Clinical and Prognostic Significance of sST2 in Heart Failure

Clinical and Prognostic Significance of sST2 in Heart Failure


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VOL. 74, NO. 17, 2019



Clinical and Prognostic Significance of sST2 in Heart Failure JACC Review Topic of the Week Alberto Aimo, MD,a James L. Januzzi, JR, MD,b Antoni Bayes-Genis, MD, PHD,c Giuseppe Vergaro, MD, PHD,a,d Paolo Sciarrone, MD,d Claudio Passino, MD,a,d Michele Emdin, MD, PHDa,d

ABSTRACT Soluble suppression of tumorigenesis-2 (sST2) is released in response to vascular congestion and inflammatory and profibrotic stimuli, and is a strong, independent predictor of mortality and heart failure (HF) hospitalization in patients with acute or chronic HF. sST2 meets 2 fundamental criteria for clinically useful biomarkers: accurate, repeated measurements are available at a reasonable cost, and the biomarker provides information not already available from a careful clinical assessment. In particular, the prognostic value of sST2 is additive to natriuretic peptides and (in the case of chronic HF) to high-sensitivity troponin T. Nevertheless, the need for a multibiomarker approach to risk stratification and the role of sST2 as a guide to therapy decision-making remain to be established. Four years after a consensus document on sST2, and following major advances in the comprehension of the clinical value of this biomarker, the authors felt it worthwhile to reappraise current knowledge on sST2 in HF. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:2193–203) © 2019 Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation.


aboratory diagnostics plays a major role in the

biomarkers, a growing body of evidence points to

diagnosis, risk stratification, therapy decision-

the clinical relevance of soluble suppression of

making, and monitoring of patients with heart

tumorigenesis-2 (sST2), which was first classified as

failure (HF). As proposed by Dr. Braunwald, bio-

an indicator of myocyte stress (1), but is mainly pro-

markers of HF can be classified according to the

duced in extracardiac tissues (2–4) in response to in-

main pathophysiological determinant of circulating

flammatory and fibrotic stimuli (5). Four years after

concentrations: inflammation, oxidative stress, extra-

the publication of a Consensus Document dedicated

cellular matrix remodeling, neurohormones, myocyte

to sST2 (6), and following major advances in our

injury, and myocyte stress (1). The most established

comprehension of the clinical value of this biomarker,

biomarkers are natriuretic peptides and troponins,

we update current knowledge on sST2 in HF with a

reflecting hemodynamic overload and cardiomyocyte

particular focus on its main application, that is,

damage, respectively. Besides these cardiac-specific

outcome prediction.

From the aInstitute of Life Sciences, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy; bMassachusetts General Hospital and Baim Institute for Clinical Research, Boston, Massachusetts; cHospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona (Barcelona), CIBERCV, Listen to this manuscript’s

Barcelona, Spain; and the dCardiology Department, Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio, Pisa, Italy. Dr. Januzzi is supported

audio summary by

in part by the Hutter Family Professorship; is a Trustee of the American College of Cardiology; has received grant support from


Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Roche Diagnostics, Abbott, Singulex, and Prevencio; has received consulting income from Abbott,

Dr. Valentin Fuster on

Janssen, Novartis, Pfizer, Merck, Roche Diagnostics, and Critical Diagnostics; and participates in Clinical Endpoint Committees/

Data Safety Monitoring Boards for Abbott, AbbVie, Amgen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Janssen, and Takeda. Dr. Bayes-Genis has received grant support from Roche Diagnosis; has received lecture honoraria from Roche Diagnostics and Critical Diagnostics; and has received consulting income from Roche Diagnostics, Critical Diagnostics, and Novartis. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose. David A. Morrow, MD, served as Guest Associate Editor for this paper. Manuscript received June 27, 2019; revised manuscript received August 7, 2019, accepted August 31, 2019.

ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00


Aimo et al.

