Absorption cooling and cold storage gaining ground

Absorption cooling and cold storage gaining ground

13 . Space heating and cooling 96/03066 Role of hydrogen In blast furnaces to Improve productivity and decrease coke consumption Agarwal, J. C. et al...

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13 . Space heating and cooling

96/03066 Role of hydrogen In blast furnaces to Improve productivity and decrease coke consumption Agarwal, J. C. et al., Proc. lronmaking Conference, 1995,54, 45-49. Discusses how a higher hydrogen content in the bosh gas reduces the pressure drop so that higher productivity is possible without hanging the burden. High hydrogen contents increase indirect reduction and thereby decreasessolution loss. This decreases the thermal load in the high-temperature zones so RAFT (a surrogate variable characterizing hearth zone conditions) can be lowered substantially. 96/03067 System simulation of the full oxygen blast furnace Iron-making process Shang, Y. et al., Sel. Pap. Eng. Chern. Metall. (China), 1995, 10-15. The paper investigates the systems simulation for a new blast furnace ironmaking process with full oxygen blast. The influence of raw materials and operating parameters on energy consumption, heat balance and other indexes of the system are also estimated by using the software established for this process. 96/03068 Technology of high.rate pulverized coal Injection Into blast fumace Takamoto, Y. et al., Rev. MetalJ./Cah. Inf Tech., 1995,92, (3), 351·359. Based on the results obtained from off-line model experimentsand furnace tests, a high-rate pulverized coal injection operation was carried out at Kimitsu No.3 blast furnace of Nippon Steel Corporation. A technology to achieve a stable blast furnace operation at the PCI rate of 190 kg/t was established.

12 REFRACTORIES/CERAMICS Properties, Production, Applications 96/03069 Carbon·carbon composites made with oxldlsed PAN (Panex) fibers Dharni, T. L. et aI., Carbon, 1995,33, (11), 1517· 1524. Carbon-carbon composites rank first among ceramic composites to be used in applications where high temperatures are involved due to their inherent properties of light weight, high strength, high modulus and stability up to high temperatures. Carbon-carbon composites have been developed using Panex fibres (oxidised PAN fibres) processing varying amounts of surface groups as reinforcement and phenolic resin and coal tar pitch as matrix precursors.The flexural strength and flexural modulus of resin based composites were in the range of 11.0·30 MPa and 30.0-50 GPa. reaspectively, whereas for coal tar pitch based composites the values were 35-55 Y1Pa and 30-50 GPa, It is possible to develop carbon-carbon composites with Panex fibres having mechanical properties equivalent to those developed with commercial carbon fibres. 96/03070 Carbon-containing refractories and their manufacture Ichikawa, K. et aI., (A ssigned to} Shinagawa Refractories Co., lAP. Pat. l P.07,242,461, Sep. 1995.

96/03071 Ceramic foam burner soon to appear on the market Schaap, P. Gas (Netherland s), Mar. 1996, 116, (3), 32-34. (In Flemish) ECN has developed a ceramic foam burner for use in condensing boilers. Under laboratory conditions the burner showed it could smoothly deal with methane, natural gas and propane gas. Its emission of harmful products were found to be well below the legal standards. The various gases are burnt safely at air excess rates of between 0,8 and 1.6 and power densities between 100 and 2000 kw/rrr', The burner handles well and resists all thermal and mechanical loads during operation. Its thermal shock properties are good. The new foam burner is marketed by ECO Ceramics. 96/03072 Development of a ceremlc-caeeece-Impactor for size classified particle sampling In high pressure- and high ternperature-{HPHT) processes Dixkens, J. and Fissan, H. Staub-Reinhah. Luft, 1995, 55, (7), 283-291. (In German) The paper describes the development and testing of a ceramic-cascadeimpactor for dust sampling in high-temperature high-pressure pressurized fluidized-bed combustion and coal gasification flue gases. 96/03073 The effects of angle of Impact and material properties on the erosion rates of ceramics Wellman, R. G. and Allen, C. Wear, 1995, 186, (1), 117-122. One of the major areas of wear in the generation of power from coal occurs in the pneumatic transport of the pulverized fuel from the coal mines to the burners. The paper discusses the problem through the systematic erosion testing, at different angles of impact, of fifteen erosion resistant materials, to determine their feasibility as lining materials. Of the materials tested two were tungsten carbide cobalt cermets while the others were all ceramics most of them various grades of alumina.


