Freudenberg Filtration expands in Australia

Freudenberg Filtration expands in Australia

NEWS/EXCHANGE RATES Donaldson targets Freudenberg Filtration liquid filtration growth expands in Australia D onaldson Co is looking to accelerate g...

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Donaldson targets Freudenberg Filtration liquid filtration growth expands in Australia


onaldson Co is looking to accelerate growth in its liquid filtration products and is making organisational changes and capital investments in order to increase its share of the global lube, fuel and hydraulic markets. As a result, Donaldson has combined its Industrial Hydraulic and Bulk Fuel businesses with its Engine counterparts. “Combining our hydraulic filtration businesses under one umbrella provides collective technical expertise and a substantial sales network across the globe,” said Jay Ward, Donaldson’s senior vice president, Engine Products. “This reorganisation linked with global investments in production, labs and people – is a key step toward our objective of leading the world in diesel engine and hydraulic fluid filtration.” The filtration company says that it has also committed considerable corporate technology resources to the development of media, modeling and testing. Donaldson manufactures engine lube and fuel products, as well as, low, medium and high pressure hydraulic filtration products and accessories for original equipment manufacturing and aftermarket customers under the Duramax, Triboguard, Twist&Drain, TRAP and Donaldson brands. For further information, visit


erman filter manufacturer Freudenberg Filtration Technologies has acquired a majority share of Australia’s Micro Fresh Filters (Aust) Pty Ltd. Micro Fresh Filters manufactures technically demanding filters for the mining and raw material processing industry. Founded in 1992, Micro Fresh Filters is located in Braeside, near Melbourne, and employs more than 30 people. Early achievements include the development of a disposable diesel exhaust filter. “With the integration of Micro Fresh Filters our Australian customers benefit from an enlarged product portfolio and new service solutions for enhanced and energy efficient filtration performances,” said Dr Jörg Sievert, president & CEO of Freudenberg Filtration Technologies. Micro Fresh Filters founder and managing director Raymond de Jersey added: “This is an exciting development for Micro Fresh with the prospect of us being able to access FFT’s considerable product range together with their internationally recognised technology and solutions for our customers.” de Jersey will be joined in the management team by Michael Müller, Filtration Division manager of Freudenberg Filtration Technologies in Australia. For further information, visit www.freudenberg-filter. com and

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November 2010