Hydrogenics electrolyzers for German hydrogen station

Hydrogenics electrolyzers for German hydrogen station

NEWS The plant also includes a compression and distribution system that enables hydrogen storage under pressure in distributable containers. In this w...

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NEWS The plant also includes a compression and distribution system that enables hydrogen storage under pressure in distributable containers. In this way the hydrogen can be distributed to other cities and settlements in Greenland, where it can be used for local energy production. The plant is also prepared for a future upgrade with a hydrogen refueling station, enabling the use of hydrogen as a fuel for transportation. H2 Logic A/S, Herning, Denmark. Tel: +45 9627 5600, www.h2logic.com H2KT project: www.h2logic.com/com/news/H2KT_infosheet-ENG.pdf Hydrogenics: www.hydrogenics.com Nukissiorfiit: www.nukissiorfiit.gl/dk/ (in Danish)

Air Products expected to complete installation of the Series 100 hydrogen fueling station at the university in March. The station will be used as part of the CABLED project – Coventry And Birmingham Low Emission vehicle Demonstrators – which will see 110 low-carbon vehicles operating between various locations in the region, including Microcab’s compact neighborhood vehicles. The project is funded by the UK government’s Technology Strategy Board and the Advantage West Midlands regional development agency. Air Products has installed more than 110 hydrogen fueling stations in 19 countries worldwide. Cars, trucks, vans, buses, scooters, forklifts, locomotives, aircraft, cell towers, materials handling equipment, and even submarines have been fueled with the company’s innovative hydrogen technology.

Air Products hydrogen stations for Korea, UK

Air Products, Hydrogen Energy Solutions: www.airproducts.com/h2energy


Coventry University, SURGE Applied Research Centre in Sustainable Regeneration: www.coventry.ac.uk/ researchnet/surge

ir Products has announced two further contracts for its hydrogen fueling stations. The US operation has signed a contract with SK Energy in Korea, to construct a hydrogen fueling station for a novel energy project to be based in World Cup Park in Seoul. And in the UK, Coventry University is to commission a Series 100 hydrogen station from Air Products Europe. The hydrogen station for SK Energy will come onstream in July, and will supply hydrogen produced solely from landfill gas to fuel a fleet of vehicles. This will be Air Products’ sixth hydrogen station in Korea. The project is part of Seoul’s push to use alternative supply means to generate 10% of its energy consumption by 2020, and to use hydrogen for 30% of that switch. Air Products’ compression, storage, and dispensing technology will fuel hydrogen fuel cell buses for public transit initially, and a small fleet of cars – intended to increase to as many as 100 public use vehicles. World Cup Park is a combination of several small parks adjacent to World Cup Stadium, site of the 2002 FIFA World Cup Final. SK Energy has developed its own hydrogen reforming technology, and applied it to a hydrogen fueling station in World Cup Park. Meanwhile, in the UK, Coventry University’s decision to house a hydrogen fueling station on campus makes it part of a cluster of Air Products stations across the region. Joining the universities of Birmingham and Loughborough, Coventry adds to the Midlands Hydrogen Ring of fueling facilities that will form the heart of a planned UK hydrogen fueling infrastructure to eventually span the whole country.

April 2010

SK Energy, Korea: www.skenergy.com

Microcab Industries Ltd: www.microcab.co.uk CABLED project: www.cabled.org.uk Midlands Hydrogen Ring: www.low-carbon-ktn.org.uk/ BMHF/RGpres-MidsH2Ring.pdf

Hydrogenics electrolyzers for German hydrogen station


anadian-based Hydrogenics has been awarded a contract for two HySTAT-60 electrolyzers by The Linde Group, for installation as part of a German hydrogen fueling station in HafenCity, Hamburg. The fueling station will be integrated and managed by the Swedish power conglomerate Vattenfall, one of Europe’s leading energy producers. The HafenCity fueling station is expected to supply hydrogen for both cars and buses, including the new fleet of Mercedes-Benz Citaro zero-emission fuel cell buses [FCB, December 2009]. The project is part of the Clean Energy Partnership in Hamburg and Berlin, and is supported by the German federal government as part of the National Innovation Program for hydrogen and fuel cell technology (NIP), coordinated by NOW GmbH.

The Hydrogenics HySTAT-60 units will produce a total of about 260 kg (570 lb) of hydrogen daily, and Linde will supplement this capacity with delivered hydrogen as needed. Commissioning of the completed station, in a redesigned industrial park within the city center, is expected in 2011. Hydrogenics is playing a key role in supporting Germany’s ambitious hydrogen vision, says the firm’s president/CEO, Daryl Wilson. Hydrogenics is one of the largest suppliers of hydrogen fueling stations, with more than 35 facilities around the world. The company is keen to play a leading part in Germany’s strategy to build the infrastructure – including hundreds of stations – necessary for a cleaner, more fuel-efficient economy. Hydrogenics is a leading developer and manufacturer of hydrogen generation and PEM fuel cell products and services, serving the growing industrial and clean energy markets. The company has operations in North America and Europe. Hydrogenics Corporation, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Tel: +1 905 361 3660, www.hydrogenics.com HafenCity Hamburg: http://en.hafencity.com Clean Energy Partnership: www.cleanenergypartnership.de NOW GmbH: www.now-gmbh.de German National Innovation Program for hydrogen and fuel cell technology: www.now-gmbh.de/index. php?id=80&L=1 (in English)


Wärtsilä, Hitachi Zosen to develop, market fuel cells in Japan


innish-based Wärtsilä and Hitachi Zosen in Japan have signed a business development agreement to develop and market solid oxide fuel cell based power solutions for distributed power generation applications in Japan. Wärtsilä and Hitachi Zosen will utilize and combine their extensive experience in technology and business development to provide this new and competitive power solution for the distributed energy market in Japan. The combined heat and power (CHP) applications, which can run on either city gas or biogas, will utilize Wärtsilä’s SOFC technology. The applications will be developed in collaboration by both companies, and marketed by Hitachi Zosen. Wärtsilä and Hitachi Zosen have cooperated

Fuel Cells Bulletin