Anhydrous Lactose in Direct Tablet Compression

Anhydrous Lactose in Direct Tablet Compression

Val. Sf, N O . 7, July 1966 727 DOSAGE FORMS OF MELPHALAN .Melphalan Tablets aniouiit ol ~r~elpl~alarl foulid is not less than 93.0‘j:, and not mor...

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Val. Sf, N O . 7, July 1966



aniouiit ol ~r~elpl~alarl foulid is not less than 93.0‘j:, and not more than 107.0‘j: of the labeled amount.

Identity Tests.-Transfer B nil. of the assay DISCUSSION solution ( 5 mg. of tnelphalan in 100 ml.) into a glass1J.S.P.and K.F. tcrminologies for solubility, meltstoppered test tube and add 1ml. ol U.S.P. phthalatc buffer, pH -1.0, 1 Inl. of a 5 in 100 solution of 4 - ( p - ing range, reagents, etc., have been used wherever feasible. nitrobenzyl) pyridine (NBP) in acetone, and 1 ml. of Melphalan,’ synthesized by Bergcl and Stock ( l ) , saline T.S. Heat on a water bath a t 80’ for 20 is an orally active alkylatiug agent of tlic nitrogcn min. and cool the solution quickly. Add 10 ml. mustard class which is useful in the treatment of (of alcohol and 1 ml. of 0.1 N potassium hydroxide: multiple myeloma. Early literature references to :I violet to red-violet color is produced. Assay.-Stundard I’reparation.-Tra~~sfer about this compound may be found undcr thc synonym sarcolysin. 10 mg. of melphalan rcference standard, accurately Identity Tests.-The colorirnetric identification weighed, to a 100-1111.voluinetric flask, dissolve in alcohol, dilute to volume with alcohol, and mix. of melplialan is based on the procedure of Petering Traiisfcr 10.0 inl. of this solution to a second 100-ml. and \:an Giessen (2) for the determination of alkylatvolumetric flask, dilute to volume with alcohol, ing agcnts. An additional identification test for rnclphalan drug is obtained by comparing the :and mix. Procedz~re.-Weigh and Gtiely powder not less absorbniices of the alcoholic solution at 226 t n p than 20 melphalan tablets. Transfer to a 100-mi. (niininiurri) ;md a t 260 nip (rnaxiinu~ri). The ratio is ahout 0.15. volutnetric flask a11 aniount of powdered tablets, 1122ti/A4250 Quantitative Methods.-ArgentiInetric deteraccurately weighed, equivalent to about 5 mg. of gave an average value of melphalan. Add 10 nil. of water, swirl the sample, mination of i~~elplialaii 96.7 f. 0.2‘3,.2 The titration was conducted using then add 10 ml.of alcohol. Warm on a steam bath for about 2 rniu. with intermittent shaking and cool a silver electrode a i d n caloiiiel clectrodc niodified the solution. ildd alcohol to volume and mix. to coutairi saturated putassiurn sulfate solution. A Ceiitrifugc a portion of the mixture, transfer 10.0 rapid, precise mcasure of the chloride contcnt may be tieterrriiiied by tlie oxygen flask rnethod included ml. of thc clear liquid to a 50-ml. volumetric flask, make to volunic with alcohol, and mix. Con- for butyl chloride, K.F. X I I , First Supplement. comitantly, determine the absorbance of this solu- Analysis of corniriercial rnelptialan tablets by the sprctrophotometric method gavc an average value tion and that of the Standard Prepurntion in k i n . cclis, a t the maxirnuiri at about 260 rnp with a suit- uf 101.7 zk 1.6%,.2 able spectropliotometer, using alcohol as the blank. Calculate the quantity, in ing., of C I ~ H & I Z N ~ O ~ REFERENCES in the portion of the tablets taken by the formula ( 1 ) Bergel. F..and Stock, J. A , J . Chern. .TOG., 1954, 2409. 0.5C ( A u / ) L ) where , C is the exact concentration, (2) Petering, H. G.. and Van Giessen, G. J., J. Phuum. S&., 52, lIW(1963). in mcg./ml., of rnelphalan in the Standard Preparation, calculated on the dried basis, A , is the absorbhlarkeied as Alkcraii b y Burcoughs Wellcomr & Co. auce of the solution from the tablets, and A , is thc Inc., Tuckahoe, .U. Y. absorbance of the Standoud Pieparution, The z Maximum deviation from the mean value.

