Hydrogenics unveils Toronto H2 station, government investment

Hydrogenics unveils Toronto H2 station, government investment

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Fuel Cells Bulletin

New name, HQ for Lynntech as Fideris


ynntech Industries, a developer of fuel cell test solutions that was recently spun-off from its Texas-based parent Lynntech Inc [FCB, August], has changed its name to Fideris™ Inc. The new name aims to reflect the company’s commitment to delivering independent, trusted test solutions to fuel cell developers, integrators and universities worldwide. The company has also opened its new corporate headquarters in Lowell, Massachusetts. Fideris offers fuel cell test stations ranging in size from below 1 We to more than 100 kWe, spanning all chemistries including PEM, SOFC, MCFC and DMFC. The company is funded by venture capitalists Chrysalix Energy Limited Partnership in Vancouver, NY-based Braemar Energy Ventures and Altira in Denver, Colorado. It is led by CEO Jeff Bentley, who previously headed up Massachusetts-based Nuvera Fuel Cells (formerly Epyx Corporation). The company will continue providing technical support, as well as product manufacturing and distribution, from its facility in College Station, Texas. The company is engaged in a corporate-wide rebranding initiative, the results of which will be unveiled later this year. Meanwhile, Fideris has been awarded a $1.33 million contract from Nasa’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio to develop a 5 kWe fuel cell and electrolyzer. Contact: Fideris Inc, 150 Industrial Avenue, Lowell, MA 01852, USA. Tel: +1 978 454 0770, www.fideris.com

Hydrogenics unveils Toronto H2 station, government investment


oronto-based Hydrogenics Corporation has unveiled the first of four projects in the city’s Hydrogen Village. The company’s HyLyzer™ hydrogen refueler was unveiled at the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) as part of its Green Day event. The company has also received a C$4.25m (US$3.3m) strategic investment from the Canadian government’s Hydrogen Early Adopters (h2EA) program, to help establish four unique projects – worth a total of more than C$10m (US$7.8m) – from a Hydrogenicsled consortium over the next two years.

The’ HyLyzer refueler at Exhibition Place is Toronto’s first public hydrogen refueling station. During the CNE demonstration the refueler will use electricity generated by a wind turbine to produce clean hydrogen. This will be used to refuel a range of fuel cell powered demonstration vehicles, all powered by Hydrogenics’ fuel cell power module technology. The vehicles include a forklift, a John Deere commercial work vehicle, and a GEM™ neighborhood vehicle. Participants in this project include Exhibition Place, the City of Toronto and Toronto Renewable Energy Corporation. The four government-funded projects within Toronto’s Hydrogen Village are intended to act as catalysts for more development in Toronto’s hydrogen infrastructure. The second initiative – in two phases through 2004 and 2005 – will showcase four fuel cell powered utility work vehicles in regular duty at Exhibition Place and other designated locations. This project will also demonstrate critical on- and off-board diagnostics and monitoring equipment. Participants include John Deere ePower Technologies, Exhibition Place and Greenlight Power Technologies. Another project will see a hydrogen fuel cell power module used for backup power generation at a cellular telecoms tower site. Partners in this project include Bell Canada and Emerson Network Power Group (formerly Marconi Communications). The fourth project will demonstrate a hybrid fuel cell delivery vehicle in a commercial fleet application. Hydrogenics’ HyPM™ power module technology will be integrated with batteries to offer an efficient zero-emission alternative to Purolator Courier’s diesel/electric powered fleet vehicles as that company undertakes its ‘Greening the Fleet’ program. This project also includes commissioning of a HyLyzer refueler to provide on-site hydrogen production, storage and dispensing. Partners in this project include Purolator and the Canadian Transportation Fuel Cell Alliance. Contact: Hydrogenics Corporation, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Tel: +1 905 361 3660, www.hydrogenics.com

Ground broken on H2 research center in SC


onstruction has begun on the $9.2 million Center for Hydrogen Research, located on the Savannah River Research Campus in Aiken, South Carolina. The 60 000 ft2 (5600 m2) facility is dedicated to hydrogen technology research, development and commercialization, and will bring together scientists, industry and universities.

October 2004