JACC VOL. 74, NO. 17, 2019 OCTOBER 29, 2019:2193–203

sST2 in Heart Failure





In 1989, ST2 was first identified by 2 inde-

HF = heart failure

pendent laboratories working on growth-

hs-TnT = high-sensitivity

stimulated fibroblasts (7,8). The definition

troponin T

“suppression of tumorigenesis” derives from

IL = interleukin LV = left ventricle/ventricular NT-proBNP = N-terminal

the hypothesis that ST2 might blunt uncontrolled cell proliferation; the researcher Shinichi Tominaga had previously identified

fragment of pro-brain natriuretic peptide

another protein called ST1 (9). Since the first

sST2 = soluble suppression of

description of ST2, it was noted that it


 sST2 is released in response to vascular congestion, inflammatory, and profibrotic stimuli.  sST2 is a strong predictor of outcome in HF.  The prognostic value of sST2 in HF is additive to natriuretic peptides.

had structural similarity to interleukin (IL)-1

variation at the gene locus predominantly regulates

receptors (7); hence, its alternative definition: “IL-1

ST2 expression (15). While ST2L is constitutively

receptor like-1.” Nonetheless, the function of this

expressed primarily in hematopoietic cells (Th2 and

protein remained unclear for several years.

mast cells), the expression of sST2 is largely induced

In 2002, Weinberg et al. (10) analyzed the expression of 7,000 genes in cardiomyocytes under-

in response to mechanical stretch and to inflammatory and pro-fibrotic stimuli (5).

going mechanical strain, and found that ST2 mark-

The major source of circulating sST2 in patients

edly increased as a response to this stimulus. In the

with HF has not been fully established, although

following years, IL-33 was identified as the ligand of

extracardiac production seems predominant: sST2

ST2 (11). IL-33 is mainly expressed by stromal cells

levels in HF are 10% higher in the peripheral venous

(fibroblasts, smooth muscle, epithelial, and endo-

blood, compared with the coronary sinus (2), and

thelial cells) (5), and signals to local immune cells the

there is no evident myocardial gradient of sST2 (16).

presence of tissue damage after exposure to patho-

Furthermore, in HF with preserved ejection fraction,

gens, injury-induced stress, or necrotic death (5).

sST2 concentrations are associated with systemic

Within the heart, IL-33 inhibits cardiomyocyte hy-

inflammation, right ventricular dysfunction, and

pertrophy and fibrosis in response to stimuli such as

systemic congestion, but not with indexes of left

angiotensin-II or phenylephrine, both in isolated

ventricular (LV) morphology or function (3,17). The

cardiomyocytes and in the murine model (12),

lungs have been proposed as an important site of sST2

possibly through the modulation of nuclear factor

production in HF (4). While the mechanisms of

kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells ac-

intracellular ST2L proteolysis have been clarified (18),

tivity (5,12). Furthermore, IL-33 reduces apoptosis by

to our knowledge the sites of degradation of sST2 and

induction of antiapoptotic factors and suppression of

the specific proteases involved have not been eluci-


dated so far.







dioprotective effects by binding ST2-ligand (ST2L), which is a receptor expressed on plasma membrane


of cardiomyocytes and fibroblasts, containing an extracellular domain of 3 linked immunoglobulin-

The assay methods for sST2 are thought to measure

like motifs, a transmembrane segment, and an

both free sST2 and sST2 complexed with IL-33,

intracellular Toll/IL-1 receptor cytoplasmic domain.

although it is not clear which epitopes are detected

sST2 is a circulating form of this receptor, which

by the antibodies against sST2 used for the different

lacks the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains

methods (19). Among the 4 main ELISA assays (Pres-

and acts as a decoy receptor for IL-33 (5,12) (Central

age assay, Critical Diagnostics, San Diego, California;


MBL International, Woburn, Massachusetts; Ray

The gene named ST2 is located on human chro-

Biotech, Peachtree Corners, Georgia; R&D, Minneap-

mosome 2q12 and is part of the larger IL-1 gene clus-

olis, Minnesota), the Presage is the only one that has

ter. The ST2 gene has a proximal and a distal

received the Conformitè Européenne Mark and has

promoter; alternative promoter splicing and 3ʹ pro-

been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administra-

cessing of the mRNA are believed to account for the

tion. Assay automation is expected in the near future,

production of either sST2 or ST2L (5,14). The mecha-

and should reduce dosage times considerably. As

nisms regulating the expression of sST2 and ST2L

established for the Presage assay, sST2 concentra-

have not been clarified (5), however common genetic

tions appear to be independent of fasting status,

Aimo et al.

JACC VOL. 74, NO. 17, 2019 OCTOBER 29, 2019:2193–203

sST2 in Heart Failure

C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N Biology and Clinical Application of Suppression of Tumorigenesis-2

Aimo, A. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2019;74(17):2193–203.

