Bivariate splines on hexagonal lattice for digital image processing

Bivariate splines on hexagonal lattice for digital image processing

Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 144 (2002) 211 – 220 Bivariate splines on hexagonal lattice for digital ...

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Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 144 (2002) 211 – 220

Bivariate splines on hexagonal lattice for digital image processing Xiaoyan Liu University of La Verne, 1950 3rd Street, La Verne, CA 91750, USA Received 23 January 2001; received in revised form 2 June 2001

Abstract In this paper, the applications of multi-variable spline functions in the digital signal processing was investigated further. Several two-dimensional spline functions were constructed for hexagonal lattice. They are actually variation of bivariate cardinal splines on regular triangular partition that were constructed earlier. Those bivariate cardinal splines have a number of desirable features which make it applicable for image processing and other areas. One feature lies in the fact that the coe1cients of the interpolation representations with bivariate cardinal splines are basically the sample data at the interpolation points. The interpolations converge uniformly to the function being interpolated as the sampling increment approaches zero. Compare to the popular tensor product with the same degree of smoothness, our bivariate cardinal splines has the same degree of accuracy with smaller local support, lower degree of the polynomials. Therefore it should lead to c 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. the reduction of computation time and storage space. 

1. Introduction This work is the continuation of my paper “Bivariate Cardinal Spline Functions for Digital Signal Processing”. In the former paper, two-dimensional cardinal spline functions on the regular triangular partition were constructed with excellent interpolation properties. It came to my attention that the hexagonal partition is frequently used in the digital signal processing. In fact, the hexagonal sampling is the most e1cient sampling scheme for circularly band-limited signals [12,18]. Also mentioned in Mersereau’s paper, since each sample location in a hexagonal raster has six nearest neighbors, each of which is the same distance away, hexagonal partition can be convenient for certain image processing problems, involving cluster separation, boundary tracing, etc. In this paper, cardinal splines on the hexagonal partition will be discussed. As before, those bivariate cardinal splines have the desirable feature that the function value is one at one grid point and zero at other grid points. Furthermore, as E-mail address: [email protected] (Xiaoyan Liu). c 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 0377-0427/01/$ - see front matter  PII: S 0 3 7 7 - 0 4 2 7 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 5 6 2 - 3


Xiaoyan Liu / Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 144 (2002) 211 – 220

a special advantageous feature, the cardinal splines on the hexagonal partition has 12-fold symmetry. The interpolation representation, boundary conditions, and convergence properties will also be given. 2. Bivariate B-splines on a hexagonal partition Let us Erst consider the rectangular area  = {(x; y) | a 6 x 6 b; c 6 y 6 d}: The hexagonal partition is shown in the Fig. 1. Let h = (b − a)=M; l = (c − d)=N ; where M and N are both even positive integers, and xi = a + ih; yj = c + jl, i = 0; 1; : : : ; M; j = 0; 1; : : : ; N . Notice that partition points are only at (x2i ; y2j ) and (x2i+1 ; y2j+1 ) for the hexagonal lattice. This partition is denoted in this paper by 3 . The space of bivariate polynomial spline function with degree k and smoothness degree  is denoted by Sk (; 3 ). Just like in the case of regular triangular partition, it has been proved [9–11] that when k ¿ (3+1)=2, there exist bivariate B-splines in Sk (; 3 ). Let us start with  = −1 and the smallest possible k = 0. Like the univariate case, there are non-continuous bivariate B-splines on the partition 3 : the characteristic functions on each triangle cell of the partition. We can express two linearly independent ones as B (x; y) =  (x; y) and B (x; y) =  (x; y) with supports  and  as triangular cells of diKerent shape. For  = 0; k = 1; the B-spline B1 (x; y) deEned by  1=2 B1 (x; y) = ( +  ) (x + hv; y + lv) dv ∈ S10 (; 3 ) −1=2

[9,10] has the minimal support of an hexagon on 3 : This B-spline has the value 1 at the center grid point and the value 0 at all other grid points. This is a very important property we will use later. 2 2+1 From those three B-splines, we can construct B-splines in S3+1 (; 3 ) and S3+3 (; 3 ) using a integration process [29] and a coordinate transformation. Let  1=2 I1 [B1 ](x; y) = B1 (x + 2ht; y) dt; −1=2

Fig. 1. The hexagonal partition 3 on a rectangular area.

