Caprari provides solutions for water More than 50 years in water-cycle applica complex water-han also has a strong inter
Over the years since the foundation of the company in the 194Os, the development of Caprari’s activities has led to the establishment of a whole range of manufacturing and business companies, whose specialized contribution has given additional strength to the enterprise, while guaranteeing an on-going service. With more than 700 employees, the Caprari Group now includes: Caprari SpA, which manufactures electric and other pumps in Modena (Figure 1); SWM SPA, a producer of submersible motors based in Rubiera; and the cast iron foundry Fondmatic SpA in Crevalcore. Other associated companies are:
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Caprari Pumps Ltd (UK), Caprari France Sarl (France), Bombas Caprari SA (Spain), and Caprari GmbH (Germany). Pumpen Exports account for more than 50% of the group’s production.
the systems to achieve savings.
Established in 1945, Caprari has enlarged its initial production of irrigation pumps to cover centrifugal pumps and electric i !: *r i -: a **,“‘“fl p**ii;r.,~~:4,Q~~:P3~~ pumps. The company believes +.“r:R;< i*i‘;“: &“F_CE* ;Iy cpJ .> A** s,Q that high-quality planning and Caprari’s long-held ambition is to production have enabled it to I act as a reference point on the achieve a leading position in the : market when it comes to the sector through a constant in: integrated water-cycle industry. crease in turnover and continual : The company’s target is to come demanding additions to the E up with the most suitable, production range. Over the years, : efficient and advanced solutions the company has fostered its I wherever water needs to be position through increasingly ‘“P refined technologies, improve;+ drawn from deep wells, surface water pumped and conveyed, ments to the technical specificarainwater drained, or wastewater tions and reliability of the collected and reused after the products, research into the best necessary purification treatments. quality/price ratio, and a full preAll this is done with a constant and after-sales service. eye to quality, economy and reliability, which are essential if 4 *ii” ” 4-t,yg ,TfJ $*$*a 5 .**r an increasingly more global and Thanks to the experience acquicompetitive market is to be faced. red through more than 50 years Environmental matters are also of planning and manufacturing an important consideration at centrifugal pumps for aqueducts, Caprari. This does not just mean protecting the ecosystem but industry and irrigation, Caprari is also optimizing the efficiency of able to produce a complete range
The Green Catalogue for clear surface waters covers Caprari’s line of horizontal single and multistage pumps (Figure 4), with flow rates up to 280 l/s and heads of up to 640 m, and its horizontal and vertical monobloc pumps, featuring flow rates up to 60 l/s and heads of 250 m.
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Caprari’s pumps find applications in civil engineering, industry, sewage, agriculture and various leisure sectors.
Civil works/industrv *
of pumps able to resolve the most varied water raising or circulating problems. The company concentrates exclusively on this sector, and on-going activities range from planning to production, through to marketing of pumps and electric pumps. Since 1994, all this has been guaranteed by the certification of the company’s quality system by Det Norske Veritas to IS0 9001 standards.
Water towers Air conditioning Industrial applications Fire-fighting Site drainage Domestic water supply
Sewage Wastewater treatment Sewage networks Effluents Recycling treated water
Agriculture irrigation Reclaimed lands
Other applications Artificial snow Leisure parks Fountains Fish-farming Service stations (e.g. car wash facilities). Cor~r~cr CaprariSpA Via EmiliaQvest900 41100 Modena, Italy.
Tel: +39-059-897611
Fax: +39-059-897897
[email protected]
Customer service is implemented in Italy through a dozen agencies, 11 depots and numerous spares and assistance centres. In addition to its four European associates, the company’s international sales and assistance network comprises various licensees and joint ventures in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, with 60 dealers and more than 500 resale outlets covering 70 countries
Caprari’s Blue Catalogue for deep clear water comprises: electric submersible pumps (Figure Z), with flow rates up to 350 I/s, and heads of up to 700 m; and vertical lineshaft pumps, up to 350 Us and 250 m. The company’s Violet Cataiogue for sewage and drainage pumps features drainage pumps (up to 50 I/s and 40 m) and sewage pumps, with flow rates to 600 l/s and heads of 70 m (Figure 3).
December 2002
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