Soluble suppression of tumorigenesis-2 (sST2) is produced mostly by alveolar cells and vessel wall cells, and to a lower extent by cardiac fibroblasts and cardiomyocytes. Interleukin (IL)-33 is released by stromal cells in cardiac and extracardiac tissues; it binds membrane suppression of tumorigenesis-2 (ST2) receptors on cardiomyocytes and cardiac fibroblasts, blunting myocardial hypertrophy and fibrosis and inhibiting cardiomyocyte apoptosis. sST2 acts as a decoy receptor for IL-33, reducing these positive effects. sST2 measurement holds prognostic significance in acute or chronic heart failure (HF). NP ¼ natriuretic peptide.



Aimo et al.

JACC VOL. 74, NO. 17, 2019 OCTOBER 29, 2019:2193–203

sST2 in Heart Failure

T A B L E 1 Analytical Performance of Assays for Soluble ST2


Limit of Detection

Measurement Range

Intra-assay CV

Presage ST2 kit

1.3 ng/ml

Up to 200 ng/ml



Human ST2 ELISA kit

0.032 ng/ml

Up to 20 ng/ml



Human IL-1 R4/ST2 ELISA kit

0.002 ng/ml

Up to 1.2 ng/ml



ST2/IL-1 R4 DuoSet ELISA or Quantikine ELISA

0.005 ng/ml

Up to 2.0 ng/ml




Critical Diagnostics (San Diego, California) MBL International (Woburn, Massachusetts) RayBiotech (Peachtree Corners, Georgia) R&D Systems (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Interassay CV

Modified with permission from Mueller and Jaffe (19), 2015. CV ¼ coefficient of variation; ST2 ¼ suppression of tumorigenesis-2.

unaffected by freeze-thaw cycles, and with minimal

cardiac stretch, myocardial injury, and fibrosis; and

effects by hemolysis, lipemia, icterus, or rheumatoid

with abnormal echocardiographic parameters, but not

factor (19).

with renal function (25). Higher sST2 concentrations

The analytical characteristics of sST2 assay are

were associated with an elevated risk of incident HF

discussed in dedicated publications (19,20), and

and cardiovascular death, although the prognostic

summarized in Table 1. Notably, sST2 has a lower


reference change value than B-type natriuretic pep-

NT-proBNP or both NT-proBNP and high-sensitivity

tide (BNP) or N-terminal pro–B-type natriuretic pep-

troponin T (hs-TnT) to the model (25). Among 3,428

tide (NT-proBNP) both in healthy subjects (21), and in

participants in the Framingham Heart Study, sST2

patients with chronic HF (22); therefore, variations in

levels predicted death, incident HF, and major car-

sST2 across serial measurements could reflect more

diovascular events independently from standard

closely changes in clinical status than variations in

cardiovascular risk factors, as well as from other

natriuretic peptides.

biomarkers of cardiovascular stress (growth-derived

sST2 TO DIAGNOSE HF OR PREDICT ITS DEVELOPMENT Reference values of plasma sST2 were defined by using the Presage assay on 3 cohorts of apparently healthy adult subjects: 1 European and 2 American (men: 4 to 31, 9 to 50, and 11 to 45 ng/ml; women: 2 to





factor-15, hs-TnI, BNP, hs-C-reactive protein) (26). In the Dallas Heart Study (n ¼ 3,294), sST2 was predictive






regardless of the presence of HF at baseline, although the predictive value for incident HF was not explored (27).


21, 7 to 33, and 9 to 35 ng/ml, respectively) (19). Additionally, data from the Framingham Heart Study

The prognostic significance of sST2 was first reported

provided important information regarding distribu-

in 2003. In a subanalysis of the PRAISE-2 (Prospective

tion and clinical correlates in a generally healthy,


ambulatory population (23). Unlike cardiac-specific

study, conducted on 161 patients with HF and New

biomarkers such as natriuretic peptides, there is

York Heart Association functional class III or IV,

overlap among sST2 levels in healthy subjects, HF

baseline sST2 levels were correlated with natriuretic

patients, or people affected by inflammatory disor-

peptides, and their variation within 2 weeks was

ders (pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary

predictive of all-cause mortality and need for heart

disease) (20). sST2 measurement is then not helpful

transplantation regardless of natriuretic peptide

to discriminate between cardiac and noncardiac dys-

levels (28). A strong prognostic value of sST2, inde-

pnea (24).