Xiaoyan Liu / Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 144 (2002) 211 – 220

 I2 [B1 ](x; y) =


 I3 [B1 ](x; y) =





B1 (x + hv; y + lv) dv; B1 (x + hu; y − lu) du:

2    Then B+1 (x; y) = I3 I2 I1 [B ](x; y) ∈ S3 + 1 (; 3 ); B (x; y) = I3 I2 I1 [B−1 ](x; y); B (x; y) = I3 I2 I1 2−1 [B−1 ](x; y) ∈ S3 (; 3 ); for  = 1; 2; : : : : As for the approximation orders, we have the following theorem [2,7,8]. 2−1 2 Theorem 2.1. The approximation orders of the bivariate splines spaces S3 (; 3 ) and S3+1 (; 3 ) are 2 + 1; 2 + 2; respectively; for  = 0; 1; 2; : : : :

3. Bivariate cardinal splines on the hexagonal partition As discussed in the former paper, the interpolation of a function f(x; y) ∈ lp by B-splines in 2 or S3+1 (; 3 ) can be implemented by Ending the interpolation coe1cients [3–6,8,9, 15–17,21–24]. However, other than B1 (x; y) ∈ S10 (; 3 ); the amount of calculation involved in Ending coe1cients gets bigger as the partition gets Ener. To solve this problem, several bivariate cardinal splines on hexagonal partitions will be given here. Because of the reason stated in the former paper, the emphasis will be given to H1 (x; y) := B1 (x; y) ∈ S10 (; 3 ) and H2 (x; y) ∈ S41 (; 3 ); H3 (x; y) ∈ S62 (; 3 ) such that

2−1 S3 (; 3 )

Hk (0; 0) = 1;

Hk (i; j) = 0;

(i; j) ∈ Z2 \{(0; 0)}; k = 2; 3:

Let the supports of H1 (x; y); H2 (x; y); H3 (x; y) be T1 ; T2 ; T3 ; respectively. If we let the support (which is a hexagon bounded by l1 : y = (l=h)x − 2l; l2 : y = −l; l3 : y = −(l=h)x − 2l; l4 : y = (1=h)x + 2l; l5 : y = l; l6 : y = −(l=h)x + 2l) of H1 (x; y) be T1 , and Ai be the triangular cells of T1 with the outboundary li ; i = 1; 1; : : : ; then by a coordinate transformation, it is easy to get  x y  1− if (x; y) ∈ A1 ; +   2h 2l    y   1+ if (x; y) ∈ A2 ;    l    y x   + if (x; y) ∈ A3 ; 1+   2h 2l  H1 (x; y) = 1 + x − y if (x; y) ∈ A ; 4   2h 2l    y   if (x; y) ∈ A5 ; 1−   l    y x   − if (x; y) ∈ A6 ; 1−   2h 2l   0 elsewhere:


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Fig. 2. Support T1 .

Fig. 3. The graph of H1 (x; y) (Scale: x : y : z = 4 : 4 : 0:94):

To construct a cardinal spline H2 (x; y) ∈ S41 (; 3 ); let H0 (x; y) be the characteristic function of the support T1 in Fig. 2, i.e. H0 (x; y) = T1 (x; y): Then H2 (x; y) = I3 I2 I1 [2H1 − H0 ](x; y): To construct a cardinal spline H3 (x; y) ∈ S62 (; 3 ); the starting point is another spline H13 (x; y) ∈ S30 (; 3 ): Let  1   − 3 3 (−2hl + xl − yh) (x2 l2 + 3y2 h2 − xhl2 + yh2 l + 2h2 l2 ) (x; y) ∈ A1 ;   4h l       1   (l + y) (3y2 h2 + x2 l2 + 2yh2 l + 2h2 l2 ) (x; y) ∈ A2 ;   2l3 h2      1  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2   (x; y) ∈ A3 ;  4h3 l3 (2hl + xl + yh) (x l + 3y h + xhl + yh l + 2h l ) H13 (x; y) =  1    (2hl + xl − yh) (x2 l2 + 3y2 h2 + xhl2 − yh2 l + 2h2 l2 ) (x; y) ∈ A4 ;  3 l3  4h        − 1 (−l + y) (3y2 h2 + x2 l2 − 2yh2 l + 2h2 l2 ) (x; y) ∈ A5 ;    2l3 h2        − 1 (−2hl + xl + yh) (x2 l2 + 3y2 h2 − xhl2 − yh2 l + 2h2 l2 ) (x; y) ∈ A6 : 4h3 l3

