Cancer, HIV and AIDS

Cancer, HIV and AIDS

131 of a sample of 867 infants investigated received the first dose of the vaccine, only 53% and 39% received the second and third doses, respectively...

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131 of a sample of 867 infants investigated received the first dose of the vaccine, only 53% and 39% received the second and third doses, respectively. fn developing African ~~~~~~~t~~~ it wouM thus appear that to ensure adequate coverage for second and third doses, the vactine would need to be physically incorporated into the

DPT vaccine as a fourth component, thus ensuring automatic a~ministra~~ou with DPT.

Cancer, HIV and AID5.V Beral, HW Jaffe, RA Weiss. Cold Spring ~~F~F~~~~~~~O~~SS, New York, 1991,

Heat SRock. B Maresca, S Lindquist. Spriager-Verlag, Berlin, Heide~b~~ New York, London, Paris, Tokyo+ Hong Kong, Barcelona, Budapest, 1991.

One in six people witti acquired immu~lodef~c~eucy syndrome (AIDS) in the USA or Europe also have cancer, albeit unusuai cancers such as Kaposi’s sarcoma or nnnHodgkin lymphon% This volume summarizes the current knowledge of the causes of cancer in people with AIDS, the epidemiology of these c~tcers and their clinical manifestations and treatment. Emphasis is on Kaposi’s sarcoma and nun-H~gkin lymphoma, since the risk of these two malignancies is subs~n~jaIly increased by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The list of other cancers whose risk might also be increased by HIV infection is long (see Rabkin and Btattner, this issue), but for none, except perhaps Hodgkin’s disease, is there more than anecdoiat evidence of an ass~~at~on. With the spread of the HIV and the pace of modern research we can expect many questions raised in this volume to be answered soon. For example, we should saon know whether the risk of other cancers known OF suspected to be caused by infectious agents-~odgkin’s disease, hepato celfular cancer and cervical cancer are also increased in association with HIV infection. Research workers may also have identified the specific agents that cause Kaposi’ sarcoma and certain forms of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. This should aid our understanding of the causes of cancer not oniy in HIV infected patients but also in NIV uninfected patients. As disastrous as the spread of HIV is, the insights that the AIDS epidemic provides into the causes of cancer may ultimately lead to new and successful approaches to cancer prevention.


Up to now the heat shock response has been studied as a model system to analyze control mechanisms regulating the synthesis of heat shock proteins providing important general insight into the regulation of gene expression. However, the major revelation, which has sparked interest from a!l quarters of biofogy, is the discoveq that heag shock proteins play major rofes in an extraardinary variety of normal ceifufar processes. They are the focus of investigations in many areas of cell biology, includizg protein trafficing, signal transduction, DNA replication, transcription, protein synthesis, and in the assembly of diverse protein structures. These aspects are thoroughly examined, as are the implications, in ~mmunolo~, infectious diseases. chronic degeneration, hyperthermia, and cancer research. Diabetesand Atherosclerosis. RW Stout. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1991. Atherosclerosis is the major cause of death and diisabiIity in developd countries and is particulariy significant in ageiug populations. Diabetes mellitus, another condition whose incidence: increases with increasmg age, is an important predisposing factor far atherosclcrosis, and cardiovascular disease is the most important complication of diabetes. AIthougb the association between diabetes and atherosclerosis has been known for a number of years, the mechiurism of the link between the two remains obscure. Diabetes is associated