Atlas of foot anatomy

Atlas of foot anatomy

New Information about New laminitis book by Ric Redden The Horse Health Care Library has released Understanding Laminitis, Your Guide to Horse Health...

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New laminitis book by Ric Redden The Horse Health Care Library has released Understanding Laminitis, Your Guide to Horse Health Care and Management, by Ric Redden, DVM. Published by The Blood-Horse Publications, the illustrated, 142-page book provides background on laminitis and its clinical signs, anatomy of the foot, treating and shoeing the laminitic horse, and preventing the disease. Laminitis is a painful disease of the foot, which spreads rapidly and can be fatal. To order Understanding Laminitis, contact the publisher at (800) 582-5604. The paperback sells for $14.95.

From Equine Care Watch III, No. 9, 1998

Genetics of foot conformation Four hundred thirty French saddlebred three-year-old horses, progeny of 70 stallions, were radiographed for pre-purchase examination. The radiological examination included two views of the forefeet (including four principal locations: distal sesamoid bone, distal phalanx, distal interphalangeal joint and other). All osteoarticular lesions were registered and codified. Two variables were used to describe the lesions and their importance: the sum of the suspicious and abnormal radiological findings (continuous variable) and presence or not of abnormality (bivariate variable). Lesions heritability varies according to the location and the variable chosen. On forefoot, the global heritability is 0,15 for the first variable and 0, 23 for the second one. The highest heritability is obtained on the distal sesamoid bone with the bivariate variable. The introduction of more precision in choosing the variable decreases the heritability close to zero (0,05 for the continuous variable). The small sample of horses used in this study gives uncertain results but reveals the importance in defining the studied variable including a possible genetic influence.

Atlas of foot anatomy

Available from Veterinary Data $40 plus shipping call (909) 678-1889


If you are a specialist in foot care, you should have a copy of Sectional Anatomy of the Equine Digit with MRL by Dr. Van E. Snow (edited by Dr. Norman Rantanen). This is an atlas of normal Thoroughbred foot anatomy with magnetic resonance imaging. The images in this atlas were generated from fresh, cooled cadavers. The legs were from Thoroughbred horses between the ages of three and five years. They were all believed to be free of musculoskeletal disease. A 1.5 Tesla G.E. Signa magnet along with an extremity coil were used for all images. Transverse, coronal, and sagittal images were obtained at 4mm intervals. The following settings were employed: Transverse TR800ms, TE15ms, 256 x 256 matrix, 2 NEX; coronal and sagittal TR800ms, TE21ms, 512 x 512 matrix, 2 NEX. The digitized images were then transferred into Photoshop and PageMaker where they were arranged onto pages and labelled. The pages are arranged with txr sequential study images next to each other and under identical images which are labelled.