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A S H RAE revises room air-conditioner standards ASHRAE has revised its standard prescribing a testin...
A S H RAE revises room air-conditioner standards ASHRAE has revised its standard prescribing a testing method for obtaining cooling capacities and air flow quantities for rating room air conditioners. The new standard, ANSI/ASH RAE Standard 161983, now includes packaged terminal air conditioners, metric as well as inch-pound units, and an alternate confirming calibration check of the test calorimeter. Standard 16 was last revised in 1969. Standard 16-1983 establishes a uniform method of testing for obtaining rating data by specifying types of equipment, data required, calculations and terms to be used. The standard defines room air conditioners as encased assemblies designed as units and packaged terminal air conditioners as factoryselected combinations of heating and cooling components, assemblies or sections intended to serve a room or zone.
Volume 8 Num6ro 2 Mars 1985
ASHRAE has also established a uniform method of testing for seasonal efficiency of unitary air conditioners and heat pumps. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 1161983 is a new standard which provides test methods and calculational procedures for establishing capacities and cooling seasonal efficiency ratios for unitary air-conditioning and heat pump equipment and heating seasonal performance factors for heat pump equipment. It covers electrically driven, single-phase, air-to-air air conditioners and heat pumps with cooling capacity of 65 000 Btu h -1 or less and heating-only heat pumps with heating capacity of 65 000 Btu h -1 or l e s s . Test methods for steady-state, cyclic and part-load performance are included. Federal regulation requires that measurement of energy efficiency for unitary air conditioners and heat pumps be expressed as seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER). According to Robert Newell, chairman of the committee which wrote Standard 116-1983,
'Previous test methods did not provide for the determination of seasonal efficiency nor did they provide specific enough details for uniform and consistent testing and results. ASHRAE development of the standard was encouraged by Federal officials in the interest of obtaining uniform testing for SEERs throughout the industry'. Both new standards were prepared under the auspices of ASHRAE and are approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as American National Standards. Adherence is on a voluntary basis. Standard 16-1983 'Methods of Testing for Rating Room Air Conditioners and Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners' costs $12.00 ($6.00 to ASHRAE members). Standard 116-1983 'Methods of Testing for Seasonal Efficiency of Unitary Air-Conditioners and Heat Pumps' costs US$24.00 ($12.00 to ASHRAE members). Orders with payment should go to ASHRAE Publications Sales, 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E., Atlanta, GA30329, USA.