05078 The environmental status of coal ash produced in Israel

05078 The environmental status of coal ash produced in Israel

15 Environment (pollution, health protection, safety) recognized as crucial to efficient and economic coal utilization in advanced IGCC processes...

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(pollution, health protection,


recognized as crucial to efficient and economic coal utilization in advanced IGCC processes. The development of regenerahle sorhent materials which can efficiently rescue H$i from several thousand ppmv levels down to a few ppmv over many cycles of sulfidationi regeneration, is important for implementation of hot coal gas desulfurization. Structural stability and good mechanical strength are additional features required of the sorhents. Zinc-based sorhents are currently the leading candidate sorhents, but have been shown to suffer form zinc volatilization at elevated temperatures. This leads to sorbent deterioration, increasing sorbent replacement costs, and the overall cost of hot gas clean-up. Therefore. further improvement is needed to minimize the overall cost of desulfurization in the IGCC process. Recent studies have indicated that system components become prohibitively expensive with increasing operating temperature and that the overall process efficiency gains ot conducting desulfurization at ahove 550°C may not he sufficient to justify operation at such high temperatures. The optimum desulfurization temperature appears to he in the range of 3SO55O’C. where a large number of metal oxides can he considered for coal gas desulfurization, increasing the likelihood of developing suitable sorhents. This paper discusses the results obtained in an ongoing investigation geared towards developing advanced mixed-metal oxide sorbents for desulfurization of coal-derived fuel gases in the temperature range of 350 to SSO’C. The paper focuses on the study related to the development of durable sorhents and addresses thermodynamic considerations sulfidation kinetics, regenerahility, and long term durability of a number of novel sorbents.

97lO5075 The effects of coal mining on sedimentation fish assemblages in the Powell River, Virginia Temple. A. J. 386 pp. Avail. UMI. Irrt. B, 1997. 58, (3). 1078.

Order No. D726309.


From I1i.s.s.Ahrr,-.

97105076 Engineering design for the injection of alkaline CCBs into a coal mine to abate AMD. The Western Maryland CCBlAMD initiative, Part Ill of III Hafalko, L. 0. Proc. Amu. Int. Pitrshwgh Coul Conf., 1996, 13. (2), ll14Y1054. This paper describes a laboratory study of alkyl CCBs (coal combustion hyproducts), consisting of grouts containing flue gas deaulfurization (FGD) by-products, fly ash, fluidized-bed combustion (FBC) by-products. and (or) lime for use in abating acid mine drainage (AMD) by wet injection into abandoned coal mines, and also discusses the engineering design of the process. A grout mix containing fly ash 38, FGD by-product 32, and FBC material 30%. with the addition of 38% water was selected as the optimal formulation.

97105077 study Hatan,



of effluents-a


Solid Liquid Srpuwre Mlrrer. ,A&rtr//. /m/., SC/. Edited by Bhima Rae. H. and Ansari. M. of Mineral Engineers, Bhuhaneswar Chapter, Bhuba-

S. and Kumar,


Pap. Nat/. Semrn., 1996, 212-218. Developments in the reclamation of former inclus97105072 trial and contaminated sites exemplified by the ‘Konz-Zentral’ model project sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMBF) and the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) Juckenack, C. C. 2. Geol. W;S.P.,1996, 24, (5/h). 777-789. (In German) A report on the planning and financing problems for the redevelopment of the former industrial area in the city centre of Konz (SW Germany). The ground was contaminated by tar and mineral oil from industrial activity and war damage; a machine factory and a gas-generator station formerly stood on the site. The groundwater, only a few meters below the surface, has also been polluted. The project started in 1991, and after several years of planning. a concept was finalized in early 1995. Ground decontamination commenced in October 1995 and will close at the end of 1996. although groundwater clearance will continue for several years. The soils contaminated with both tar and oil are transported to Leipzig and incinerated. The decontaminated soil is then reused in Leipzig. Soils contaminated with oil alone are treated at the site. using a mobile desorption unit.

Dominating chemical factors in mine water-induced 97105073 impoverishment of the invertebrate fauna of two streams in the Durham coalfield, UK Jarvis, A. P. and Younger, P. L. Chemicul Ed.. 1997, 13, (4), 249-270. In order to identify the major chemical factors affecting the welfare of henthic invertebrates, two streams receiving mine water discharges in the Durham coalfield in northern England were studied. One of the discharges was strongly acidic (pH 3.9), and the 2nd was marginally acidic (pH 5.3). Simultaneous analyses of hydrochemical and invertebrate diversity and abundance demonstrate serious fauna1 impoverishment downstream of mine water discharges. Pathway analysis was applied to ascertain statistically the dominating chemical factors in this fauna1 impoverishment. In both cases, total acidity (acidity to pH 8.3 = 612 mgil as CaCO?; pH 3.9) and Fe concentration (< I12.S mgil) accounted for nearly all of the fauna1 impoverishment. Other metals, sulfate, and pH (in isolation from mineral acidity) were of lesser importance. Persistence of the detrimental effects of high acidity downstream of the discharges was ascribed to a slow recovery of the carbonate buffering system. These findings assisted in the implementation of long-term management and remediation strategies for mine water pollution.

