02013 CO2 gasification of eucalyptus wood chars









the increasing catalytic effect of the metallic constituents (mainly Na and K) of the inorganic matter present in the chars. Activation energies in the range 230-261 kJ mol-’ are obtained.


97102014 Criteria for selection of dolomites and catalysts for tar elimination from biomass gasification gas; kinetic constants Corella, J ef ~1. VTT Symp., 1996. 163, 177-183.


97102008 conversion





Bio-01 Prod. Uril., Proc. EU-CUH. Workshop Therm. Biomass 19%. (Pub. 1996). l-4. Edited by Bridgwater, A. V. and Hogan, E. N., CPL Press, Newbury, UK. The paper details a sub-program which involves R&D support for processes that converts biomass materials to renewable liquid fuels and gases which can he converted to process heat and/or electricity or value added chemicals. Research focusses on the processes, upgrading and utilization issues that will result in an optimal system for energy production A further focus of the work is on the production of value added chemicals from the products of thermochemical conversion processes. The fractionation, isolation, upgrading and application issues related to this are also addressed. Hogan,


Hot catalytic raw gas cleaning was carried out downstream of hiomasa gasifiers with calcined dolomites and commercial steam reforming catalysts. To compare these solids under rigorous conditions, a reaction mechanism and a kinetic model are presented. The apparent kinetic constant for the tar reduction is proposed as a basis of comparison. Tar sampling and analysis. and the units used for the space-time in the catalytic reactor affect the observed kinetic constants.

Prows.~., 2nd.





Kucuk, M. M. and Demirbas. A. Emqy Cower.~. Manqe., 1997, (Pub. 1906). 38. (2). l51-165. Three different hiomass conversion processes (thermochemical, chemical. and biochemical) are the subject of this review. The important parameters for thermochemical processes are temperature, pressure, reaction time, and added reactants or catalysts. For chemical processes the important parameters are acid concentration. pre-hydrolysis. temperature, reaction time, and type and moisture of the material. For biochemical processes the parameters are reaction temperature. pH, moisture. and reaction time.




VTT Symp., 1996, 164, (Power Production from Salo, K. and Keranen, H. Biomass II with Special Emphasis on Gasification and Pyrolysis R&DD), 23-3’). A modern power plant concept based on pressurized fluidized-bed gasification and gas turbine combined cycle (IGCC) is being developed by Enviropower Inc.. The process is capable of maximizing the electricity production with a variety of solid fuels (different biomass and coal types), mixed or separate. The development and demonstration efforts are highlighted. The paper discusses the feasibility of a pressurized gasification-hased process compared to competing technologies in different applications. The potential of power production from hiomass is also described. 97/02011 Biomass processing for decreasing content emission-causing and combustion-disturbing components biogenic fuels

of of

Scheffer, K. Ger. Offen. DE 19.51Y.213 (Cl. ClOL9100) 2X Nov !996, Appl. 19519.213, 24 May 1995; 2 pp. (In German) Biogenic fuel is manufactured from biomass obtained from by-products and wastes of food and feed manufacture. To decrease the amount of emissioncausing components (e.g. NZ, S, Cl, Na, K), the fuel is exposed to an acid fermentation, and the harmful components are dissolved and then separated hy mechanical dewatering.


Boiler conversions

for biomass

Kinni. J. VTT Symp, 1996, 164, ( Power Production from Biomass II with Special Emphasis on Gasification and Pyrolysis R&DD). 149-158. Grate-and oil-fired boilers have been converted to bubbling fluidized-bed combustion. These conversions have heen most common in the pulp and paper industry. The driving forces behind the conversion are water treatment sludge combustion, need for additional capacity and tightened emission limits. To accomplish a boiler conversion to hiofuel firing, the lower part of the boiler is replaced with a fluidized bed bottom, and new fuel, ash and air systems are added. The lmatran Voima Rauhalahti pulverized-peat-fired hoiler was converted to bubbling fluidized-bed firing in 1993. In the conversion the boiler capacity was increased IO% to 295 MW. and NO, emissions were decreased. In the Kymmene Kuusankoski boiler, the reason for conversion was the combustion of high-chlorine biosludge. Emissions have heen under general European limits.


