GE Water to be renamed Suez Water Technologies & Solutions

GE Water to be renamed Suez Water Technologies & Solutions

NEWS GE Water to be renamed Suez Water Technologies & Solutions W hen French utility Suez completes its acquisition of GE Water & Process Technolog...

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GE Water to be renamed Suez Water Technologies & Solutions


hen French utility Suez completes its acquisition of GE Water & Process Technologies from General Electric Co, it will combine the business with Suez industrial water activities to create Suez Water Technologies & Solutions (Suez WTS) (see Filtration Industry Analyst, March 2017). The Suez WTS business will be headed by Heiner Markhoff, president and CEO of GE Water & Process Technologies. The financing has been completed and the acquisition is expected to close by the end of September 2017. The deal will strengthen Suez’s position in industrial water, particularly in the US and emerging markets. For further information, visit and

“We are pleased to welcome these investors to Fluence,” said Fluence executive chairman Richard Irving. “The global water sector is an estimated US$700 billion annual market and we are delighted that one of the world’s largest and most respected financial institutions has put their confidence in Fluence as a promising growth company in the sector. We hope this initial investment will be a stepping stone for future support from this, and other high-quality funds.” Henry Charrabé, managing director and CEO of Fluence, said: “This strategic investment provides Fluence with additional flexibility over the coming year, to target, and rapidly deliver on further growth opportunities as they materialize.” Fluence was established with the vision of becoming the leading global provider of fast-to-deploy decentralized and packaged water and wastewater treatment solutions. The company currently provides products and services for water treatment, wastewater treatment, desalination, waste-to-energy and water reuse and recovery in markets including municipal, commercial, industrial, mining, oil & gas, power, food and beverage. For further information, visit

Fluence secures strategic investment from US-based institutional investor


luence Corp has announced a US$10 million strategic investment in the company by a large US-based institutional investor, while a second investor will also participate in the private placement, bringing the total amount raised to US$11 million. In a statement, Fluence said that the private placement will help satisfy a number of its stated objectives “including a steady transformation of the company’s share register towards a more global investor base, attracting high-quality US-based funds in anticipation of a future potential listing on a US stock exchange and providing working capital to fund new growth opportunities.” Fluence was formed in July 2017 with the merger of Emefcy Group Ltd and RWL Water LLC (see Filtration Industry Analyst, May and July 2017). Headquartered in New York, Fluence is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). 16

Filtration Industry Analyst

Mann+Hummel opens office in Iran


erman filtration specialist Mann+Hummel now has its own representation in Iran with the opening of an office in Tehran. The new Iranian office will support Mann+Hummel customers in the automotive aftermarket and industrial sectors. Employees will help local distributors at trade fairs and provide product training. They will also study the market and contact potential new customers. “Iran is already the biggest automotive aftermarket in the Middle East and is attractive due to its numerous local vehicle and machine manufacturers,” said Josef Parzhuber, Mann+Hummel’s president and general manager Automotive Aftermarket. “The Iranian market has enormous potential and also offers Mann+Hummel opportunities for growth with automotive OEMs and with air and water filtration,” added Parzhuber.

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