Flexor Tendon Biology

Flexor Tendon Biology

Hand Clin 21 (2005) 159–166 Flexor Tendon Biology Martin I. Boyer, MD, MSc, FRCS(C) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University at Barne...

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Hand Clin 21 (2005) 159–166

Flexor Tendon Biology Martin I. Boyer, MD, MSc, FRCS(C) Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, One Barnes Hospital Plaza, Saint Louis, MO 63110, USA

Significant advances in the understanding of intrasynovial flexor tendon repair and rehabilitation have been made since the early 1970s [1,2], when reports first demonstrated that flexor tendon lacerations within the fibro-osseous digital sheath could be repaired primarily and rehabilitated successfully without early tendon excision and delayed intrasynovial grafting [3]. The concept of adhesion-free, or primary tendon healing (that tendons could heal intrinsically without the ingrowth of fibrous adhesions from the surrounding sheath), has been validated experimentally and clinically in studies over the past 25 years [4–13]. Recent attempts to understand and improve the results of intrasynovial flexor tendon repair have focused on restoration of the gliding surface [13– 22], augmentation of early postoperative repair site biomechanic strength [23–36], and on the elucidation of the molecular biology of early postoperative tendon healing [2,23,37,38–40]. The goals of the surgical treatment of patients with intrasynovial flexor tendon lacerations remain unchanged: to achieve a primary tendon repair of sufficient tensile strength to allow application of a postoperative mobilization rehabilitation protocol. This program should inhibit the formation of intrasynovial adhesions and restore the gliding surface while facilitating the healing of the repair site [41]. Tendon structure and nutrition The intrasynovial portion of the digital flexor tendon consists of longitudinally oriented collagen

E-mail address: [email protected] (M.I. Boyer).

fascicles separated spatially into equal radial and ulnar halves and functionally into volar and dorsal sections. The dorsal part of the tendon contains most of the direct vascular supply of the tendon, which originates from the two vinculae supplied directly by ladder branches of the radial and ulnar digital arteries. By contrast, the volar portion of the intrasynovial flexor tendon, which in absolute terms constitutes less than half of the thickness of the tendon itself, contains little or no direct blood supply [42]. Cells within this avascular portion of the tendon obtain nutrient supply and eliminate waste products primarily by passive diffusion of the relevant solutes and gases [43]. The dorsal and volar surfaces of the flexor tendons are covered by a thin visceral gliding layer of epitenon. The flexor tendons course through a synovial lined fibro-osseous tunnel that provides a biomechanic advantage (on the basis of the pulley system) and the synovial source of nutrition from the internal parietal layer of sheath [44]. Although studies of intrasynovial flexor tendon physiology have demonstrated the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic sources of nutrition [45–52], tendon nutrition by passive diffusion is likely of greater importance overall. A recent investigation of tendon ultrastructure by Ritty [53] has shed new light on the organization of fibroblasts within the interior aspect of the flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) tendon. It has been shown that internal tendon fibroblasts are organized into longitudinally oriented linear arrays surrounded by their own unique extracellular matrix. Identification of the components of this matrix demonstrated substantial contributions of fibrillin-2, type VI collagen, and versican. In addition, a new fibrillin-2 containing macromolecular assembly has been shown to run axially

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along the tendon arrays. These assemblies contain the internal tendon fibroblasts, have a constant diameter, and often are greater than 1 mm long. Investigation of the interplay between the tendon fibroblasts within these microenvironments and externally applied forces or biologic factors during early rehabilitation following repair may increase the quantity or quality of endotenon fibroblast participation during early tendon repair.

Biomechanics Attempts to improve the time-zero early postoperative strength of the repair construct have focused on biomechanic and biologic attempts to modify the early postoperative repair site. Attempts to vary the configuration of the core suture [14,30,31,54–61], to alter the number of suture strands passing across the repair site [29,33– 36,54–57,62–71], to investigate the use of core sutures of different caliber and materials [72–74], and to investigate variation in the pattern and depth of placement of the circumferential epitenon suture [65,75–77] have all been evaluated as to their beneficial effects on time-zero and in vivo postoperative tendon healing. Although clinical application of repair site augmentations, such as onlay tendon grafts, patches, or synthetic materials, has been disappointing because of increased repair site bulk and poor ability to restore the gliding surface, recent ex vivo results suggest that these techniques may warrant further investigation [78]. In addition, investigation of the feasibility of the direct application, within carrier media, to the repair site of growth factors or compounds beneficial to the healing of dense regular connective tissue holds promise (R.H. Gelberman, personal communication, 2004). Ex vivo and in vivo investigations in linear, in situ, and other models have suggested that core suture configurations with the greatest tensile strength are those in which there are multiple sites of tendon suture interaction [23,59,79–84]. Although the Kessler or modified Kessler techniques still enjoy widespread acceptance [1], newer techniques such as Tajima [85,86], Strickland [25,34,41,86], Cruciate [54,57], Becker [25,30,34,79,80], and Savage [31,36,58,59,68,86] configurations all offer greater suture hold on the tendon that is independent of the suture knot. These modern methods of core suture technique have been shown not only to offer greater timezero repair site tensile strength, but also improved