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Then H3 (x; y) = I3 I2 I1 [16H13 − 15H1 ](x; y): H3 (x; y) has the same support and symmetry as H2 (x; y) has. It is obvious that the supports T1 and T2 of our cardinal splines have excellent symmetrical properties. In fact, the cardinal splines (Fig. 3) H1 (x; y); H2 (x; y); H3 (x; y) have excellent symmetry, too. √ Theorem 3.1. If we let h=1=2; l= 3=2; then the hexagonal In this case; if H (x; y) has 12-fold symmetry; i.e.  √  √ 1 3 3 y ; x+ H (x; y) = H (−x; y) = H − x+ 2 2 2

partition points draw regular hexagons. 1 y 2

 √   √ 1 1 3 3 y ; − x+ y − x− 2 2 2 2


 √  √ 1 1 3 3 x+ y ; x− y 2 2 2 2

 √   √ 1 1 3 3 x− y ; − x− y = H (x; −y); 2 2 2 2


=H then

G(x; y) = I3 I2 I1 [H ](x; y) has 12-fold symmetry. 

1 Proof. Let (X; Y ) = − x + 2  √ √ 1 3 3 Y; X+ − X+ 2 2 2 

1 = − 2

 √ 3 3 1√ 1 1 1 1√ 3u + 3v : Then y + u + v + t; x+ y− 2  2 2 2 2 2 2 1 Y 2

  √ √ √ 1 3 3 3 1√ 1 1 1 1√ − x+ 3u + 3v ; y+ u+ v+t + x+ y− 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

 √  √ √  1 1 1 1 1√ 1 3 3 1√ 3 y+ u+ v+t + x+ y− − x+ 3u + 3v 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1√ 1√ 1 3v + 3t : = x − u + v − t; y + 2 2 2 2 


Xiaoyan Liu / Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 144 (2002) 211 – 220

Using deEnition of G(x; y), the symmetry properties of H (x; y) and variable substitution     √ √ √ √ 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 y; x + y = I3 I2 I1 [H ] − x + y; x+ y G − x+ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2  =











H (X; Y ) dt du dv





 = (s = −t; w= − u)=

 √ √ 3 3 1 1 − X+ Y; X + Y dt du dv 2 2 2 2







√ √  1 1 3 3 s+ v ds dw dv x + s + v + w; y − 2 2 2 2


= I3 I2 I1 [H ](x; y) = G(x; y): By the similar steps, we can show that   √   √ 1 3 3 1 G(x; y) = G − x− y ; − x+ y 2 2 2 2 

 √  √ 3 3 1 1 x+ y ; x− y 2 2 2 2

 √   √ 1 3 3 1 x− y ; − x− y ; 2 2 2 2



G(−x; y) = G(x; y)


G(x; −y) = G(x; y): √ Corollary. If we let h = 12 ; l = 3=2; then Hi (x; y) has a 12-fold symmetry. That means   √  √ 1 1 3 3 y ; x+ y Hi (x; y) = Hi (−x; y) = Hi − x+ 2 2 2 2  √   √ 1 1 3 3 y ; − x+ y − x− 2 2 2 2

 = Hi

 √  √ 1 1 3 3 x+ y ; x− y 2 2 2 2

 √   √ 1 1 3 3 x− y ; − x− y = Hi (x; −y); 2 2 2 2

= Hi

= Hi for i = 1; 2; 3:

