Department CONDUCTED
of Book Reviews
Review of New Books Gynecology Dr. Jameson has given us a delightfully written account of the early customs and manners in obstetric practice and teaching, as well as depicting the rise of the recent specialty of gynecology, in this newest example i2ynecoZogy and Obstetricsl3 of the series of histories which have been appearing under the title of “Clio Medica.” Evidently in obstetrics as in other branches of science little that we think is new is really new, for as the author carries us through the traditions and customs of the early period and those of Greek and Roman times we find many suggestive allusions to methods which are not far different than those of the present day. What a commentary it is on the profuse output of the obstetric and gynecologic texts of this era to read that the famous ‘ ‘Rosengarten ” of Eucharius Roslin was the first obstetric textbook to be issued in fourteen centuries. The modern period of obstetrics begins with the work of Mauriceau, van Deventer, and Portal, and from this we are gradually carried to the development of the modern maternity hospital. One of the most interesting chapters in the book is the account of the Chamberlain family, and the development of the obstetric forceps. The story of puerperal fever is no less interesting, especially in view of the fact that sepsis still remains the scourge of modern maternity. It is especially pleasing to note the large part which American surgeons took in the development of gynecologic technique. The obstetric classics, in many instances consisting of records of the original procedures and discoveries, are reviewed. This most interesting contribution to the history of obstetrics and gynecology deserves to be widely read. -Philip
F. Williams
Gynecological Operations,14 and their topographic anatomic basis, by Martius, gives a survey of the gynecologic technique as practiced at the Goettingen Gynecological Clinic. In his foreword the author promises to give a short operative gynecology, mainly based on topographic anatomy, designed for both students and physicians, together with a brief text giving the pathologic background. It may be said that he has succeeded in performing this difficult task in an almost faultless fashion. The text is illuminated by 404, chiefly colored, halftones, clearly drawn and well executed. I know of no other operative gynecology which is more clearly designed or better illustrated. Throughout, the author uses conservativeness and good judgment for indications of the operation. The topographic anatomy is not concentrated in one portion of the book, but distributed with each operation so that it is immediately available during the reading of the text. The schematic drawings are of utmost value. ‘8Gynecology
Hospital, etc., Saranac Inc., New York. 1936. “Die
der Universitaets-Frauenklinik farbigen Abbildungen
By Edwin M. Jameson, M.D., Y. 170 pages with 5 illustrations.
Von Professor Dr. Heinrich Martius, Direktor in Goettingen. 396 Seiten, mit 404, zum groessten Teil Bilderreien. Verlag van Georg Thieme, Leipzig, 1937.
Surgeon, General Paul B. Hoeber,