CECO announces new contracts worth almost US$4 million

CECO announces new contracts worth almost US$4 million

fise0903pg04-11.qxd 30/09/2003 14:11 Page 8 industrial news Toyoda Boshoku raises production of recyclable filters CECO announces new contracts w...

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industrial news Toyoda Boshoku raises production of recyclable filters

CECO announces new contracts worth almost US$4 million

Japanese company Toyoda Boshoku Corp is planning to increase production of its car engine air filters, according to The Nikkei Business Daily. The company says that it intends adding a production line at its Aichi Prefecture plant by January 2004. This will raise the monthly output capacity by just under 100 000 units to about 550 000. The plant currently operates five lines. The filters are made from a single material and are easier to recycle, claims the company. Many existing filter designs use an exterior frame that is made from a material such as hard resin or rubber, which is different from the substance that is used to make the filter component itself. Toyoda Boshoku believes that its filters will assist car manufactures, such as Toyota Motor Corp, which are trying to increase their recyclable components. Toyoda Boshoku's full fabric air filter is made entirely from polyester, and using just one material has helped lower production costs by about 30%, claims the company. The filter is also made by TBDN Tennessee Co, a US joint venture between Toyoda Boshoku and Denso Corp.

US-based CECO Environmental Corp has been awarded five new contracts, totalling US$3.9 million. The first, valued at approximately US$1.3 million, involves designing, producing and installing a regenerative thermal oxidizer for an ethanol manufacturing facility located in the midwest USA. Secured by the company's subsidiary, CECO Abatement Systems, this is the seventh such oxidizer that it has sold to ethanol producers. CECO, which is based in Cincinnati, Ohio, has also recently received a contract worth over US$0.8 million to provide and install a partitioning system that minimizes dust and the need for ventilation at speciality glass furnace located in the southeastern USA. This contract is being fulfilled by CECO's subsidiary Kirk & Blum, which is also supplying mechanical systems for a food-processing facility located in the Midwest in a further deal valued at about US$0.6 million. CECO's Busch International subsidiary, located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has received two significant new contracts. The first, valued at about US$0.8 million, is for a ventilation system at a Midwestern Steel Mill. Through its UK office it has received a US$0.4 million contract to provide fume exhaust systems for a rolling mill in China.

Contact: Toyoda Boshoku Corp, 1-1 Toyoda-cho, Kariya-chu, Aichi Prefecture 448-8651, Japan. Tel: +81 566 26 0300; Website: www.toyoda-boshoku.co.jp/english/index1.html

Contact: CECO Environmental Corp, 3120 Forrer Street, Cincinnati, OH 45209, USA. Tel: +1 513 458 2600; Fax: +1 513 458 2647; E-mail: email:[email protected]; Website: www.cecoenviro.com

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8 October 2003