Manufacture of bricks from fly ashes

Takegawa, T. (Assigned to) Mitsubishi Hea vy Ind. Ltd., lAP, Pat. lP.07,247,156, Sep. 1995.

The process for the manufacture of bricks from fly ash comprises placing fly ash in multiple containers formed from porous plates with desired dimension, pressing with a pressure plate, and firing for 4·5 hours in a furnace having inlet temperature of lOa' and outlet temperature of 1200°.

96/03075 Use of coal-water fuel for ceramics calcination Ma, C. Taoci Gongcheng, 1995, (1), 18-19. (In Chinese) Describes the technology of using coal-water as fuel for ceramics calcination. 96/03076 Use of waste from oil shale mining in the Volga basin for the manufacture of ceramic bricks Smironov, Y. V. Stroit. Mater., 1995, (1), 8-10. (In Russian) Discusses the technology aspects of the use of waste from oil shale mining for the manufacture of ceramic bricks.

13 SPACE HEATING AND COOLING 96/03077 Absorption cooling and cold storage gaIning ground Holwerda, B. Gas (Netherlands), Mar. 1996, 116, (3), 10-12. (In Flemish) The time that larger buildings were almost automatically equipped with conventional cooling machines seems over. The familiar cooling compressor is now facing competition from the absorption cooling machine and from seasonal storage. The energy sector is enthusiastic about these environment-friendly cooling techniques and considers establising cold distribution networks. In addition to district heating we will shortly also be offered district cooling. Surprisingly, in most projects it is not the users who own the cooling installation, but the local energy distribution company. Consumers get their desired cold comfortably delivered on the doorstep. Cold supply is to become a major new service of the energy sector. 96/03078 The analysis on Intelligent control strategies of a thermal energy storage alr·condltlonlng system Yang, K. H. et al., Energy, Apr. 1996, 21, (4), 319-324. A thermal energy-storage air-conditioning (TESAC) system for a 600-bed hospital was simulated for the purpose of determining operational strategies for seasonal weather changes. An analytical design method termed EWMA has been developed to predict the cooling load on the following day with a deviation of <8% from experimental results. System performance was successfully validated in a full-scale experiment for which the power demand was limited to 50% of original value, resulting in 25% savings of operational cost. 96/03079 BalancIng apartment bUildIng heatIng with thermostatic radiator valves Bobker, M. and Kinsley, E, L. Heat. Pip. Air Condit., Sep. 1995, 67, (9), 47-56. Describes a case study of how an apartment building in New York had its two-pipe steam heating control retrofit completed using thermostatic radiator valves, The objective was to evaluate steam distribution control techniques applied to terminal heating elements. 96/03080 Building energy audits and site surveys Lam, J. C. and Chan, A. L. Bldg. Res. lnf , Oct-Nov , 1995, 23, (5),

270-278. Discusses the findings of energy audits and surveys of three commercial buildings in Hong Kong.

Ceiling panel heating - The Ideal radiant heating for larger spaces Sexauer, G. Gesundh. lng., Dec. 1995, 116, (6), 300-306. (In German) A review of available space heating systems for large spaces and sets out their operating characteristics plus the advantages and drawbacks.


96/03082 Central automatIc pipeline monitorIng for a 32 kmlong district heating transmission line In north Greece Kurz, E. and Skerka, H. J. Euroheat & Power, Fern. International, Oct. 1995, 24, (10), 551-556. The paper describes the BS-l monitoring system with central continuous monitoring and automatic fault location supplied for the 32 krn-long district heating pipe in Kozani in northern Greece. 96/03083 Cooling of water flowing through a night sky radiator Hamza, A. er al., Solar Energy, Oct, 1995,55, (4), 235-253. Experimental and theoretical studies of nocturnal cooling of water flowing through a night sky radiator unit were carried out. The system used for this study is two parallel plates night sky radiator with the top one (radiator) being painted black aluminum plate. The radiator plate was covered by a polyethylene windscreen cover. The experimental study was conducted for a gravity flow open loop system.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts May 1996 213