Hydrogenics green hydrogen production for NZ

Hydrogenics green hydrogen production for NZ

fUelCELLS BULLETIN BULLETIN www.fuelcellsbulletin.com October ISSN 1464-2859 April 20192010 Hydrogenics green hydrogen production for NZ C anadi...

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October ISSN 1464-2859 April 20192010

Hydrogenics green hydrogen production for NZ


anadian-based Hydrogenics has entered into an agreement with Halcyon Power, a joint venture of New Zealand-based Tuaropaki Trust and Obayashi Corporation in Japan, to supply a zero-carbon hydrogen production facility in New Zealand. The 1.5 MW hydrogen production project is scheduled to be in operation by 2020, and will be a valuable asset supporting joint R&D initiatives by Tuaropaki Trust and Obayashi, which are working towards implementing a hydrogen supply chain for New Zealand and Japan. The ‘green’ hydrogen will be generated using electricity from stable, cost-effective geothermal energy in Mokai, Taupo, adjacent to an existing Tuaropaki power plant. In New Zealand the use of hydrogen has strong potential to be a critical component for the

energy industry, where approximately 80% of domestic power is already generated from renewable energy. This project will allow these abundant renewables to be more easily exported in the form of hydrogen to other countries [see also the JXTG item on p11]. Hydrogenics will provide an onsite hydrogen production plant using its large-scale, containerised PEM electrolysis technology, producing up to 250 Nm3/h of hydrogen. Ports of Auckland Ltd recently committed to building a hydrogen production and refueling facility, and also invest with partners in fuel cell electric vehicles including port equipment, buses, and cars [FCB, January 2019, p8]. Hydrogenics Corporation: www.hydrogenics.com Tuaropaki Trust: www.tuaropaki.com Obayashi Corporation: www.obayashi.co.jp/en

PNNL, AIChE launch hydrogen safety centre


group of organisations – including the US Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) – have banded together to form the Center for Hydrogen Safety. The new centre will provide industry, stakeholders, and others with hydrogen safety resources and best practices for hydrogen handling, storage, transport, and use. CHS is being established as a globally oriented, non-profit facility that will promote hydrogen safety and best practices worldwide. It will enable information sharing about the safe use of hydrogen as a sustainable energy carrier, and in hydrogen and fuel cell applications such as transportation and energy storage. The centre will provide access to hydrogen safety experts; develop comprehensive safety guidance, outreach, and education materials; and provide a forum for technical solutions worldwide. The centre is also forming strategic partnerships with leading hydrogen groups at the state level, as well as agencies and other organisations

worldwide. It has strong support from several industries, some with long-standing experience in hydrogen and many that are relatively new to industrial and process safety. Founding members include Air Liquide, Air Products, Alaka’i Technologies, DECHEMA in Germany, FirstElement Fuel, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Protium Innovations LLC, Sandia National Laboratories, Shell Oil Company, the Society for Chemical Engineers Japan, and Washington State University. CHS is being created in collaboration with DOE’s Fuel Cell Technologies Office, which will transition its Hydrogen Safety Panel and H2Tools website to the centre, which will initially focus on first-responder training.

Contents Contents NEWS Hydrogenics green hydrogen production for NZ PNNL, AIChE launch hydrogen safety centre

1 1

ROAD VEHICLES Hyundai Canada links with carsharing Modo Grove launches FCEV car brand in China New Flyer has two buses eligible for US funding Proton Motor, Škoda Electric for fuel cell buses Alberta long-range fuel cell truck collaboration

2 2 2 3 3

MOBILE APPLICATIONS myFC Lamina Rex China study, Gränges project Auriga fuel cell forklift power unit completes trial Hyster electric reach stacker for Port of Valencia Intelligent Energy module up to 1.6 kW for UAV Energy Observer heads north to resume voyage Nedstack, GE partner for cruise ship fuel cells

4 4 4 5 5 6

SMALL STATIONARY GenCell enhanced G5 backup power solution Simark, Vector in EFOY Pro sales deal for SW

6 6

LARGE STATIONARY Bloom for Extreme Networks, II-VI microgrid Construction financing for FCE sub base project

7 7

FUELING German network adds five hydrogen stations HTEC, 7-Eleven Canada retail stations in BC Korean HyNet JV aims for 100 stations by 2022 OneH2 hydrogen production hub, California trucks Saarland sensor system safeguards fuel quality

7 8 8 9 9

ENERGY STORAGE & P2G UNSW for home hydrogen renewable energy storage Mahytec partners with Nexeya on energy storage First sales for H-TEC 1 MW PEM electrolyser

9 10 10

GREEN HYDROGEN Hydrogen for Toyota Australia’s Altona car plant Consortium trials Japan hydrogen supply chain Sunfire HT electrolyser tests in Austria, Germany

10 11 11

COMMERCIALISATION AFC selects Advanced Plastics for flow plates BASF Ultramid plastic for fuel cell components Blue World successful initial seed funding round HyLand in Germany with aspiring municipalities Arval, Hydrogen Hub partner on school pack Hydrogenious, Framatome boost LOHC progress McPhy starts year with E5m in orders received Nikola preps fuel cell lab, land for manufacturing www.biometrics-today.com Nproxx unveils 700 bar automotive hydrogen tank Plug Power 30 kW ProGen engine for vans, trucks Redexis, Spanish Hydrogen Association link up

11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15

RESEARCH CSM team’s reversible protonic ceramic fuel cells


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Center for Hydrogen Safety: www.aiche.org/CHS


Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Hydrogen & Fuel Cells: www.pnnl.gov/hydrogen-fuel-cells

Editorial 3 www.membrane-technology.com News In Brief 5, 15 Patents 16–19 Events Calendar 20

DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office: http://tinyurl.com/doe-fcto Hydrogen Safety Panel: https://h2tools.org/hsp

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H2Tools: https://h2tools.org

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