Hand Made: Finesse of a Flexor Tendon Repair

Hand Made: Finesse of a Flexor Tendon Repair

A TOUCH OF HUMANITY 1211 Hand Made: Finesse of a Flexor Tendon Repair Rhys van der Rijt, MBBS The “Finesse of a flexor tendon repair” (Fig. 1) was in...

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Hand Made: Finesse of a Flexor Tendon Repair Rhys van der Rijt, MBBS The “Finesse of a flexor tendon repair” (Fig. 1) was inspired by an intra operative photograph. The work is graphite pencil on standard art paper. The artwork took approximately 4 hours to complete. The sketch depicts a surgeon and assistant operating with precision under surgical lights on a zone 2 flexor tendon injury. As a trainee surgeon, I have always been in awe of the skill and finesse of my mentors that is demonFrom the Wagga Wagga Base Hospital, Wagga Wagga, Australia. Received for publication January 15, 2015; accepted in revised form January 16, 2015. No benefits in any form have been received or will be received related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article.

FIGURE 1: Surgeon and assistant work to repair a zone 2 flexor tendon injury.

Corresponding author: Rhys van der Rijt, MBBS, PO Box 5555 Wagga Wagga, 2650, NSW, Australia; e-mail: [email protected].

strated in their tendon repairs and the attention to detail that is required to achieve great outcomes.

0363-5023/15/4006-0023$36.00/0 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhsa.2015.01.019

J Hand Surg Am.


Vol. 40, June 2015