pendent from NT-proBNP, emerged in a cohort of 593




sST2 levels are lower in healthy women than men,

patients presenting at the emergency department

contrary to HF, where no significant sex-related dif-

with acute dyspnea (confirmed in the subset of 209

ferences in circulating concentrations and prognostic

patients with final HF diagnosis) (24), and in a pop-

significance of sST2 have been reported. In elderly,

ulation of 346 patients with acute HF (29). In the

community-dwelling individuals (n ¼ 3,915), circu-

latter study, mortality increased progressively with

lating sST2 was associated with older age, African-

sST2 deciles, exceeding 50% in the tenth decile; when

American race, and traditional cardiovascular risk

both ST2 and natriuretic peptides were elevated, the

factors; with other biomarkers of inflammation,

highest rates of death were observed in cumulative

Aimo et al.

JACC VOL. 74, NO. 17, 2019 OCTOBER 29, 2019:2193–203


sST2 in Heart Failure

T A B L E 2 Proposed Cut-Offs of sST2 in Patients With Acute or Chronic Heart Failure and in Apparently Healthy Individuals

Study Type




Proposed sST2 Cut-Off (ng/ml)


Method for Cut-Off Selection

Original study


Elderly individuals



Incident HF, CV death

Cut-off previously proposed in CHF

Rehman et al. (29), 2008

Original study





All-cause death (1-yr)

Youden index

Pascual-Figal et al. (31), 2011

Original study





All-cause death

Youden index

Pascual-Figal et al. (30), 2019

Original study





All-cause death (1-yr)

Cut-off previously proposed in CHF

Original study





All-cause death or heart transplant

Youden index

Individual patient 4,268 data meta-analysis




All-cause and CV death, HF hospitalization

Youden index

First Author (Ref. #), Year

Parikh et al. (25), 2016

Ky et al. (37), 2011 Emdin et al. (40), 2018

The 35-ng/ml cut-off has been adopted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a prognostic cut-off (21). AHF ¼ acute heart failure; CHF ¼ chronic heart failure; HF ¼ heart failure; sST2 ¼ soluble suppression of tumorigenesis-2.

hazard analysis (p < 0.001). In the presence of a low

increase of baseline log2-sST2: 1.30; 95% confidence

ST2 level, natriuretic peptides did not predict mor-

interval: 1.08 to 1.56; p ¼ 0.005). When repeated

tality (29). The risk threshold commonly used in

measurements were taken into account, the hazard

chronic HF (i.e., 35 ng/ml) has been evaluated in a

ratio per 1-SD increase of sST2 during follow-up was

recent study, displaying a modest prognostic perfor-

1.85 (95% confidence interval: 1.02 to 3.33; p ¼ 0.044),

mance (30); higher risk thresholds have been pro-

after adjustment for clinical factors and repeated

posed, most notably 49 (29) and 65 ng/ml (31,32)

measurements of NT-proBNP. Furthermore, ST2

(Table 2).

levels started to increase several weeks before the

Studies evaluating the prognostic significance of

occurrence of the primary endpoint (35) (Figure 1).

sST2 in acute HF have consistently reported that this

In a recent subanalysis of the PIONEER-HF (Com-

biomarker helps refine risk stratification, particularly

parison of Sacubitril/valsartan vs. Enalapril on Effect

for fatal endpoints. A meta-analysis by our group


showed that sST2 levels, measured both on admission

[NT-proBNP] in Patients Stabilized from an Acute HF

and at discharge, predict all-cause and cardiovascular

Episode) trial, baseline sST2 concentrations yielded

mortality. Moreover, unlike measurement at the time

prognostic significance for the composite outcome of

of admission, sST2 plasma concentration at discharge


yielded prognostic significance for hospital read-

Notably, patients in the sacubitril/valsartan arm dis-

mission for HF (33).

played a greater reduction in circulating sST2 than









The usefulness of serial sST2 measurement in

enalapril after as early as 1 week, as well as a better

acute HF has been specifically evaluated by several

outcome. sST2 levels decreased less than hs-TnT or

studies. In a population of 150 patients undergoing

NT-proBNP (6.4% vs. 15.8% and 29.4%, respectively),

daily blood sampling for sST2, percent change in ST2

possibly reflecting a lower impact of decongestion on

was strongly predictive of 90-day mortality: patients

sST2 levels than hs-TnT or NT-proBNP (36).