strength up to and including 6 weeks postoperatively [23,36,82]. A significant relationship between tendon cross-sectional dimension and suture hold on the tendon stump, however, has not been proven [24]. The nature of the tendon– suture interaction from an ultrastructural point of view remains unevaluated. It is well accepted that core suture techniques using a greater number of suture strands crossing the repair site between proximal and distal tendon demonstrate higher tensile strength stumps than core suture techniques of similar pattern with less sutures across the repair site [26,35,36,71]. This fact holds true in ex vivo time-zero studies and in in vivo studies for up to 6 weeks postoperatively. The results of numerous studies using commonly used core suture techniques have demonstrated the superiority of the four-strand core suture over the two-strand core suture and the greater strengths achieved with six- and eight-strand core suture techniques. The limiting factor to more widespread use of modern multistrand suture techniques remains the surgeon’s ability to perform the repair using atraumatic technique such that trauma to the tendon stumps and the circumferential visceral epitenon is minimized. Other variables relevant to core suture placement shown to have a positive effect on time-zero core suture tensile strength include the dorsovolar location of the core suture, the cross-sectional area of tendon grasped or locked by the redirecting loop of suture, and the total number of times that the tendon has been grasped by the suture. Studies in an ex vivo in situ human model have shown that greater time-zero strength is achieved with a more dorsal placement of the core suture within the tendon stumps [29,34,87]. This has a negative theoretic effect on intrasynovial flexor tendon vascularity, because the more dorsal suture placement interferes with internal tendon vascularity to a greater extent, especially in the areas in which the long and short vincula enter the FDP tendon. Ex vivo studies have suggested that the redirecting loop of the core suture that is positioned to lock rather than grasp the tendon stumps show greater time-zero strength, and in addition, increasing the number of locks or grasps increases the time-zero tensile strength of the flexor tendon repair site [88–90]. The placement of the suture knot either within or away from the repair site has not been shown conclusively to have an effect on core suture tensile strength [72,91,92]. Greater quantity of suture within the repair site may increase repair site bulk and


decrease tendon glide, whereas knot placement away from the repair site may affect tendon gliding detrimentally because of increased friction between tendon and sheath proximal or distal to the repair site. Techniques of intrasynovial core suture placement that do not require the tying of sutures have not gained widespread acceptance [93]. An additional technique by which hand surgeons have attempted to augment repair site strength is by alteration of the configuration of circumferential epitendinous suture. Several studies have suggested that a clinically and statistically significant component of time-zero repair site strength is provided by a circumferential epitendinous suture passed multiple times across the repair site [65,75]. Most investigations suggest that although the epitendinous suture does increase time-zero and early postoperative strength of the repair site, it cannot be relied on to provide the most repair site tensile strength. It has been shown, however, that the role of the epitendinous suture, regardless of its configuration, is twofold: first, to decrease repair site bulk by smoothing out the tendon stump surface, and second, to increase tensile strength of the repair site to decrease early postoperative repair site gap formation. Based on recent studies of core suture biomechanics and in vivo clinical and experimental studies of tendon force in canines and humans, a four-strand core suture technique supplemented by a running epitendinous suture is recommended to achieve sufficient repair site tensile strength to allow for postoperative passive motion rehabilitation to proceed without significant risk for gap formation at the repair site. Increased depth and frequency of epitendinous suture passes do not seem to exert negative effects on the epitenon cell layer’s contribution to the intrinsically healing tendon.

The repair site gap Although greater degrees of strength have been achieved with modern core and epitendinous suture techniques, the effect of small degrees of early repair site dehiscence or repair site gap formation on tendon healing and accrual of repair site strength has been appreciated only recently [27]. Previous investigators have hypothesized that the presence of repair site gaps was accompanied uniformly by the presence of intrasynovial flexor tendon adhesions, decreased tendon glide, and digital stiffness [66,94–96]. A recent in vivo


canine study has refuted this assumption and has demonstrated that the presence of a repair site gap, even greater than 3 mm, is not correlated with the presence of intrasynovial adhesions or with decreased digital arc of motion [27]. Although large gaps did not seem to affect tendon function (ie, excursion), large repair site gaps that occurred during the first 21 days postoperatively were observed to have a significant negative effect on tendon structure (ie, the accrual of tendon repair site tensile strength). In tendons without gaps or with gaps less than 3 mm in length, a significant increase in repair site tensile strength was seen between 3 and 6 weeks postoperatively, whereas in tendons with a repair site gap greater than 3mm, significant accrual of repair site strength did not occur. Although the biologic processes at work within the larger repair site gaps remain open to further investigation, large repair site gaps seen early in the postoperative period pose a greater risk for rupture as motion rehabilitation progresses after 3 weeks. Evaluation of imaging modalities such as ultrasound, MRI, and plain radiographs to determine precisely the extent of repair site gap has yielded inconsistent results that are not yet applicable to the clinical situation.