Tecbrzicd ArticlesAnhydrous Lactose in Direct Tablet Compression By NICHOLAS H. BATUYIOS The use of anhydrous lactose 1J.S.P. XVII, tablet grade, as a diluent in direct tablet compression was investigated. It was found that it possesses excellent tableting properties and can be run on a high-speed tablet machine. T h e placebo and active tablets produced were not affected by elevated temperatures, high humidity, and direct sunlight.


of economics and product skbility, direct tablet compression offers distinct ad-


Received December 2 , 1965, ft-om t h e Pharmacy Research I)cpartmcnt. McNeil Lahoratnl-ies, Ft. Washington, Pa. Accepted for publication April 18, 1966. T h e author is grateful to nr. c. A. Janicki for catryiiig o u t t h e analytical determinations and dissolution rates and t o Mr. J. J. Tighe for his technical assistance.

vantages over double compression, known also as “slugging,” and the wet granulating method (I). Also. direct compression should produce tablets of faster dissolution rates because no COlloidal binders, (C.g., Starch and gelatin) are used t o envelop tlie granules.


Jozirizal of P?znrmaceuticaLSciences TABLE


Random Sample Size TargetWt.

Sample Mean

s. n.

174, 5.





Coeff. of Variation

o. 63

a The mean +s standard deviations included every tablet weight of the sample.

The materials were mixed in a Twin-Shell blender for approximately 15 min. Then the blend was compresscd at a wcight of 125 mg. on a Stokes 551 tablet machine a t various speeds u s i w '/3rin. special flat-faced beveled edge. rngraved punches. At a speed up to 3500 tablets/min., tablets of excellent quality Were Produced. When were weighed collectively and individually, it was



~ ~~








Time Interval Tablets Removed Uuring Com-

Compressiou pression Period Run, hr.

1st day



F 2nd day


4 6

3rd day

'' Low.

2 4 6


Results of Single Tablets,

101.5 97.1 97.7 100.9 99.2 99.2 102.1 103.5 99.9

102.1 96.2 98.9 102.9 101.2 101.6 101.5 102.5 98.7

101.5 95.2 96.0 102.7 99.2 101.6 97.7 102.9 103.3

yo of Label Claim-102.9 100.2 94.3a 102.9 99.0 97.5 101.7 99.9 97.3 99.8 100.0 99.0 102.5 102.5 105.5 105.g6 100.1 102.1

Assays from A v . of Powder of 10 Single Tablets Crushed Assay Tahlets

101.6 97.1 97.8 101.6 99.3 100.3 101.3 104.1 100.8

100.8 99.1 96.6 100.1 98.5 98.9 96.9 98.6 97.0


There are several t&let diluents commercially available that can bc compressed directly (1-3). Because Of high cost, physical and chenlical properties, and Poor tableting cllaracteristics, they havc only limited use. this laboratory, i t found that nnllydrous

u's'p. xvlll

lactose' possesses excellent flow and compression properties. It produces highly clegant tablets on a high-speed rotary tablet machine without requiring induced feeding and/or metered hoppers. It contains n o more than 1.0% free and bound moisture, and its price is comparable t o spray-dried lactose.

EXPERIMENTAL Anhydrous Lactose Particle Size Sieve Analysis v/ Mesh Size /O Retained on : 40 0 60 13.3-14.1 80 22.2-24.5 100 15.4-16.7 200 26.5-28.7 Through : 200 16.7-21 . 6 Formulations Several small cxpcrirncntal batches indicated that arihydrous lactose U.S.P. XVII, tablet grade, has good tabletirig characteristics. Therefore, in order to fully determine its tablcting properties, a placebo batch of approximatcly 500,000 tablets of the following composition was made: Formulation I Anhydrous lactose U.S.P., tablet grade Starch U.S.P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Calcium stearate U.S.P.. . . . , . . . . . . . , , .

' Marketcd by Shenield Chemical.

70 89.26 10.00 0.75

found that no tablet varied more than &4.57L from the Samples of tablets were placed at 50", SO:", R. H. a t R, T, alld sunlight for 6 ureeks. No significant change with respect to color, hardness, and disiritegration time was fouud. When results indicated that a satisfactory placebo tablet could be made, then tlie following active formulations of 200,000 tablets each were made : Formulations TI, 111, IV, and V + p-ertablet, rng.-I1



. V

McN-JR-2498' hydrocliloride 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 AIl~lydrouslactose U.S.P.XVII 155.7 155.2 154.2 151.2 Starch U.S.P. 1 7 . 5 1 7 . 5 17.5 17.5 Calcium stcarate 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 U.S.P. ~