whose ST2 values decreased by 15.5% or more during the study period had a 7% chance of death, whereas


patients whose ST2 levels failed to decrease by 15.5%


in this time interval had a 33% chance of death. The prognostic value of sST2 changes was again inde-

In 2011, Ky et al. (37) performed a meta-analysis of

pendent from variations in NT-proBNP (34). In a

sST2 for prognosticating outcomes in chronic HF in 3

multicenter study from the Netherlands, 496 patients

cohorts. These results were further validated in the

with acute HF underwent repeated blood sampling

HF-ACTION (Heart Failure: A Controlled Trial Inves-

(on admission; at days 2 and 4; at discharge; after 2

tigating Outcomes of Exercise Training) cohort (38),

and 4 weeks; and at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months). After

leading to regulatory approval in the United States. In

adjustment for clinical factors and NT-proBNP, base-

2016, a much larger meta-analysis, considering

line sST2 was associated with an increased risk of the

pooled data from 7 studies and 6,372 patients, re-

primary endpoint (composite of all-cause mortality

ported that unadjusted sST2 values predict all-cause

and HF rehospitalization: hazard ratio per 1-SD

and cardiovascular mortality in chronic HF (39). The

Aimo et al.

JACC VOL. 74, NO. 17, 2019 OCTOBER 29, 2019:2193–203

sST2 in Heart Failure

F I G U R E 1 Trends of sST2 and Outcome After a Hospitalization for HF


80 sST2 (ng/mL)








80 60 Time to Event (Days)

Patients with Event




Patients without Event


Soluble suppression of tumorigenesis-2 (sST2) trends and individual sST2 values during follow-up after a heart failure (HF) hospitalization are reported. Patients experiencing the “event” (all-cause death or new HF hospitalization) (blue) and those who did not (red) are distinguished. Reproduced with permission from van Vark et al. (35).

sST2 >35-ng/ml cut-off was associated with a signifi-

While galectin-3 (another biomarker of inflam-

cantly higher risk of mortality at 1 year, also when

mation and fibrosis) has been reported to be more

adjusting for several covariates (39). An analysis of

predictive than sST2 in acute HF (43), several pa-

4,268 individual patient data from 11 cohorts found

pers suggest that sST2 holds superior prognostic

that the risk of all-cause death, cardiovascular death,

meaning than galectin-3 in chronic HF (44). sST2

and HF hospitalization increases exponentially with

was also equally predictive of outcome in either

sST2 levels, with 28 ng/ml identified as the best cut-

reduced or preserved ejection fraction (40,45), and

off at receiver-operating characteristic curves for the

independently predicted reverse remodeling (i.e.,

3 endpoints (40). When considering median values of

the improvement of LV geometry and function in

sST2, NT-proBNP, and hs-TnT (27 ng/ml, 1,360 ng/l,

response to guideline-recommended HF therapy),

and 18 ng/l, respectively), patients with only sST2 $

thus favorably affecting long-term outcome (46,47).

median had an increased risk of all-cause death, car-

Lupón et al. (46,47) have developed and validated

diovascular death, and HF hospitalization by 100%,

the ST2-R2 score, which includes sST2 <48 ng/ml

50%, and 10%, respectively, compared with those

(3 points), nonischemic etiology (5 points), absence

with no biomarker $ median; those with the 3

of left bundle branch block (4 points), history of

biomarkers $ median had a risk increased by 850%,

HF <1 year (2 points), LV ejection fraction <24%

640%, and 590%, respectively; and those with sST2


and another biomarker $ median had an intermediate

(2 points). The likelihood of reverse remodeling

risk profile, with a greater risk of all-cause death

(assessed over 1 year) increased in parallel with the

associated with the combination of sST2 and hs-

score points, while the risk of mortality decreased

TnT $ median (Figure 2). The prognostic value of







sST2 was independent from NT-proBNP, hs-TnT, and

The Barcelona Bio-HF score includes sST2 and 10

other variables with prognostic significance (40). In

other variables, and predicts the risk of death at 1, 2,

the same study, age, sex, body mass index, and renal

and 3 years with good performance (Online Figure 1)

function did not correlate with sST2 concentrations

(48). This score, which provides a further demon-

(40), as confirmed in other studies (41,42).

stration of the strong prognostic value of sST2 in

Aimo et al.

