Damaged! A new overview of dental wear

Damaged! A new overview of dental wear

archives of oral biology 57 (2012) 211–213 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com journal homepage: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/aob Guest edi...

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archives of oral biology 57 (2012) 211–213

Available online at www.sciencedirect.com

journal homepage: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/aob

Guest editorial

Damaged! A new overview of dental wear Tooth wear is the decrease in tooth volume produced by the accumulated loss of small quantities of material. Whilst both physical and chemical mechanisms can lead to this damage, the final separation of tooth tissue usually requires mechanical analysis because a force is associated with it. Teeth may become worn either because of forceful contacts with food particles and anything accidentally ingested with them, or else with the opposing tooth row. However, although we may understand clearly enough what the definition of dental wear is, there are major problems in evaluating the progress that researchers have made towards understanding it. This is partly because the subject lacks a unified terminology and methodology, but also because of the vastness of the literature, scattered across many vertebrate lineages. Now, a new paper in this issue of Archives of Oral Biology contains a critical review of the literature on the wear of human teeth.1 It deals with two aspects of the subject in detail: the mechanisms of wear on the one hand and the description and classification of wear patterns on the other. The review is likely to be considered a landmark, opening the door for enthusiastic young researchers eager to make progress in what is a rather neglected area of dental research. The aim of this editorial is simply to highlight the appearance of this review and to try to integrate a little of what is known in humans with that from other dentate organisms. Studies of dental wear in human and other vertebrates have focused on a number of different scales of measurement, which can be termed macrowear, mesowear and microwear. Macrowear is that visible to the naked eye. Nothing could highlight the importance of dental macrowear more vividly than the statement that for many mammalian species, it constitutes a major threat to the survival of individuals by jeopardizing their rate of food intake. This old adage is now receiving careful attention from fieldworkers who research mammals in the wild. In a bunodont (low crowned, low cusped) molar tooth type, such as that of the human, wear leads to a gradual eradication of the preformed enamel surface to expose areas of dentine at the cusp tips. Eventually, the working surface of the tooth crown becomes a seamless mixture of primary and secondary dentine surrounded by an enamel rim. In several mammalian species, dental wear that has advanced to this point is associated with a decrease in the efficiency of an individual animal in food breakdown in the

mouth, with various consequences including the time needed for feeding, food choice and also the most vital biological statistic: reproductive fitness.2–8 Macrowear studies are ideal for establishing a link between wear and function like this because food breakdown generally proceeds at a similar ‘millimetre’ scale.9 Such research bears on an old and resolved argument in dentistry about whether the optimal state of the postcanine teeth in the human is completely unworn, or at the other extreme, ‘cuspless’.10,11 The answer may lie in between. It is plausible that it is only after minor adjustments of position that functional teeth make after eruption that the highest rates of breakdown can be achieved. These positional adjustments would be reflected in the tiny wear facets established via interaction between upper and lower tooth rows.12 The angulation of these can be used to reconstruct accurate jaw movement trajectories, with a recent analysis employing this in analyses of stress patterns in molars.13 Modern human populations with high wear rates, such as some of those on the Arabian Peninsula,14 have intriguing potential in testing hypotheses about the most efficient dental state, and also in evaluating suggested schemes of oral rehabilitation in the light of their relative efficiency.15 Coupled to research advocating the inclusion of oral processing in models of digestion, this seems to be an interesting comparative context in which to revive and augment classic studies on the worn dentition. In many human populations, and most mammals, tooth wear is produced by some variable combination of contacts with food (including extraneous material) and opposing teeth. Macroscopic studies cannot really resolve this combination into its causative components, but adherents of mesowear claim that this is possible by looking at the occlusal surface under a light microscope, particularly at functional crown surfaces where both dentine and enamel are exposed as in ungulates.16 The rounding of the edges of enamel facets and the presence of enamel ridges rising above sunken dentinal areas are both clear evidence of the dominance of food abrasion in hypsodont grass-eating mammals.17 In contrast, tooth–tooth contact would tend to level these tissues up and sharpen any edges, as is revealed, for example, by the wear of guinea pig molars in utero.18 More familiar to readers than mesowear may well be microwear studies,18 which aim to resolve and quantify actual wear features in the


archives of oral biology 57 (2012) 211–213

form of pits and scratches on tooth surfaces, usually with SEM,19 but increasingly now with white light confocal microscopy.20 Microwear has been the dominant force in wear studies for over twenty years. Achievements range from demonstrating that conodonts, the ‘teeth’ of enigmatic early chordates that died out 200 million years ago, were actually used to break food particles down21 to the finding that at least one fossil giraffe species ate grass22 whilst some fossil horses did not.23 Current ideas of the diet of human ancestors are largely based on microwear evidence, looking particularly at the degree to which scratches predominate over pits and the overall directionality of wear features (although data are not analysed in quite that way) to show what was being consumed just prior to death.20 In all these ways, knowledge has been extended beyond that possible via comparative anatomy alone. Yet, despite all this research at different scales, none of the above methods really addresses the causes of wear. Partly, this is because wear features are generally so small. Perhaps a whole new field, that of ‘nanowear’ needs to be initiated to investigate this. Such studies have begun, but only with diamond tips that come with nanoindentation equipment,24 not the type of wear particles that cause the actual damage to teeth in the mouth. Many questions can be asked and answered by research at this level. Why are wear features so tiny? To date, the only answer is that of the brittle–ductile transition: the change in behaviour of materials at length scales that depend on the properties of the material (enamel and dentine) being damaged.25 What types of particles can wear tooth tissues? Are phytoliths, the ‘plant glass’ found in many plant tissues, as damaging as quartz grit from soils? Some researchers suggest not.26 And what role does saliva play in preventing tooth wear, not just in terms of reducing dissolution in acid conditions, but in terms of lubrication? Interaction between many of the proteins in saliva and polyphenolic compounds, the most common ‘defence’ chemicals in plants, needs re-examining with respect to dental wear. These proteins are often presumed in the human dental literatures to have evolved as protectors of the enamel surface in humans and higher primates, but their interspecific variability and, in particular, their absence in a grass-eating monkey (grasses lack tannins), suggest that they have an important role in the oral monitoring of these digestion inhibitors.27 Certainly, the binding of the salivary proteins to these tannins results in an increase in oral friction.28,29 Does this affect wear rates? We must stop here because we are not writing a review ourselves: we simply wish to celebrate one.1 All we have tried to argue here is that wear research interests a huge variety of researchers yet seems in some ways to have barely scratched the surface. Funding: None. Competing interests: None declared. Ethical approval: Not required.








9. 10. 11. 12.







19. 20.

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P.W. Lucas* Department of Bioclinical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, HSC Jabriya, PO Box 24923, Safat 11310, Kuwait R. Omar Department of Restorative Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, HSC Jabriya, PO Box 24923, Safat 11310, Kuwait *Corresponding

author. Tel.: +965 2498 6762; fax: +965 2532 6049 E-mail addresses: [email protected] [email protected] (P.W. Lucas) Received 19 October 2011 Received in revised form 1 November 2011 Accepted 1 November 2011 0003–9969/$ – see front matter # 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.archoralbio.2011.11.001