Essentials of Pediatrics

Essentials of Pediatrics

760 THE JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS Cardiology. Albert S. H y m a n , M.D., New York, 1958, McGraw-Hill Book Company, I n c , 307 pages. PMce $7.00 Pract...

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Cardiology. Albert S. H y m a n , M.D., New York, 1958, McGraw-Hill Book Company, I n c , 307 pages. PMce $7.00


Dr. H y m u n ' s Practical Ca~'diology is w r i t t e n for the p r a c t i t i o n e r r a t h e r t h a n a large technical book for the specialist. He discusses the e x a m i n a t i o n of t h e p a t i e n t and the application of the newer techniques for t h e practitioner. I t is concerned w i t h the cardiac lesions of the adult r a t h e r t h a n those of childhood. T h e N u r s i n g of M e n t a l Defectives.

Charles It. Hallas, S.R.N., R.M.N., Bristol, 1958, J o h n Wright & Sons, Ltd. (Williams & Witkins Co. in U. S. A.), 182 pages. Price $5.00.

This is a unique book by the Senior Tutor in charge of the Hortham Hospital for Mental Defectives, near Bristol. I t is a valuable guide for those working in institutions for mental defectives. ed. 6. Philip C. Jeans, M.D., F. Howell Wright, M . D , a n d Florence G. Blake, R.N. Philadelphia, ]958, J. B. Lippincott Co., 714 pages. Price $6.00.

E s s e n t i a l s of Pediatrics,

This widely used text for nurses by tbe late P. C. J e a n s of Iowa first appeared in 1934. Following Dr. J e a n s ' s death, Dr. W r i g h t and Niss Blake, of the U n i v e r s i t y of Chicago, took over the text. This s i x t h edition has been quite reorganized and modernized. A P r i m e r of Cerebral Palsy. Joseph D. Russ, M.D., and H y m a n R. Soboloff, IV[.D., Springfield, Ill., 1958, Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 77 pages. Price $4.00. There has been a steady flow of t e x t s on cerebral in recent months. The term, " A P r i m e r " aptly describes its contents.

for Nurses, ed. 2. A r t h u r G. Watkins, M.D., Bristol, 1958, J o h n Wright and Sons, Ltd. (Williams & WilMns Co. in U. S. A.), 200 pages. Price $3.75.


A revised text for nurses by the Professor of Child Health at the Welsh National School of Medicine in Cardiff. F i r s t published in ]947. H a n d b o o k of T r e a t m e n t of Acute Poisoning, ed. 2. E. H. Bensley, M.D., a n d G.

E. Joron, M.D., Edinburgh, 1958, E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. (Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore), 212 pages. Price $4.00. A second edition of this small book in~ended as a guide to t r e a t m e n t . of I n t e r n a l Medicine, ed. 3. E d i t e d by T. R. Harrison, M.D., New York, ]958, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1839 pages. Price $18.50.


A new revised edition of H a r r i s o n ' s text. (Last in 1954.) Over 100 internists have contributed chapters. of I n t e r n a l Medicine, ed. 3. Edited by T. R. Harrison, M.D., New York, 1958, McGraw-Hill Book Company, I n c , 1839 pages. Price $18.50.


A new, revised edition (last edition in 1954). Over ]00 i n t e r n i s t s h a v e c o n t r i b u t e d chapters. Pediatric Gynecology, ed. 4.

Goodrich C. Schauffler, M.D., Chicago, 1958, Year Book Publishers, Inc., 349 pages. Price $9.00.

A revised enlarged edition lust published in 1953. Gnide to Schools.





Boston, 1958, P o r t e r S a r g e n t Publisher, 160 pages. Price $2.20.

The ]958-1959 edition of the useful directory of summer camps and schools.