JACC VOL. 74, NO. 17, 2019 OCTOBER 29, 2019:2193–203

sST2 in Heart Failure

F I G U R E 2 Additive Value of sST2 to NT-proBNP and hs-TnT for Outcome Prediction in Chronic HF

> sST2 597 241 163


392 423

264 > NT

> TnT

< NT, < sST2, < TnT 1,224 Whole Population 4,268 RR 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CV Hospitalization < NT < TnT < sST2

> NT < TnT < sST2

< NT > TnT < sST2

< NT < TnT > sST2

CV Death > NT > TnT < sST2

All-Cause Death > NT < TnT > sST2

< NT > TnT > sST2

> NT > TnT > sST2

Relative risk (RR) of 3 endpoints (all-cause death, cardiovascular [CV] death, and HF hospitalization) were computed. Patients were classified according to median biomarker levels: N-terminal fragment of pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT) 1,360 ng/l; high-sensitivity troponin T (TnT) 18 ng/l; sST2 27 ng/ml. Reproduced with permission from Emdin et al. (40). Abbreviations as in Figure 1.

chronic HF, particularly for the prediction of fatal

Elevated sST2 was shown to predict sudden cardiac

outcomes, could possibly be expanded by including

death in patients with chronic HF, with additive

the use of sacubitril valsartan and mineralocorticoid

prognostic significance to NT-proBNP (49). sST2 has

receptor antagonists.

also been proposed as a predictor of risk of death or



Aimo et al.

JACC VOL. 74, NO. 17, 2019 OCTOBER 29, 2019:2193–203

sST2 in Heart Failure

T A B L E 3 Guideline Recommendations on the Clinical Use of sST2 in Either CHF or AHF


Year (Ref. #)





2013 (57)


Measurement of other clinically available tests such as biomarkers of myocardial injury or fibrosis may be considered for additive risk stratification.



Measurement of biomarkers of myocardial injury or fibrosis may be considered for additive risk stratification.


Measurement of other clinically available tests such as biomarkers of myocardial injury or fibrosis may be considered for additive risk stratification.


No specific recommendation.


Gaggin et al. (56) reported that rising sST2 over 1 year’s time identified patients at higher risk for progressive LV dysfunction (odds ratio: 1.22; p ¼ 0.01). These results were recapitulated by Lupón et al.

2017 (58)

2013 (57)













The 2013 American College of Cardiology Foundation/ American Heart Association HF guidelines recomA

mended to assess biomarkers of inflammation and fibrosis to refine prognostic stratification, albeit with a low class of recommendation (IIb; Level of Evidence: B for chronic HF, Level of Evidence: A for

ESC 2016 (59)

acute HF) (57), and not citing any specific biomarker. The 2017 update of these guidelines includes a similar

ACC/AHA ¼ American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association; ESC ¼ European Society of Cardiology; LOE ¼ Level of Evidence; NR ¼ nonrandomized; other abbreviations as in Table 2.

recommendation for chronic HF, whereas acute HF is not mentioned (58). On the other hand, the 2016 European Society of Cardiology Guidelines state that the evidence of sST2 and other emerging biomarkers is

ventricular arrhythmias in patients eligible for car-

still not so compelling to recommend their use in

diac resynchronization therapy and defibrillation.

clinical practice (59) (Table 3).

Among 684 patients from the MADIT (Multicenter Automated Defibrillator Implantation Trial), elevated baseline sST2 was associated with an increased risk of death, death or HF, and death or ventricular arrhythmias even when adjusting for BNP. Patients presenting lower baseline sST2 (<35 ng/ml) had greater risk reduction with cardiac resynchronization therapy and defibrillation (p ¼ 0.006) (50). In patients with stage D HF, elevated concentrations of sST2 were associated with higher risk for failure of HF treatment and impending mortality/transplant/ventricular assist device placement (51). sST2 tends to decrease after LV assist device implantation (52), and that sST2 levels after heart transplantation are associated with a higher risk of cellular rejection and longterm risk of mortality (53).

sST2 IN HF: OPEN QUESTIONS AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES Similar to natriuretic peptides (60) and troponins (61,62), and different from almost all other biomarkers listed by Dr. Braunwald back in 2008 (1), sST2 meets 2 fundamental criteria for clinically useful biomarkers: 1) accurate, repeated measurements are available at a reasonable cost, with assay automatization in the next future likely providing further impulse to its diffusion; and 2) it provides additive information to a careful clinical assessment, especially for risk stratification (Table 4). However, our knowledge of sST2 and of its assay methodology is far from being complete, starting from the mechanisms regulating sST2 production in healthy subjects and


diseased patients, and the binding sites of sST2 assays. Even more important, at least from a clinical