Effect of sludge dewatering 97/05074 press capacity and performance Bullard,

C. M. and Barber,

J. B.



on belt filter

‘96, Amnc. Conf. Expo.,

69fh, 1996, 2, 151-158. An industrial wastewater treatment plant is in operation at the Eastman Chemical Company manufacturing site in Kingsport, Tennessee. A threestage activated sludge process is used to treat the site’s process wastewater. A test method developed at the treatment facility has been used for the past two years to characterize the activated sludge’s inherent dewatering potential. The sludge’s inherent dewatering potential is compared to observed belt press cake solids concentrations, belt filter press production capacity and conditioning chemical requirements. Observed dewatered cake solids concentrations and belt filter press production capacity are shown to vary as a linear function of sludge dewatering potential. Conditioning chemical requirements are shown to vary as a non-linear function of sludge dewatering potential. Dewatered cake solids concentrations can he enhanced, belt press production capacity increased, and conditioning chemical costs reduced hy increasing sludge dewatering potential through control of the activated sludge process. Additionally, the results indicate that performance based specifications for belt filter presses based on cake solids concentration, throughput capacity and conditioning chemical usage should be indexed to the sludge’s dewatering potential.


Fuel and Energy Abstracts



I., Indian Institute neswar India. When coal is crushed in a coal handling plant (CHP), large quantities of suspended particulate matter (SPM) are produced. Since water spraying is used to control SPM. effluent discharged from CHP contains \uhstantial suspended solids concentrations Studies conducted at various open-cast coal mining projects showed the suspended solids concentrations in CHP effluents, even after sedimentation treatment, exceed permis\ihlr limits. The discharge of such effluents into surface water has detrimcntnl effects on water quality in the area. The urgency for research and development work to develop effective control measures or to modify existing technology adopted at various open-cast mining projects is discussed here, and the possibility of protecting surface water quality in the study area is considered.

97105078 Israel

The environmental

status of coal ash produced


Metzger, L. A. f’roc. Aunrc. Inr. PitNmrgh Cod Cmf,. I YYh. 13, ( I ), 74Y754. Sixty-five percent of the 6.1 million tons of coal ash produced by Israel power stations during the 1982-1995 period were utilized for cement production, while 18% served to construct embankments around the Hadera coastal power station, and the remaining 17% were disposed to the sea, according to permits issued hy the governmental authorities. The coal imported to Israel is typically low-sulfur, heneficiated bituminous coal, and ash produced from it is alkyl and characterized by low concentrations of trace elements. According to the results of leaching tests, the potential release of trace elements from the ash is low: thus. there is only a minor risk of contaminating groundwater under disposal or utilization sites. The annual ash production increases and is planned to reach one million tons in the year 2000, hut the absence of regulations fixing the environmental status of coal ash continue to prevent the promotion of ash employment for new applications, e.g. as a road base material or for shore extraction projects.

97/05079 Epidemiological survey and etiological study of occupational lung cancer in coking industry and anti-cancer drugs Wang, Y. et al. Shanxi Yiyao Zazhi, 1997, 26, (2). 126-130. (In Chinese) The article details work from an epidemiological survey on lung cancer was conducted in 1117 coking plant workers and 3.50 gas plant workers of Taiyuan Iron & Steel Co., China, and 490,000 residents in the local coking workshops sites. The mortality rate of lung cancer in the surveyed sample was substantially higher than average. The emission of large amounts of oncogenic polycyclic hydrocarbons causing environmental pollution, the old installation and primitive coking method, and the lack of personal protection were the reasons for such high lung cancer mortality. A preventive measure with selenium and sand pear mixture was tested in experimental animal models, displaying promising results.

97105080 Estimate natural gas industry







Kirchgessner, D. A. et al. Chemo~/>here, 1997, 35. (h), 1365-13YO. Methane emissions from the US gas industry have historically been based on sparse data, incorrect assumptions, or both. As a result, the estimate of the contribution these emissions make to the global methane inventory could be inaccurate. For this reason it is hard to defend the assertion that global warming could be reduced by replacing coal and oil fuels with natural gas. A recent study conducted by the US Environmental Protection Ageney’s Office of Research and Development and the Gas Research Institute had the objective of determining methane emissions from the US gas industry with an accuracy of *OS% of production The study concluded that, in the 1992 base year, methane emissions from the industry were 314 2 105 Bscf or 6.04 2 2.01 Tg.