A note on a bivariate gamma distribution

A note on a bivariate gamma distribution

Statistics and Probability Letters 80 (2010) 1991–1994 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Statistics and Probability Letters journal homepage...

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Statistics and Probability Letters 80 (2010) 1991–1994

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A note on a bivariate gamma distribution Makoto Maejima ∗ , Yohei Ueda Department of Mathematics, Keio University, 3-14-1, Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan




Article history: Received 20 June 2010 Received in revised form 4 September 2010 Accepted 7 September 2010 Available online 21 September 2010

Vere-Jones (1967) introduced a bivariate generalization of gamma distributions and proved its infinite divisibility. Maejima and Ueda (2010) and others studied α selfdecomposability, which is a generalization of selfdecomposability. In this paper, the (−2)-selfdecomposability of bivariate gamma distributions is shown. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

MSC: 60E07 Keywords: Infinitely divisible distribution Bivariate gamma distribution α -selfdecomposable distribution

1. Introduction and preliminaries According to Vere-Jones (1967), one multivariate generalization of gamma distributions is the joint distribution of (X12 , X22 , . . . , Xd2 ), where (X1 , X2 , . . . , Xd ) is a d-dimensional Gaussian random variable whose components Xj , j = 1, 2, . . . , d, are one-dimensional standard normal random variables. Vere-Jones (1967) proved that when d = 2, W := (X12 , X22 ) is infinitely divisible. He actually gave the Lévy measure of W . Let σ be the correlation coefficient of X1 and X2 . He treated the problem in terms of moment generating functions, but if we read it in terms of characteristic functions, his result is turned out to be the following. Let Sn := (W1 + W2 + · · · + Wn )/2, where W1 , W2 , . . . , Wn are independent copies of W . (1) By (4) of Vere-Jones (1967), the density function f (x1 , x2 ) of S4 is expressed as

 

f (x1 , x2 ) = f (x1 )f (x2 ) exp{−σ 2 (x1 + x2 )/(1 − σ 2 )}(1 − σ 2 )−1 (σ 2 x1 x2 )−1/2 I1 2 σ 2 x1 x2 (1 − σ 2 )−1 ,


for x1 > 0 and x2 > 0, where f (x) = xe−x , x > 0. Here and in what follows, Iν ’s are modified Bessel functions. (For modified Bessel functions, see, e.g., 8.4–8.5 of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2007).) (2) For z ∈ R2 , C (z ) := log E ei⟨z ,S2 ⟩ =

∫ 0

 M (dx1 dx2 )

ei⟨z ,(x1 ,x2 )⟩ − 1


x21 + x22



 2 2 2 −1 σ (x1 + x2 )(x1 x2 ) f (x1 , x2 )dx1 dx2 =: g (x1 , x2 )dx1 dx2 , −x1 /(1−σ 2 ) M (dx1 dx2 ) = x1 e dx1 δ0 (dx2 ),  −x2 /(1−σ 2 ) δ0 (dx1 )x2 e dx2 , ∗

for x1 > 0, x2 > 0, for x1 > 0, x2 = 0, for x1 = 0, x2 > 0.

Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Maejima), [email protected] (Y. Ueda).

0167-7152/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.spl.2010.09.004



M. Maejima, Y. Ueda / Statistics and Probability Letters 80 (2010) 1991–1994

(See p. 422 of Vere-Jones (1967).) We divide the integral into three parts: C (z ) =










where D1 = {(x1 , x2 ): x1 > 0, x2 > 0}, D2 = {(x1 , x2 ): x1 > 0, x2 = 0}, D3 = {(x1 , x2 ): x1 = 0, x2 > 0}.

For the integral

 D1


, let us change variables as (x1 , x2 ) = (r cos θ , r sin θ ). Write ξ = (cos θ , sin θ ) on the unit circle S in

R . Then we have π/2

∫∫ =

λ(dξ )


 1

ei⟨z ,(r cos θ,r sin θ)⟩ − 1




 g (r ξ )

e i ⟨z , r ξ ⟩ − 1





g (r cos θ , r sin θ )rdr

dr ,



λ(B) =

∫ {θ∈(0,π/2):(cos θ,sin θ)∈B}

dθ ,

B ∈ B (S).