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Proof. It is straight forward to check that   √  √ 1 3 3 1 − x+ H1 (x; y) = H1 (−x; y) = H1 y ; x+ y 2 2 2 2   √   √ 1 3 3 1 − x− y ; − x+ y = H1 2 2 2 2   √  √ 1 3 3 1 x+ y ; x− y = H1 2 2 2 2   √   √ 1 1 3 3 x− y ; − x− y = H1 (x; −y): = H1 2 2 2 2 Hence by the theorem, so does Hi (x; y); i = 2; 3: Consequently, if the image we process has the 12-fold symmetry property, we just need one-twelfth information. Furthermore, if the image has 6-fold or 4-fold symmetry, the corresponding symmetry of Hi (x; y) (i = 1; 2; 3) can be used to save the time and space. 4. Boundary conditions for interpolations on the hexagonal partition First, the consideration will be given to the interpolation in the rectangular area . The hexagonal partition on  and regular triangular partition on  are diKerent. So here are diKerent formulas from the former paper. Because that H1 ((x − x2i )=h; (y − y2j )=l)|(x; y)∈ = 0 for i = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; M=2; j = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; N=2; and H1 ((x − x2i+1 )=h; (y − y2j+1 )=l)|(x; y)∈ = 0 for i = −1; 0; 1; 2; : : : ; M=2; j = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; N=2 − 1; the interpolation function can be expressed as

  M=2 N=2−1 M=2 N=2

x − x i y − yj x − x i y − yj + ; g1 (x; y) := c2i+12j+1 H1 c2i2j H1 ; ; h l h l i=−1 j=0 i=0 j=0 where cij = fij ;

i = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; M; j = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; N;

c−1; 2j+1 = 3f1; 2j+1 − 3f3; 2j+1 + f5; 2j+1 ;

j = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; (N=2) − 1;

cM +1; 2j+1 = 3fM −1; 2j+1 − 3fM −3; 2j+1 + fM −5; 2j+1 ;

j = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; (N=2) − 1:

Since H2 (x; y), H3 (x; y) have larger supports, Hk ((x−xi )=h; (y−yj )=l)|(x; y)∈ = 0 for i=−3; −2; : : : ; M + 3; j = −3; −2; : : : ; N + 3; the interpolation function is M=2+1   M=2+1 N=2+1


x − x i y − yj x − x i y − yj + ; ; ; *k [f](x; y) := c2i+12j+1 Hk c2i2j Hk l l h h i=−2 j=−2 i=−1 j=−1 k = 2; 3;


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where cij = fij for i = 0; 1; : : : ; M; j = 0; 1; : : : ; N; and for boundary coe1cients we let c−k; 2j+1 ; and cM +k; 2j+1 for j = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; N=2; k = 1; 2; 3; c2i+1; −k and c2i+1; N +k for i = 0; 1; 2; : : : ; M=2; k = 1; 2; 3 be linear combinations of fij . (For details, please contact the author.) The coe1cients are chosen in a way that if p2 (x; y) is a bivariate polynomial of total degree 2, then for k = 2; 3; by direct calculation,  M +1

N +1

x − x i y − yj ; = p2 (x; y): p2 (xi ; yj )Hk *k [p2 ](x; y) := h l i=−1 j=−1 Hence, we have the following theorem. Theorem 4.1. The approximation order of the bivariate cardinal splines spaces S41 (; 3 ) is 3. In the digital signal processing, the hexagonal partition is very useful to the circular band-limited sample functions. The rest of this section will be contributed towards circular area + with the hexagonal partition 3 : Let the center of the circle be (x0 ; y0 ) and the radius be R. Let M; N be positive integers and h=R=M; l=R=N; xi =x0 +ih; yj =y0 +jl; i=−M; −M +1; : : : ; 0; 1; : : : ; M; j=−N; −N +1; : : : ; 0; 1; : : : ; N: The interpolation expression can be denoted as follows: 

x − x i y − yj ; ; cij H1 *1 [f](x; y) := h l 2 2 2 i +j ¡(R+2)

where cij = fij

if (xi ; yj ) ∈ + which means (ih)2 + (jl)2 6 R2 ; −M 6 i 6 M; −N 6 j 6 N;

cij = 2fi−1j−1 − fi−2j−2 if (xi ; yj ) ∈ + cij = 2fi−2j − fi−4j


if (xi−1 ; yj−1 ) ∈ + but

(xi−1 ; yj−1 ) ∈ +; (xi−2 ; yj ) ∈ +; 0 6 i 6 M; 0 6 j 6 N;

cij = 2fi+1j−1 − fi+2j−2 if (xi ; yj ) ∈ +


(xi+1 ; yj−1 ) ∈ +;