CO2 gasification

of eucalyptus

wood chars

Tancredi, N. ef al. Fuel, 1996, 75, (13), 1505-1508. The gasification of chars obtained from Eucfllyptus grcrrtdis sawdust with CO2 at different carbonization temperatures in isothermal and nonisothermal t.g. experiments was carried out. As gasification proceeds the reactivity at low and intermediate conversion values can be reasonably well explained in terms of the development of surface area. At high conversion values a steep increase in reactivity is observed which can be attributed to

97102015 Development of a new generation of small scale biomass-fueled electric generating power plants U.S. Environ. Prof. Agerlcy, Res. Dw., /Rep,/ Craig, .I. D. and Purvis, C. R. EPA, 1996, (EPA-600/R-96-072, Proceedings: The 1995 Symposium on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Mitigation Research). 417-4116. Small scale (1 to 20 MEW per unit) biomass-fueled power plants require great improvement for a large world-wide market. These power plants will significantly increase the efficiency of generating electrical power from wood and bagasse. In addition, they will convert non-traditional fuel sources such as rice hulls, animal manure, cotton gin trash, straws, and grasses to electricity. Advancing the technology of biomass-fueled power plants will greatly expand the use of this environmentally friendly sustainable 24 h-per-day source of electrical power for industry and communities world-wide. This paper briefly dcscrihes the status of a biomass-fueled power plant under development by Cratech, Inc. It comprises a gasifier integrated with a gas turbine generator and includes a bulk biomass feed system and pressurization vessel.

97102016 gasification


of catalytic

gas cleaning

in biomass

VTT Symp. 1996, 164 (Power Production from Biomass II Simell, P. et al. with Special Emphasis on Gasification and Pyrolysis R&DD), 133-140. Gasification gas containing dust can he efficiently purified of tars and ammonia with a nickel monolith catalyst. Temperatures >OOO”C and a residence time of about I s (2500 L/h) were needed at 5 bar pressure to achieve complete tar decomposition and 8Ov< ammnnia conversion. 97102017 Effectiveness factors for a commercial steam reforming (Ni) catalyst and for a calcined dolomite used downstream biomass gasifiers ITT Symp., 1996, 163, 185.-190 Corella, J. et al. Gl-25 S (from BASF), a commercial steam reforming catalyst, and a calcined dolomite, Norte-1 (from Cantabria. Spain), were used, after crushing and sieving to different particle fractions between I .O and 4.0 mm. The materials were tested downstream of small pilot biomass huhbling fluidized bed gasifiers, gasifying with air and with steam. The experimental results show that diffusion control plays an important part when particle size is
97102018 Energy analysis of biomass production transportation Boerjesson, P. I. I. Biomass Bioerwra, 1996, I I, (4). 305-31X.


The author analyses the energy efficiency in the production and transportation of different kinds of biomass in Sweden: the change in energy efficiency in a transition from fossil fuel-based to biomass-based systems was also evaluated. It is estimated that future increases in yield and technological development will almost double net energy yields for dedicated energy crops within the next two decades. A transition from a fossil fuel-based energy sytem to a CO?-neutral biomass hased system around the year 2015 is estimated to increase the energy input in biomass production and transportation by about 30-45cil. resulting in a decreased net energy output of -4?&.

97102019 fermentation

Energy recovery with fuel cell

by combining



Buettoner, B. and Foellmer, T. Ger. Offen. DE 19,SlS,hh9 (Cl. HOIMXI Ofi), 31 Ott 1996, Appl. 19,5 15,669. 28 Apr. 1995; 4 pp. (In German) In the preparation of fuel of required qualification for subsequent internal or external reforming and use in the fuel cell. the liquid or gaseous fuel from a unit for fermenting various wastes is led to a conditioning unit. The heat evolved in the fuel cell is then used for the fermentation and for the preheating of the reforming fuel.

97102020 A financial analysis of using sawmill cogeneration in Northern Ontario Beke, N. EI al. Energy &dies Review. 1996, 8, (1). 16-26.



An investigation into the financial viability of steam and electricity production from forest biomass. A small-scale cogeneration facility in Geraldton, a small municipality in Northern Ontario was used. The study considered two sources of biomass fuel; sawmill residues and chipped hiomass. The results of the two fuels are compared.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts

May 1997