2. Non-selfdecomposability of W unless X1 and X2 are independent In general, we know the following, (see, e.g., Theorem 15.10 of Sato (1999)). Let µ be an infinitely divisible distribution on Rd with Lévy measure ν . Then, µ is selfdecomposable if and only if

ν(B) =

λ(dξ )

1B (r ξ ) 0


kξ (r ) r

dr ,

with a finite measure λ on the unit sphere S in Rd and a nonnegative function kξ (r ) measurable in ξ ∈ S and decreasing in r > 0. Thus, for checking the selfdecomposability, it is enough to check the behavior of kξ (r ) as a function of r > 0 for each ξ . Let  µ(z ), z ∈ Rd , be the characteristic function of an infinitely divisible distribution µ. For t ≥ 0, we write µt for the distribution with characteristic function  µ(z )t and call µt the t-fold convolution of µ. Then, note that selfdecomposability is closed under multiplying selfdecomposable random variables by constants and under t-fold convolution for t > 0. Hence the selfdecomposability of W is equivalent to that of S2 . By (1.3), if ξ ̸= (1, 0) or (0, 1), equivalently if 0 < θ < π /2, then kξ (r ) = g (r ξ ), which is not nonincreasing in r > 0 unless σ = 0. Thus, if σ ̸= 0, then W is not selfdecomposable. If σ = 0, namely if the components of W are independent, then by (1.2), kξ (r ) is nonincreasing, and hence W is selfdecomposable. 3. Which class does the distribution of W belong to? In Maejima et al. (2010) and Maejima and Ueda (2010), they defined wider classes than the class of selfdecomposable distributions as follows. Let α ∈ R. An infinitely divisible distribution µ on Rd is said to be α -selfdecomposable, if any b > 1, there exists another infinitely divisible distribution ρb on Rd satisfying α

 µ(z ) =  µ(b−1 z )b  ρb (z ), z ∈ Rd . (3.1) Denote the totality of α -selfdecomposable distributions on Rd by L⟨α⟩ (Rd ). Then by the definition, L⟨0⟩ (Rd ) is the class of selfdecomposable distributions on Rd and L⟨−1⟩ (Rd ) is the so-called Jurek class of s-selfdecomposable distributions on Rd . Jurek (1988, 1989, 1992) and Jurek and Schreiber (1992) studied the classes Uβ (Q ), β ∈ R, of distributions on a real separable Banach space E, where Q is a linear operator on E with certain properties. These classes are equal to L⟨α⟩ (Rd ) if β = −α, E = Rd and Q is the identity operator. As to these classes, they studied the decomposability and stochastic integral characterizations, although some results are only for the case that Q is the identity operator. However, since, for 0 < α < 2, L⟨α⟩ (Rd ) contains all α -stable distributions and any µ ∈ L⟨α⟩ (Rd ) belongs to the normal domain of attraction of some α -stable distribution, we adopt the parametrization in (3.1). By the observations in Sections 1 and 2, the distribution of W is not only non-selfdecomposable but also not in a bigger class, the Jurek class. However, the following proposition holds. Note that, by (3.1), α -selfdecomposability is closed under multiplying α -selfdecomposable random variables by constants and under t-fold convolution for t > 0. Hence the α selfdecomposability of W is equivalent to that of S2 . In what follows, L(W ) denotes the law of W . Proposition 3.1. Let σ ̸= 0. Then

L(W )

∈ L⟨α⟩ (R2 ) ̸∈ L⟨α⟩ (R2 )

for all α ≤ −2, for all α > −2.

