



of %r

and “‘01



Igarashi, Y. et al., J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1996, 31, (2), 157-169. Recent observations of WSr and 13’Cs deposition at the Meteorolog$aI Research Institute, Tsukuba, are presented. The annual deposition of Sr and 13’Cs in the 1990s was around 0.15 and 0.3 Bq rn., respectively. Although a spring eak was found in the deposition, it is difficult lo explain this seasona P pattern only by the stratospheric fallout. The annual deposition trend of I3 Cs was found IO be well fitted by the stratospheric constant and an additional constant term. The variation in the ratios of the radioactivity and corresponding stable elements did not show the maxima in the deposition peak months in Spring. Reduction of nltrlc oxlde by ectlvated carbons as 96105595 both support and reducing agent Gao, Z. et al., Cuihua Xuebao, 1996, 17, (2), 117-122. (In Chinese) The paper describes how activated carbons from coconut shell, hawthorn nut, mountain peach nut and coal were used in the reduction of NO as both support and reducing agents. Reduction of sulfur dloxlde to sulfur 96105596 Reimert, R. et al., (Assigned lo) Metallgesellschafi AG, EUR. Pat. EP.694022, Jan. 1996. Reduction of sulfur emlsslons - The economic 96105597 equatlon Harrison, J. S. Id. Chem. Enn. Swp. Ser., 1995, (138), 5-13. The paper discusses the economycs bf ihe choices thai ha;e 10 be made in dealing with problems arising from the emission of sulphur dioxide, the costs and benefits associated with the emissions and the cost effectiveness of emission reduction methods. Reduction of the envlronmental pollution resulting 96105596 from coking Industry Szeja, W. et al., Karbo-Energochem.-Ekol., 1995, 40, (lo), 255-257. Describes the analytical methods for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emissions in the vicinity of coking plants and optimization of coking process aimed to reduce environmental pollution. Removal of sulfur from flue gases at thermal power 96105599 plant5 Nolan, P. S. Energetik, 1995, (7). 13-16. (In Russian) The paper discusses the removal of SOI from coal-fired boilers by sorbent injection. Response to global warmlng: Strategles of the 96105600 Dutch electrlclty generatlng board Stibbe, W. A. ef al., Energy & Environment, 1996, 7, (2), 209-222. The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has risen substantially during the last 200 years. It is believed that this rise is mainly caused by the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, and it may eventually result in global warming. In response lo thise issue, a number of nations have signed the Framework Convention on Climate Change which stipulates that greenhouse gas emissions have to be stabilized at the 1990 level by the year 2000. Describes how the government of the Netherlands went a step beyond this agreement and committed itself to achieving stabilization of CO, emissions at 1989 levels by the year 1994195 with a further 3-5% reduction by the year 2000.

96105605 Safety and envlronmental requirements of new refrigerants Butler, D. J. BRE Informarion Paper No.16195, 1995, 7 pp. The paper provides information and guidance on the safety and environmental requirements that are associated with the use of new refrigerants lo replace CFCs and HCFCs in building air conditioning systems. Points out lo designers, owners and operators the requirements of the revised British Standard on refrigeration safety, BS 4434, 1995. Safety condltlons In coal handllng In hlgh-pressure 96105606 processes Garcia, T. et al., Energia (Madrid), 1995, 21, (4), 75-81. (In Spanish) Discusses the methods of preventing explosions and fires in coal and coal dust handling. Savlng the Earth on a shoestrlng 96105607 Button, G. Elect. Rev., Jan. 1996, 22, (l), 34-36. Discusses the efforts of the Energy Saving Trust 10 reduce emissions CO2 chiefly by encouraging domestic consumers to save energy.