Circulating levels of sST2 are not as closely associated

perspective, we are still striving to understand when

with parameters of cardiac structure and function, in

and how to measure sST2 levels, and how to translate

agreement with the notion of a predominant extrac-

this information into better patient care.

ardiac production of this biomarker. In chronic HF,

In acute HF, it seems reasonable to suggest that

higher sST2 has been associated with LV diastolic

sST2 be measured at least on admission and at the

dysfunction, increased


planned discharge. Patients whose sST2 levels do not

pressure, and hypokinesis (54). In arrhythmogenic

decrease might be considered to be at higher risk,

right ventricular cardiomyopathy, the function of

which may suggest a prolongation of the hospital

both ventricles decreased with increasing plasma

stay, a more rapid up-titration of HF drugs (after he-

sST2, suggesting more extensive fibrofatty replace-

modynamic stabilization), as well as more frequent

ment. Accordingly, sST2 was higher in patients with

visits after discharge or the use of monitoring systems

ventricular arrhythmias than in those without, even

to detect pulmonary congestion. In the chronic

after adjusting for right ventricular function (55).

setting, point sST2 values predict outcome and



Aimo et al.

JACC VOL. 74, NO. 17, 2019 OCTOBER 29, 2019:2193–203

sST2 in Heart Failure

T A B L E 4 Clinical Value of NPs, Cardiac hs Troponins, and sST2 in HF

NPs hs-troponins sST2

Multimarker strategy (AHF: ST2 þ NPs) (CHF: sST2 þ NPs þ hs-troponins)

Diagnosis: HF

Risk Stratification: AHF

Risk Stratification: CHF

Guide to Treatment

þþþ (57–59)

þþþ (57–59)

þþþ (57–59)


n/a (key to ACS diagnosis)

þþ (62)

þþ (61)



þþ þ  Admission and discharge sST2:  Strong, independent predictor univariate predictors of all-cause of outcome (all-cause death, CV and CV death after discharge (33). death, HF hospitalization) (40).  Predictor of reverse remodeling  Discharge sST2: univariate predictor (46,47). of HF hospitalization (33).  % change in ST2 during  Predictor of SCD (49) and benefit from CRT-D (50). hospitalization: predictor of 90-day mortality (34).  sST2 increase over time: predictive of 1-year all-cause death or HF hospitalization (35).



þþ þ  Prognostic value of admission  Additive prognostic value of sST2 independent from NT-proBNP sST2 to NPs and hs-troponins (24,29). (40,48).  Percent change in ST2 predictive of 90-day mortality regardless of variations in NT-proBNP (34).  Increase in sST2 over time of 1-year all-cause death or HF hospitalization independent from repeated NTproBNP measurements (35).


Numbers in parentheses are reference citations. þþþ ¼ strong evidence, guideline-recommended; þþ ¼ clear-cut evidence from individual patient data meta-analyses; þ ¼ evidence from multiple original studies and/or pooled data meta-analyses; þ/ ¼ controversial issue;  ¼ negative evidence from the literature; n/a: not available data; ACS ¼ acute coronary syndrome; CRT-D ¼ cardiac resynchronization therapy and defibrillation; hs ¼ high-sensitivity; NP ¼ natriuretic peptide; NT-proBNP ¼ N-terminal fragment of pro–B-type natriuretic peptide; SCD ¼ sudden cardiac death; other abbreviations as in Table 2.

reverse remodeling in patients with chronic HF on

research is to establish if a sST2-guided management

guideline-recommended treatment. sST2 measure-

of acute or chronic HF patients could have a positive

ment is then a valuable tool for risk stratification,

effect on patient symptoms and disease evolution.

either alone or together with natriuretic peptides and troponins, but the possibility to guide HF treatment


on this basis (e.g., up-titrating or switching drugs, or

Emdin, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Fonda-

deciding whether to refer a patient with nonischemic

zione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio, Via G. Moruzzi

dilated cardiomyopathy and mild systolic dysfunc-

1—56124 Pisa, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] OR

tion for defibrillator implantation) remains to be

[email protected]. Twitter: @MicheleEmdin,

investigated. Overall, the main challenge of future




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KEY WORDS biomarker, heart failure, outcome, sST2

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