M. Maejima, Y. Ueda / Statistics and Probability Letters 80 (2010) 1991–1994


Proof. In Maejima et al. (2010), it was shown that when α < 0, µ ∈ L⟨α⟩ (Rd ) if and only if the Lévy measure ν of µ has the form

ν(B) =

λ(dξ )

1B (r ξ )r −α−1 ℓξ (r )dr ,



where λ is a measure on S and ℓξ (r ) is a nonnegative function measurable in ξ ∈ S and nonincreasing and right-continuous in r > 0. From the fact observed in Section 2, kξ (r )

fξ (r ) :=


g (r ξ )



|σ | 2 −1 (cos θ sin θ )−1/2 e−r (1−σ ) (cos θ +sin θ ) I1 = 2 1−σ

2(σ 2 cos θ sin θ )1/2 1 − σ2

 r


where ξ = (cos θ , sin θ ). Note that for all r > 0 and all θ ∈ (0, π /2), rfξ′ (r )/fξ (r ) = −

r 1 − σ2

 +

(cos θ + sin θ )

2(σ 2 cos θ sin θ )1/2 1 − σ2

  r


2(σ 2 cos θ sin θ )1/2 1 − σ2

  r


2(σ 2 cos θ sin θ )1/2 1 − σ2

 r

  r 2(σ 2 cos θ sin θ )1/2 − cos θ − sin θ 1 − σ2 2 √ √ r ≤ 1− cos θ − sin θ ≤ 1, 1 − σ2 ≤ 1+

where we have used the inequality uI1′ (u)/I1 (u) ≤ u + 1,

for all u > 0,


which will be proved later. Then rfξ′ (r ) − fξ (r ) ≤ 0, namely, r > 0 and

ν(B) =

λ(dξ )

1B (r ξ )fξ (r )dr =



λ(dξ )

∂ {r −1 fξ (r )} ∂r

≤ 0. Hence ℓξ (r ) := r −1 fξ (r ) is nonincreasing in

1B (r ξ )r −(−2)−1 ℓξ (r )dr ,



which yields L(W ) ∈ L⟨−2⟩ (R2 ). Since L⟨α1 ⟩ (Rd ) ⊃ L⟨α2 ⟩ (Rd )

for α1 < α2

(Corollary 1.1(b) of Jurek (1988) or Proposition 3.1 of Maejima and Ueda (2010)), we have L(W ) ∈ L⟨α⟩ (R2 ) for all α ≤ −2. Also take into account that r α+1 fξ (r ) =


r α+1 |σ | 1−σ

(cos θ sin θ )−1/2 e−r (1−σ 2

r α+2 σ 2

2 −1 e−r (1−σ ) (cos θ+sin θ) 2

(1 − σ 2 )

2 )−1 (cos θ+sin θ )

 I1

2(σ 2 cos θ sin θ )1/2

(cos θ sin θ )m m!(m + 1)! m=0 ∞ −

1 − σ2

σ 1 − σ2


 r

r 2m ,

where we have used the series representation of I1 given in 8.445 of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2007). If α > −2, then the right-hand side of the equation above tends to 0 as r ↓ 0. Hence r α+1 fξ (r ) with α > −2 is not nonincreasing and thus L(W ) ̸∈ L⟨α⟩ (R2 ). We finally prove (3.2). Since uI1′ (u) − I1 (u) = uI2 (u) (8.4864 of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2007)), it is enough to show I1 (u) ≥ I2 (u) for all u > 0. Also it follows from the two recurrence formulae uI1′ (u) − I1 (u) = uI2 (u) and uI2′ (u) + 2I2 (u) = uI1 (u) (8.4863 of Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2007)) that u(I1′ (u) − I2′ (u)) + (u + 2)(I1 (u) − I2 (u)) = 3I1 (u). Then

     d  2 u u e (I1 (u) − I2 (u)) = ueu u I1′ (u) − I2′ (u) + (u + 2)(I1 (u) − I2 (u)) du = 3ueu I1 (u) ≥ 0. Hence we have u2 eu (I1 (u) − I2 (u)) ≥ 0 for all u > 0, that is, I1 (u) ≥ I2 (u) for all u > 0. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank the referee for his/her useful suggestions.


M. Maejima, Y. Ueda / Statistics and Probability Letters 80 (2010) 1991–1994

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