Screening models for releases of radlonuclldes to atmosphere, surface water, and ground-work sheets NCRP Report No.123 II, National Council on Radiation Prelection & Measurements, Bethesda, MD., USA, 1995, 205 pp. Sea Empress salvage saga 96105609 Jackson, K. Petroleum Review, Mar. 1996, 50, (590), 120-121. A report on the oil spill in the port of .Milford Haven, Wales, when the tanker Sea Empress ran aground on rocks off St Ann’s Head. More than half of the vessel’s 132,000 tonne cargo of light Forties crude was lost during the week-long salvage struggle in often gale force conditions. Self-commitments as an effective Instrument for a 96105610 world-wlde climate protectlon Strassburg, W. and Heck, V. Energy & Environment, 1996, 7, (2), 169-178. Discusses how energy is a crucial feedstock for the welfare of the world’s people. In recent decades, energy has become a major world-wide interest, both because of the imernalionalization of irs resource distribution and the global commonality of its potential environmental effects, particularly the chance of climate changes from the emissions of greenhouse gases from the use of fossil fuels. .More and more it is becoming clear that it may not be the availabilily of natural resources which is the limiting overall factor, but our environment’s capacity 10 bear and absorb mankind’s activities. SF6 the warmlng signs 96105611 Dawn, T. Elec. Rev., Jan. 1996, 229, (2), 32-34. Discusses the influence of sulphur hexafluoride, which accumulates atmosphere by 7-9% per annum, on global warming.

in the

of atmospheric polycycllc Source apportlonment aromatlc hydrocarbons collected from an urban locatlon In Blrmlngham, UK Harrison, R. M. et al., Environ. Sci. Technol., 1996, 30, (3), 825-832. Seasonal sampling campaigns were undertaken at an urban location in Birmingham, UK, in which high-volume samples were used 10 collect particulate-and vapour-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by means of filter papers and polyurethane foam plugs.


Results from an lnternatlonal lntercallbratlon study 96/05601 on PCDDs and PCDFs In a fly ash extract Van Bavel, B. et al., Chemosphere, 1996, 32, (l), 45-53. Three fly ash extracts, of which two were fortified with different PCDF and PCDF congeners, were analyzed by eight different laboratories. The results show relatively good precision, RSD for levels reported as TEQs are below 25%. Problems with the analysis of 1,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlordibenzofuran was observed.

96105613 Spontaneously lgnlted fires In coal mlnlng Hermuelheim, W. and Uhlenbrock, R. Glueckauf; 1995, 131, (ll), 565-570. (In German) Reviews Ihe evaluation of fire statistics, preventive measures, operational experiences, ventilation efficiency, risk of CH, ignition, etc.

A revlew of dloxln emlsslons In the UK 96105602 HMIP, Business Strategy Div., Roonr P3/014, 2 Marsharn St., London SWlP 3EB. Free.

96105614 Study of adsorptlon of sulfur dloxlde on coal actlvated carbons. (I) Fushun Skiyou Xueyuan Xuebao, 1995, 15, (3), 23-26. (In Luan, G. Chinese) Discusses the adsorption of SO, on coal-derived carbon activated by I, and Ihe method of regenerating carbon.

A revlew of passlve systems for the treatment of 96105603 acid mlne dralnage Gazea, B. et al., Miner. Eng., 1996, 9, (l), 23-42. Discusses the current state of development of passive mine water treatment technologies, biological process, neutralization, treatment of waters from coal and sulphide metal mines. 96105604 Pham, L. P. Discusses the gen flow and


Safe ventllatlon and exploslon control of hydrogen Hear. Pip. Air Cotrdit., Feb. 1996, 68, (2), 95-96. design and installation of a venting system lo con(rol hydroprevent explosion conditions.

Fuel and Energy




96/05615 Study of alrborne radloactlvlty near to the hlgh water mark at Drlgg Polnt Branford, D. and A’elis, P. M. J. Environ. Radioactivity, 1996, 31, (3), 237-251. Measurements are reported on radionuclides collected at Drigg Point using muslin screen aerosol colleclors arranged along two transects leading inland from the high water mark for approximately 300 m. The results of seven long-term exposures, taken over periods of 1.0-8.2 weeks, and three short-term exposures, taken over 1.5-2.2 h at different states of the tide, are presented.