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FRANC ~ .-~ -~___-_~.~-._ -.~~.



of New Books

Gynecology and Obstetrics The progress in gynecology which has taken place during the twelve years since the first edition of Dr. Anspach’s book, Gynecology,1 was published, has required numerous additions, corrections and modifications of the subject matter in the subsequent editions called for by the popularity of this work. The fifth edition has now been entirely rewritten and appears as a new book. The additions apply particularly to the sections dealing with physiology, disturbances of furmtion, radiation treatment, endometriosis, and several others. The assistance of a number of collaborators, specialists in their various fields are acknowledged and the present edition, as have the others, affords an up-to-date knowledge of this important branch of medicine.

The difficulty in preparing a text suitable at once in elementary principles for the student, in presentation of symptomatology, diagnosis, and treatment for the general practitioner, and in offering surgical methods tried by years of experience and judgment for the operator has been overcome in Curtis’ I’ertbook of Gynecology.2 In this second edition marked by an absence of debate, a conciseness of diction, a fullness of detail where necessary, and an abundance of beautifully executed illustrations portraying carefully selected operative maneuvers, one finds a well-balanced exposition of present-day American gynecologic teaching which may be heartily recommended. -Philip F. IVilliams In this second edition of Practical Surgery of the Abdominal and Pelvic Iiegions,s Dr. Kennedy brings out the constructive principles underlying the surgical teachings Departing from time-honored custom the author of his late chief, Dr. Joseph Price. follows no rule as to order of subject matter nor of arrangement as to the pathologic lesion treated but considers all phases of pelvic disease under the operation by which they may be, in his opinion, best handled. By Brooke M. Anspach, M.D. Fifth Edition. Re-ilI,ustrated and ‘GyneeologY. completely revised by the author with the assistance of Philip F. Wrlliams. M.D. J. B. Liopincott Company, Philadelphia, Pa., 1934. and Lewis C. Scheffey. M.D. By Arthur Hale Curtis, ProPessor and Head of Depart*Textbook of Gynecology. Northwestern University Medical School, etc. ment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, W. B. Saunders Company, Second edition, with 399 illustrations, and 498 Pages. PhiIadelphia. 1934. aPractical 8ur@my of the Abdominsl snd Pelvic Eei3lons. BY James William