Abstracts Discovering
517 alcoholism
The breath of 702 persons coming to the accident and emergency department of a large teaching hospital in the evening was tested for alcohol. Forty per cent had consumed alcohol and 32 per cent had more than 80 mg in 100 ml of blood. The absence of the conventional signs of intoxication did not mean that the blood
alcohol was below 80 mg per cent. The authors suggest that casualty departments should taken an active interest in trying to deal with the alcoholism discovered in this way. Holt S., Stewart 1. C., Dixon J. M. J. et al. (1980) Alcohol and the emergency service patient. Br. Med. J. 281.638.
Conference Diary 1981
Sth International Congress of Emergency Surgery
Brighton, England
Millstream Conferences Ltd. 2 13 Piccadily, London WI V 9LD
Medical Application of Textiles Conference
Leeds, England
Mr J. T. Cleave, Special Courses Division, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England
September* 2-4
4th International Symposium on Wound Ballistics
Gothenburg. Sweden
Secretary General, Dr Rune Berlin Sjrs, Karolinen, S-65 180 Karlstad, Sweden
September* 4-l I
3rd World Congress on Pain
Edinburgh, Scotland
3rd World Congress on Pain,
September 20-23
4th East Grinstead Study Course in Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery: Plastic and Maxillofacial aspects oftrauma excluding thermal injury
East Grinstead, England
Mr J. P. Bennett Study Course Organiser. Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3DZ, England
October l-3
17th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Trauma Surgery: The Ligamentous Lesions of the Knee Joint
Salzburg, Austria
Society’s Secretariat, A- 1200 Vienna, Donaueschingenstrasse 13, (c/o Accident Hospital of the General Accident insurance Co, Vienna), Austria
October* 21-24
National Aids for the Disabled Exhibition and Conference
Stoneleigh. England
The Conference Officer. RADAR, 25 Mortimer Street. London WIN 8AB
*First entry tFurther details in text
University of Edinburgh Centre for Industrial Consultancy and Liason, I6 George Street, Edinburgh EH8 9LD, Scotland