Amyloidosis: Cause and manifestation of senile deterioration

Amyloidosis: Cause and manifestation of senile deterioration

Exp. Geront. Vol. 5, p. 271. Pergamon Press1970. Printed in Great Britain BOOK REVIEW Amyloidosis: Cause and Manifestation of Senile Deterioration: ...

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Exp. Geront. Vol.

5, p. 271. Pergamon Press1970. Printed in Great Britain

BOOK REVIEW Amyloidosis: Cause and Manifestation of Senile Deterioration: PHILIP SCHWARTZ,M.D., Charles C. Thomas Co., Springfield, Illinois, 395 pp. D~. SCHWARTZhas long maintained that amyloidosis plays a far greater part in senile pathological anatomy than has been realised, and the introduction of fluorescence staining methods have made good this contention. In this hook he exhaustively reviews the literature and morbid anatomy of amyloid. Topics covered include the history of the amyloid problem, staining methods, senile human amyloidosis (cerebral, cardiovascular, pancreatic), amyloidosis in animals (dog, duck, hamster, mouse) reversibility of amyloid change, review of the literature with special reference to Divry's observations of arnyloid in Alzheimer's disease. At a time of renewed interest in immunochemical aging mechanisms, this is a valuable review of amyloid pathology.