cij = 2fi+2j − fi+4j


(xi+2 ; yj ) ∈ +; −M 6 i 6 0; 0 6 j 6 N;

cij = 2fi+1j+1 − fi+2j+2 if (xi ; yj ) ∈ +


(xi+1 ; yj+1 ) ∈ +;

cij = 2fi+2j − fi+4j


(xi+2 ; yj ) ∈ +; −M 6 i 6 0; −N 6 j 6 0;

cij = 2fi−1j+1 − fi−2j+2 if (xi ; yj ) ∈ +


(xi−1 ; yj+1 ) ∈ +;

cij = 2fi−2j − fi−4j


(xi−2 ; yj ) ∈ +; 0 6 i 6 M; −N 6 j 6 0:

if (xi+1 ; yj−1 ) ∈ +

if (xi+1 ; yj+1 ) ∈ +

if (xi−1 ; yj+1 ) ∈ +

Because of the curvature of the boundary of +, the choices for the boundary condition are cumbersome to write. However, the comparison is easy to do on the computer. Furthermore, the choices guarantee that for a linear polynomials p1 (x; y); *1 [p1 ](x; y) = p1 (x; y):

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Similarly, the interpolation expressions with Hk (x; y) can be denoted as follows: 

x − x i y − yj ; ; *k [f](x; y) := cij Hk h l 2 2 2 i +j ¡(R+2)

where cij = fij

if (xi ; yj ) ∈ + which means (ih)2 + (jl)2 6 R2 ; −M 6 i 6 M; −N 6 j 6 N:

As for the boundary coe1cients, they are chosen in a way to guarantee that for a quadratic polynomials p2 (x; y) in two variables (For details, please contact the author), *k [p2 ](x; y) = p2 (x; y): 5. Comparison with the tensor product It is possible to apply tensor product of univariate spline functions to the hexagonal partition in the plane [1,12–14,19,20,25–28]. However, if the univariate B-splines are used, the tensor products have larger support than our bivariate cardinal splines here. Furthermore, the tensor product formed by B-splines will not have the main feature that our bivariate cardinal splines have and the computation involved in the interpolation problems will be a big task. If the univariate cardinal splines are used to form the tensor products, the support will be bigger than ours and the degree of polynomials used will be higher than ours. In conclusion, the two-dimensional cardinal spline function constructed in this paper will reduce computation complexity and time and save storage space when two-dimensional interpolation problems are considered. References [1] A. Aldroubi, M. Unser, M. Eden, Polynomial spline signal approximations: Elter design and asymptotic equivalence with Shanon’s sampling theorem, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 38 (99) (1992) 95–103. [2] L. Bamberger, Zweidimensionale splines auf regulParen triangulationen, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Munich, 1985. [3] C. De Boor, A Practical Guide to Splines, Springer, New York, 1978. [4] C. De Boor, R. Devore, Approximation by smooth multivariate splines, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 276 (1983) 775–788. [5] C. De Boor, K. HPollig, Recurrence relations for multivariate B-splines, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 85 (1982) 397–400. [6] C. De Boor, K. HPollig, Bivariate box splines and smooth pp functions on a three-direction mesh, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 9 (1983) 13–28. [7] C. De Boor, R. Devore, K. HPollig, Approximation order from smooth bivariate pp functions, in: C.K. Chui, L.L. Shumaker, J.D. Ward (Eds.), Approximation Theory IV, Academic Press, New York, 1983, pp. 353–357. [8] C. De Boor, K. HPollig, S. Riemenschneider, On bivariate cardinal interpolations, in: B. Sendov, P. Petrushev, R. Maleev, S. Tashev (Eds.), Constructive Theory of functions ’84, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, SoEa, 1984, pp. 254–259. [9] C.K. Chui, Multivariate Splines, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1988. [10] C.K. Chui, R.H. Wang, Spaces of bivariate cubic and quartic splines on type I triangulations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 101 (1984) 540–554. [11] C.K. Chui, R.H. Wang, Multivariate spline spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 94 (1983) 197–221. [12] Dan E. Dudgeon, Russeell M. Mersereau, Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, Englewood cliKs, NJ, 1984.


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