Repair site biochemistry Important strides have been made recently in the investigation of specific biologic processes active at the repair site during the early postoperative period. Increased levels of local cellular division as demonstrated histologically and measured by increased levels of histone H4 mRNA and increased synthesis of type I collagen mRNA and protein has been demonstrated within repair site cells and cells within the adjacent epitenon early in the postoperative period [38,97,98]. Goldfarb has shown, however, that neither the total amount nor the maturity of the collagen at the repair site increased significantly during the first 6 weeks postoperatively [99]. The accrual of repair site tensile strength demonstrated between 3 and 6 weeks postoperatively in tendons with repair site gap of less than 3 mm therefore must be caused by mechanisms other than increased synthesis or more rapid maturation of collagen at the repair site. The precise biochemical processes deficient in those tendons not accruing strength after 3 weeks postoperatively are unknown at present.


Fibroblasts grown in culture have demonstrated responsiveness to externally applied stress on cellular and molecular levels [37]; however, the exact relationship between synthesis of collagen and integrins and the accrual of tensile strength at tendon repair site remains unknown. Fibronectin, an abundant extracellular matrix protein involved in cell–matrix communication, and a5b1, avb3 integrins, cell-surface compounds involved in the binding of fibroblasts to extracellular matrix, are likewise upregulated during the early postoperative period in tendons undergoing early passive motion mobilization following repair [100–104]. The clinical relevance of the observed increase in local synthesis and accumulation of compounds that enable communication between the extracellular matrix and the interior of the fibroblast during the early postoperative period is important insofar as locally applied rehabilitation stresses might be mimicked by application of these factors administered exogenously or by genetic engineering of the repair site. Tendons immobilized following repair demonstrated significantly decreased fibronectin concentration when compared with mobilized tendons [100]. Upregulation in the synthesis of mRNA angiogenic mediators such as basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been demonstrated within the flexor tendon repair site and in surrounding epitenon and has been shown to precede temporally and be distinct spatially from longitudinal blood vessel growth on the tendon surface and within the flexor tendon substance [38,39,47,105]. The cellular origin of these angiogenic mediators and their role in blood vessel ingrowth through the avascular region of the flexor tendon remains unknown. Although the ingrowth of new blood vessels through the avascular zone of the FDP tendon following repair and early motion rehabilitation has been shown to be independent of the formation of restrictive intrasynovial adhesions, the benefit of increasing the levels of local angiogenic mediators remains theoretical. Although Lineaweaver has shown that exogenous application of VEGF can increase the tensile strength achieved following repair of Achilles tendons in a rat model [106], the potential risks for overproduction or over-accumulation of angiogenic mediators at the surgical site may result in earlier or more extensive formation of restrictive adhesions. This concern is underscored by the increased expression of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) [37,40,107], known to be


associated with the local formation of scar tissue, in these in vivo models. The identification of fibroblast responsiveness in culture to insulin-like growth factor (IGF) [45] and its expression by flexor tendon cells in vitro [108] has been demonstrated. The beneficial effects of increasing IGF levels locally to improve early tendon structure following repair remains untested, however. Similarly, local application of epidermal-derived growth factor (EDGF) has been shown to have a positive effect on fibroblast migration in vitro. Its beneficial effects in vivo in earlier population of the repair site with cells involved in matrix production, however, are untested also [109]. The future of intrasynovial tendon repair and rehabilitation Future attempts to improve the pace and the extent of flexor tendon repair site healing probably lie within the biologic realm, because the benefits of modern multiple strand core suture techniques combined with early postoperative motion rehabilitation likely have been maximized (J.W. Strickland, personal communication, 2002). The next phase of fruitful investigation will attempt the optimization of dosage, delivery, tempo, and timing of the beneficial genes or compounds, alone or in combination, to the postoperative repair site at the time of surgical treatment. References [1] Kessler I, Nissim F. Primary repair without immobilization of flexor tendon division within the digital sheath. An experimental and clinical study. Acta Orthop Scand 1969;40(5):587–601. [2] Verdan CE. Half a century of flexor-tendon surgery. Current status and changing philosophies. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 1972;54(3):472–91. [3] Bunnell S. Surgery of the hand. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1948. p. 381–466. [4] Gelberman RH, Amiel D, Gonsalves M, Woo S, Akeson WH. The influence of protected passive mobilization on the healing of flexor tendons: a biochemical and microangiographic study. Hand 1981;13(2):120–8. [5] Gelberman RH, Manske PR, Akeson WH, Woo SL, Lundborg G, Amiel D. Flexor tendon repair. J Orthop Res 1986;4(1):119–28. [6] Gelberman RH, Manske PR, Vande Berg JS, Lesker PA, Akeson WH. Flexor tendon repair in vitro: a comparative histologic study of the rabbit, chicken, dog, and monkey. J Orthop Res 1984;2(1): 39–48.


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