Fundamentals for the design and construction of tunnels in swelling rock

Fundamentals for the design and construction of tunnels in swelling rock


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806145 MEASLUIEMENTS IN AN EXPERIMEZ~TAL TUNNEL BORED IN THE SEVILLA BLUE ~ThRLS AND RECOMEgDATIONS FOR THE SUBWAY DESIGN Urlel, S; Oteo, C S Proc 4th Congress International Society for Rock Mechanics, Montre~x, 2-8 Sept 1979, Vol 2, P679-703. Publ Rotterdam, A A Balkems,

806151 USE OF A TRIAL ENLARGEMENT FOR THE UNDERGROUND CAVERN DESIGN OF DRAKENSBERG P U M I ~ STORAGE SCHEME Sharp, J C; Pin% R J; Moy, D Proc 4th Congress Irf~ernational Society for Rock Mechanics, Montreux, 2-8 Sept 1979, Vol 2, P617-626. Publ Rotterdsm, A A Balkema,

1979 806146 F U N D A ~ A L S FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF TKFNNELS IN SWELLING ROCK Wittke, W; Pierau, B Proc 4th Congress International Society for Rock Mechanics, Montreux, 2-8 Sept 1979, Vol 2, P719-729. Publ Rotterdam, A A Balkema,

1979 The phenomena which occur in swelling rock are described. With the aid of a Finite Element program for the evaluation of stresses and displacements caused by swelling, the results of a large scale test in the Wagenburg Tunnel in the city of Stuttgart are interpreted.

Power plants See ~lso: 806137 806147 PROGRESS AT DINORWIC - I~/gGEST I ~ S%~0PAGE POWER S C H ~ IN EUROPE Martin, D Tttnn Ttunr~g, VI2, N6, Jttly 1980, P44-45 806148 LINING, SUPPORT AND INsTRL~MENTATION OF THE C A V ~ N FOR THE PAUL0 AFONSO IV I~TWER STATION, BRAZIL Frelre, F C V; Souza, R J B In: Tunnelling '79, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symlx)sl~m, London, 12-16 March 1979, P182-192. Pnbl London: IMM,

1979 Presents design and construction details for this underground power plant located in crystalline precsmbrlan rocks, in particular the monitoring during excavation which showed where additional relnforc~nent was required. Monitored displacements are compared with calculations and the support methods for cavern roof and walls are discussed. .cJ06149 BEHAV~OU~ OF BEDROCK BY THE LARGE CAVERN OPENING AND COMPARISON WITH THE ANALYSIS M~zukoshi, T; Mimakl, Y Proc 4th Congress l~ternational SOciety for Rock Mechanics, Montreux, 2-8 Sept 1979, Vol 2, P439-446. Publ Rotterdam, A A Balkema,

1979 Reports the behaviour of the rock mass surrounding the machine hall and the transformer hall at the Shlntakasegawa Power Plant in Japan. 806150 ASSESSMENT OF THE CONS~UCTION AND SAFETY OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS IN ROCK CAVERNS (IN GERMAN) Pahl, A; Schneider, H J; Sprado, K H Proc 4th Congress International Society for Rock Mechanics, Montreux, 2-8 Sept 1979, Vol 2, I~03-508. Publ Rotterdam, A A Ba]_kema,



In-situ stresses and stress around underground openings 8o6152 ~GOEmm~ ~ O D S FOR mESSU~ ~ON~ORI~ U S I ~ HYDRAULIC CELLS International Society for Rock Mechanics, Commission on Stamdardisation of Laboratory and Field Tests Int J Rock Meeh Min Sci, VIT, N2, April 1980, PI17-127 Describes the hydraulic pressure cell, its installation and use for measuring total pressure charges in rock, soil, earth fill or rockfill, concrete or at the interface between any of these materials. 806153 DEVELOPMENT OF ROCK-BURST CONTROL Sq~RATEGIES FOR SOUTH AFRICAN GOLD MINEs Heunl s, R J S Aft Inst Min Metall, VSO, N~, April 1980, P139-149 Discusses the relationship between rock bursts and the spatial rate of energy release in mining, the role of blastirg and geological discontinuities and practical control methods (including the use of stabilising pillars, back-filling). Rock fall control is slso considered. 806154 STUDY OF ACOUSTIC EMISSIONS FROM STRESSED ROCKS AND ROCK MASSES RaG, M V M S; Gowd, T N J M l n e s Metals Fuels, V27, N3, March 1979, P80-85 Reports lab and field techniques for monitoring emissions and gives results for sandstone specimens end for instability zones in a coal seam.

806155 BASIC RULES FOR LOW-STRESS ~,7INN-ING (IN G E ~ A N AND ENGLISH ) Prauner, G Glucka~f, VII6, N3, 7 Feb 1980 , Pi09-I~2

(~n~llsh version ~8-50) Disc~isses the following ways of reducirg stress within the streta during coal mining o~erations: (I) avoidsnee of pillar workir~, (2) avoJdar~ze of..large coal pillars, (3) mi[.Imisation of Imessures on ribs and res.~dusl pillars, (4) development of feces out of the goaf, (5) prior extraction Of protective seems, (6) minimal '~,qrkin~ through pressure zones. 806156 BOREHOLE PROBI~ FOR MONITORING SqqKEsS IN COAL (IN GEP~hN AND ENGLISH) Von Velsen-Zerweck, R Gluckauf, VII6, NI, I0 Jan 1980 , PIO-13 (English version P5-7)