164 We look forward to seeing you in Copenhagen Ruth Nielsen Kurt JOrgensen Technical University University of Copenhagen
International Ergonomics Conference 1993
The International Ergonomics Association (IEA) conference on the Ergonomics of Material Handling is scheduled for June 14-17, 1993 in Warsaw, Poland. The conference will deal with the health, safety, and productivity aspects of repetitive manual and automated load handling and tool manipulation. The objectives of the conference are to provide an international forum to advance scientific knowledge about the impact of repetitive manual and automated load handling and tool manipulation on human health, comfort, and safety at work as well as the consequences of these tasks on health care costs, industrial competitiveness, productivity, and the quality of working life around the world. For more information, please contact: Dr. Waldemar Karwowski, Conference Chair, Centre for Industrial Ergonomics, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292. Phone: (502)588-7173; Fax: (502)588-7397. E-mail: wokarwo@ulkyvm. bitnet
HCI International '93
The 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction-HCI International '93 will be held August 8-13, 1993 at the Hilton at Walt Disney World Village. Among the sponsors are Purdue University, the University of WisconsinMadison, the Human Factors Society, The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. Papers are invited on such topics as work with visual display terminals ergonomics, workplace/work environment, stress and strain, case studies and application areas, human computer interaction, human interface and the management of information etc. The deadline for abstracts is November 15, 1992; for posters it is May 15, 1993. Contact Gavriel Salvendy, 1287 Grissom Hall, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1287; Tel: (317) 494-5426, Fax (317) 494-0874. E-mail:
[email protected]
Industrial Hygiene Conference
The 1993 American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition will be held May 15-21, 1993, at the New Orleans Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. Both research and applications-oriented papers are invited on topics such as noise, safety, and protective clothing. The deadline for abstracts is October 23, 1992. Contact AIHA, 345 White Pond Dr., P.O. Box 8390, Akron, OH 44320; (216) 873-2442. SID '93
The Society of Information Display International Symposium, Seminar, and Exhibition will take place May 16-21, 1993, at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, Washington. Papers and posters are invited in areas such as flat-panel displays, cathode-ray tube displays, hard copy printers, display systems and applications etc. The deadline for abstracts is November 30, 1992. Contact Beth Akers, Assistant Conference Coordinator, Palisade Institute for Research Services, 201 Varick St., Suite 1140, New York, NY 10014; (212) 620-3375 Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Conference
June 7-10, 1993. Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Conference, sponsored by the International Foundation for Industrial Ergonomics and Safety Research (in cooperation with the August Krogh Institute, University of Copenhagen). Contact DIS Congress Service, Attn: IFIESR, Harley Ringvej 2 C, DK-2730 Harlev, Denmark; +45 44 92 44 92, fax + 45 44 92 50 50. Biomechanics - XIVth International Society of Biomechanics Congress - Paris, France
July 4-8, 1993, Facult~ de M~decine PitieSalpetri6re, Paris, France. Abstracts of papers/ posters by Dec. 15th, 1992. Details Congress ofrice, Convergences-I.S.B. '93, 120, avenue Gambetta, 75020 Paris, France. Telex: 216911. Fax: +33-1 40 31 01 65. 24th International Congress Health - NICE, France
on Occupational
A satellite course will be held at the national institute for research and safety INRSO in Nancy