Continuous sprayed concrete tunnel lining

Continuous sprayed concrete tunnel lining

59A controlled amd bed separation has to be prevented; 2. high converg~.nce will c a u s e roof deteri~ation, too low convergence may throw weight on...

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controlled amd bed separation has to be prevented; 2. high converg~.nce will c a u s e roof deteri~ation, too low convergence may throw weight on coal stud thus high energy will be needed to win coal. Rock mechanics can contribu~e ~.I, strata control amd in designing proper suplx~ts. Another role of rock mechanics is seen in expl~ration of the right excavation methods, e.g. chamge from strip packing of stowing to caving. A scientific approach to strata control can provide valuable design data far design sad development of friction, hydraulic and even powered SUplx~ts to meet local requlrements.

~i FARMER~ IW U~IV .DURHAM, GB Ground movements caused by a bentonite supparted excavation i~ London clay. Teabmical note. 4F,4R. GEOTECHNIQUE, V23, N~, DEC. 1973, P576-581. Observations obtained through measurement of horizontal and vertical bareholes drilled priar to excavation of a tremch in London cla~ are described and discussed in the note. Instrumentation included inclinometer tubes and magnetic ring settlement gauges. The horizontal movement in the bc~eholes was measured using a Soil Instruments inclin~neter with digital readout, and the vertical movement using the SRE magnetic ring and read switch system.

PEITIBONE, HC Field testing of liner backpacking "system. Proc. llth Atom. Symposium on Emg~g. Geol. amd Soils Engng. Idaho, Sept. 1973. IDAHO DEPt. HIGHWAYS, POCA~k~ LO, U&~, 1973, P203- 216.

553 BATES, RC DAR, SM Liner backpacking system theca~y. Proc; llth Ann: Symposium on Engng. Geol. and Soils Engng. Idaho,

Geological factors of importance in underground excavations 556 VAL ~ , A J lit KANIW3B IND MADHAV, MR IIT KANFJR, IND Analysis of multiple ~ n e openings in b,~_ded rock. Prec. Symposium on Rock Mech: Dhanbad, India, July 1972. 4F, IT, 5R. THE INSTN. OF ENGRS. CALCUTTA, INDIA, 1973, P86- 92. The f l ~ a l behavlour of stratified roof I s y ~ over do~ble or multiple l~ne openings has been analysed considering the Compressibility of supports. The SUplX~S are idealized by the Winkler model and a sol1~tion is giver, far a double opening in stratified rock mass. The solution is given in a non-dimensional form.

557 NENASHEVA, RI ~3ZBASS SCI.RES.COAL INST.SU AKSENE~TO, MI KUZBASS SCI.RES.COAL INST.SU ZHINGEL, IP K[NZBASS SCI.RES.COAL INST.SU Geological factors influencing the behaviour af wall rocks in the Prokopevsk region. 3F,%T,7R. SOVIET MIN. SCI. VS, NS, SEPI~OCT. 1972, I ~ - 4 9 0 . Roof control can be achieved by taking into account geological factors determining the camposition and structure of the roof. The authors attempt to predict the behaviour of roofs anslysing composition amd properties of the wall rocks, %be alternation of beds and their relative proportions in the roof amd, flow of the coal seams, the tectonic structure of the region, amd the fissuring of the rocks. Special attention is paid to bedding of the rocks and their capacity to split along bedding planes. The roof structure of coal seams is regardmd as a result of rhythmic acct~nulation of sediments with consequent regularities of lithotype alterns~ion. A classification of coal seam roofs is given and method fc~ assessing wall rock stability are discussed.

sept. 19~3. IDAHO D E . HIGHWAYS, POCATELL%USA,1973,PIS)-201. A set of theoretical equations, assuming linearly elastic materials, has been developed that describes the stresses amd displacements everywhere in a linebackpacking suppor~ system. These equations, where applied to ~ i s t i n g field data, show good agreement with measured values, and they have also guided the design of field liner installations. GABROD, AD BINNIE AND PARTN~S, LO~ON, GB I~_~tINGTON, JS BINNIE AND PARTNERS, LONDON, GB Sprayed concrete in hard rock tunnels. ~F,2T,2R. T U N N ~ S AND TUNEELLING, SEPT-OCT.i973,P473-479. Several aspects of the use of sprayed concrete, cr shotcrete, by remote control for temporary support in rock tunnels are considered: 1. The principles behind its use; 2. Conditions under which its use can be advantageous; 3. Contracts, specifications and billing.

555 RYAN~ ~ ContinuoUS Sl~ayed concrete tunnel lining. 12F,13R. TUNNELS AND T U ~ I I N G , NOV-DEC.1973,PS39-~43. The advantages of a sprayed concrete lining are reviewed anl the criticisms levelled against them (e.g. dust, wastage, inadequate qna1~ty control and cover control) are arsw~ed. Recent developments in machinery far gumne~ lining are outlined; The economic advantages of gunned lining systems are briefly discussed;

558 VINOKUR, BS ~.~[NE SURV.INST.VNIMI, SVERDLOVSK, SU MOBOZOV, GD MINE SU~/. INST. VNIMI, SVEEDLOVSK, SU Asses~aent of the stressed state of a coal seam by identation of a punch into borehole walls. 4F, 1R. SOVIhVf MIN. SCI.VS, NS, SEPT-OCT.1972,P568-572. The paper deals with an attempt to use the method of punch indentation in the walls of a barehole far asses~nent of the stressed state of a coal seam. A MGD type (multiple-point hydraulic transducer) device with a recarder have been used. The following conclusions have been drawn: 1. In a stressed coal mass, the contact atrergth of the coal depends on the stress of the seam (inverse relation); 2. When punch indentation method is used, the stress in the seam is determined from the equation: si@na -- k (Pm-Pc) where k is the coefficient w~ich allows for the scale factar, reflecting the effect of the dimensions on the st.rer~th of coal, Pm is the contact stre~ah of the unstressed materisl, amd Pc characteriz strength uropertles of coal stud its state of stress at the point of indenta+ion of the pureh. The wora was oerfo~nned in ÷he shock bump department of H I M .

559 OLrDENHOVEN,I~ TIPTON, RE Microseismic so~rce locations around block caving a÷ the Climax molybdenum mine. 8F. US BUR.MINES, RI 7798,1973,1BP. This report ~resents the results of a microselsmic study conducted in a block cave mine. Rock noises created by ~aving were monitored and +heir sources located during a 3 month period. A planar array of seven accelerometers detailed the rock noise. A computer was used to calculate the location of the mlcroseismlc activity, using a e~aveltime difference method. An analysis of the data taken during ¢~e