The active ingredient was passed through a 100mesh screen and mixed with the inert materials in a 2-cu. f t . Twin-Shell blender for 30 min. Thc blcnd was conipressed on a Stokes B-2 tablet machine a t a speed of 44 r.p.m. A set of four special, flat oval, engraved punches was used (only four punches were available). No attempt was made to control thc humidity during the cotnpressioii of the four formulations which was done over a period of 2 months. In all formulations tablets of exccllcnt quality were obtained. All formulations were subjected t o various tests, and the results were satisfactory. Formulation 111, containing 1 ing. active ingredient per tablet, was tested more extensively, arid the rcsults are rcportcd below. Thc solubility of McN-JR-2498 hydrochloride in water is 5 mg./ml. Test Methods Moisture Contents.-Moisture content was deterniiried on a Cenco moisture balance operating a t ~~

A N o . rod? designation f u r tritluperido

Vol. 55, N o . 7 , July 1966

729 Friabilator using a 4-inin. cycle and a t least a 6.0Gin. tablet sample. Disintegration.-Disintcgration time was determined using water and the U.S.P. apparatus; no

120 v. with a 125-w. infrared lamp. 'rile test was continued until a constant weight CVRS rcachcd a t 50". Hardness.-Hardness was deterniinrd by the Strong-Cobb Aruer hardness trster. Friability.-Friability was measured with a Koche

disks were used. Dissolution Rates.-The dissolution ratc was determined in a 1-L. three-necked round-bottom flask fitted with a mechanical stirrer and a 7.5-cm. Teflon stirring paddle. The stirring paddle was adjusted to 2.5-3.5 cm. abovc the bottom of the flask and the stirring rate was maintained a t 50 r.p.m. The flask contained 750 nil. of fluid and was imnierscd in a constant-temperature water bath main0.1'. Each run consisted of 15 tained a t 37' tablets and a Swiriny hypodermic adapter filter W d s used for sampling. l'he fluids used were U.S.P. simulated gastric fluid without pepsin and U.S.P. simulntcd intestinal fluid without pancreatin. Sieve Analysis.-Sieve analysis was done on a Cenco-Mcinzer sieve shaker operating at 115 v. 50/60 cyclcs and a t a setting of No. 5. Harsliaw Scientific 5-ill. diameter sieves were employed. A 100-Gin. sample per determination was used, and the range reported represents three determinations.


% McN-JR-2498 Released in Modified, Simulated Gastric Fluid

Time, min.



1 2 4 6 8 10 15 20 25

3 MO. at I<. ' . 1

... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...




3 M o . at 60°

10.1 24.1 43.3 63.5 78.3 88.4 96.4 98.7 997.9 90.2

14.5 26.1 39.8 66.4 81.5 91.0 100.6 l00:G 102.2 102.4 103 9

% McN-JR-2498 Released in Modified, Simulated Intestinal Fluid Time, hr. Initial


25.3 31.9 42.0 47.4 61.8 72.0


1 2 23/4



The placebo batch showed that this anhydrous lactose formulation can be run on a high-speed tablet machine, using g/&n. special, flat-faced bcvelrd edge, cngravcd punches, producing excellent tablets. Also, the four batches coiitaining up to 5 mg. of active ingredient per tablet produced tablets




Time, wk.--







100.2 100.G

.. ...



... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...








(McN-JR-2498, R.T. 40 60


... ... ... ...









... ... ... ... ...





ioi : X

102. n 100.0 103.0 98.7 99.3






... ...



... ...

... ...

... ...

102.4 100.5 100.0 99.2 98.0 97.2

... ...


R.T. Moisture, y o Color

Disint. time, min. Hardness Friability, yu

0.9 Whitc 3-1 9-10




... ...






... ...


Color change Disint. timr, min. Hardness Friability, 7: 807%K.H., R.T." (open container) Color change IXsitit. time, inin. Hard tiess Friability, Wright increase, ';; Sunlight (color change) Amber glass Flint glass




... ...




... ...

... I





h-cc 3-3.5 8-9


... ...

... ...



... ...

... ...



KC 8-9








... ... ... ... ... ...




8-9 0.08


NC 2-3 8-9 0.21 7.5

KC 2-3.5 8-9 0.20




... .






... ...

... ... ...




3-4 9-1 0 0. ox

Wh;te 3-4 9-10 0.08

NSC 3-4 8-9 0.07

NSC 3-4 9-10 0.0

... ...

... ... ... ... ...


... ...

... ...


... ~-

a The 50' sample and the 80% I<. H. sainplc were tested immediately upon removal from their respective stations and after *tanding at I<. T. for approximately 2 hr. 'The results were the same. NSC, no signifcant change. NC, no change.

Journal of Pharnzaceuticnl Sciences

730 of excellent quality using special, flat oval, engraved punches. The criteria used in evaluating the tablets were appearance, distribution of activc ingredient, weight uniforrnity, friability, bincling, sticking, capping, hardness, disintegration time, dissolution ratcs, and the effects of elevated temperatures, high humidity, and sunlight. No attempt was made to control the rclativc humidity during compression which took place over a period of approximately 2 months. The data in Table I show excellent tablet weight uniformity. Tablc I1 sliows that the active material was uniformly distributed and that no separation occurred during a 3-day conipressioii period. Table I11 shows that the dissolution rates in simulated gastric fluid were riot affected by high temperature. In simulated intestinal fluid the tablets disintegrated in 3-4 min., but the dissolution rates were slow due to poor solubility of the active conipound a t pH 7.5 (0.06 mg./ml.). Table I V shows that the tablets were riot affected cliriiiically or physically by high tcmperaturc, high humidity, and direct sunlight. Assays not reported liere on tablets cxposed to sunlight and high humidity showed good stability. The tablet color did not change significantly after 12 weeks a t 50". A very slight off-white color developed which could be detected only when the room temperature and the 50" samples were observed together.

SUMMARY 1. Placebo aiid active tablets were made by direct compression using anhydrous lactose U.S.P. XVII, tablet grade, as a dilucnt. 2. A placebo batch of approximately 500,000 tablets was run a t a speed of 3500 tablcts/min. on a Stokes 551 tablet machiiie resulting in excellent tablets. Special g/as-in.flat beveled edge, engraved punches were used. 3. Four batches of 200,000 tablets each, containing 0.5, 1, 2, and 5 mg. activc material per tablet, were made using a set of four special, flat oval, engraved punches, on a stokes B-2 tablet machine a t a speed of 44 4. The placebo and active tablets were excellent as shown by the elegance, small tablet weight variation, uniform distribution o f the active ingredient, fast disintegration and dissolution rates, good hardness, low friability, and lack of binding, sticking, and capping. 5. No induced feeding and/or metered hoppers were required. 6. l'liysical and chemical stability studies showed that high temperature, high humidity, and direct sunlight had no effect on thc formulations. REFERENCES (1) Milosovich, G., Drug Cosmetic I w d . , 92, 557(1963). (2) Fox, C. I)., ~t n l . . ihid., 92, 16lllY63). ( 3 ) Brownley, C. A,, and Lachman, I,,, J . Pharw. Sci., 53 452(1964).

Notes Quantitative Determination of Iodochlorhydroxyquin by Infrared Analysis By T. URBANYI, D. SLONIBWSKY, and F. TISHLEK

A quantitative infrared procedure for the determination of iodochlorhydroxyquin and its intermediates is described. The method is based on measurements of absorption in the 14.4 and 14.9 p regions of a carbon disulfide solution of the compound. By measurements at other wavelengths in the infrared region, 5,7diiodo-8-hydroxyquinoline, 5-chloro-8-hydroxyquinoline,and 5,7-dichloro-8hydroxyquinoline, present as impurities, can also be quantitatively determined.


U.S.P. XVII procedure (1) for the determination or iodochlorhydroxyquin, based on halogen content, suffers from the fact that the method frequeutly docs not distinguish bctwcen the parent compound and its intermediates, which may occur as coiltaminants. The thiii-layer chromatographic procedure of Korzun, Brody, and Tishler (2) offers a semiquantitative method for tlie drterminaIIE OFFICIAL

Received February 24, 1966, from the Research Department, Ciha Pharmaceutical Co., Summit, N. J. Accepted fur publicatiou May 4, 1966. The authors acknowledge Miss M. Pagliery and MI-. H. Hagrnan for assistance in carrying out some of the analyscs.

tiori of iorlochlorliydroxyquitt; howcvcr, 5,7-dichloro-8-hydroxyquinoline, which was found in many of tlie comnicrcial samples examined, cannot be separated from iodochlorhydrosyquin by this rncthod. Until now, phase solubility has hccn the orily quantitative technique available for determinirig the absolute purity of iodochlorhydroxyquin. 'This proccdure, a1thou.g-h accurate and specific, is time consuming. Bigwrd et a l . ( 3 ) have recently developed an infrarcd spcctrophotometric method for thc semiquantitut ive determination of iodoclilodiydroxyquin