Inequalities for Two Simplices

Inequalities for Two Simplices

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 248, 429᎐437 Ž2000. doi:10.1006rjmaa.2000.6918, available online at on I...

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Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 248, 429᎐437 Ž2000. doi:10.1006rjmaa.2000.6918, available online at on

Inequalities for Two Simplices1 Leng Gangsong, Shen Zhu, and Tang Lihua Department of Mathematics, Hunan Normal Uni¨ ersity, Changsha 410081, People’s Republic of China Submitted by B. G. Pachpatte Received December 18, 1998

We establish in this paper an inequality for two simplices, which combine altitudes and edge-lengths of one simplex with distances from an interior point to its facets of the other simplex, and give some applications thereof. 䊚 2000 Academic Press

1. INTRODUCTION The well-known Neuberg᎐Pedoe inequality is the first inequality involving two triangles w14᎐16x. Following Pedoe, a number of inequalities for two triangles have been established w12; 13, XIIx. Yang Lu and Zhang Jingzhong in w18x generalized the Neuberg᎐Pedoe inequality to R n. The research inspired by Yang and Zhang on geometric inequalities for two high-dimensional simplices has been extensive w4, 7᎐10, 17x. The main aim of this paper is to establish a new inequality involving two simplices which combine edge-lengths and altitudes of one simplex with distances from an interior point to its facet of the other simplex. As applications, we obtain some other inequalities for a simplex, and we also sharpen some inequalities of L. Fejes Toth ´ and L. Gerber. We use the following notations throughout this paper. Let ⍀ be an n-dimensional simplex in ⺢ n with vertices A 0 , A1 , . . . , A n Ži.e., ⍀ s ² A 0 , A1 , . . . , A n :. and of volume V, and let I, O, and G be the incenter, circumcenter, and centroid of ⍀, respectively. Let ⍀ i s ² A 0 , . . . , A iy1 , A iq1 , . . . , A n : be its facet which lies in a hyperplane ␲ i , Si the facet area of ⍀ i Ži.e., its Ž n y 1.-dimensional volume., d i the distance from an 1

This work is partially supported by the Hunan Provincial Science Foundation. 429 0022-247Xr00 $35.00 Copyright 䊚 2000 by Academic Press All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.



interior point P of ⍀ to ␲ i , and h i the altitude of ⍀ from the vertex A i , i.e., the distance from A i to ␲ i . Our main results are the following three theorems. THEOREM 1. Let ⍀ s ² A 0 , A1 , . . . , A n : and ⍀X s ² AX0 , AX1 , . . . , AXn : be two n-simplices, h i the altitude of ⍀ from the ¨ ertex A i , a i j s < A i A j < and dXi the distance from an interior point P X of ⍀X to the facet ⍀Xi s ² AX0 , . . . , AXiy1 , AXiq1 , . . . , AXn :. Then dXi dXj

Ý 0Fi-jFn

a2i j


1 4




žÝ / is1



Ž 1.1.

and equality holds if and only if ⍀ is regular and P X is the incenter of ⍀X . Let GX be the centroid of ⍀X and dXi Ž GX . the distance from GX to ␲ iX . Taking P X s GX in Theorem 1 and noting the obvious geometric fact that dXi Ž GX . hXi


1 nq1


we obtain THEOREM 2. Let ⍀ s ² A 0 , A1 , . . . , A n : and ⍀X s ² AX0 , AX1 , . . . , AXn : be two n-simplices with altitudes h 0 , h1 , . . . , h n and hX0 , hX1 , . . . , hXn , respecti¨ ely, a i j s < A i A j < Ž0 F i - j F n.. Then hXi hXj

Ý 0Fi-jFn

a2i j


1 4



žÝ / is0




Ž 1.2.

and equality holds if and only if ⍀ is regular and I X s GX . By Cauchy’s inequality and Ž1.2., we have THEOREM 3. Under the hypotheses in Theorem 2, we ha¨ e n

Ý is0

a2i j hXi hXj


G Ž n q 1 . n2



žÝ / is0




Ž 1.3.

and equality holds if and only if ⍀ is regular and I X s GX . We will give the proof of Theorem 1 in Section 3, while in Section 2 we will show some applications of the above theorems.



2. SOME INEQUALITIES FOR A SIMPLEX From Theorem 1 we can derive the following two interesting inequalities for a simplex. THEOREM 4. Let d i be the distance from an interior point P of ⍀ s ² A 0 , A1 , . . . , A n : to ␲ i Ž i s 0, 1, . . . , n.. Then di d j

Ý 0Fi-jFn

a2i j


1 4


Ž 2.1. 2

di d j



a2i j

G n2 Ž n q 1 . ,

Ž 2.2.

and equalities hold if and only if ⍀ is regular and P s I. Proof. Taking ⍀X s ⍀ in Ž1.1. and noting the obvious fact that n


Ý is0

s 1,


we obtain the inequality Ž2.1.. By Cauchy’s inequality, we have


a2i j

Ý 0Fi-jFn

di d j

di d j


a2i j



/ ž

Ž n q 1. n 2




Ž 2.3.

Inequality Ž2.2. follows from Ž2.1. and Ž2.3.. COROLLARY 1. Let d 0 , d1 , . . . , d n be the distances from an interior point P of ⍀ to its Ž n q 1. facets and R the circumradius of ⍀. Then 2r Ž nq1 .


ž / Ł di



Ý 0Fi-jFn

'd d i

1 n2 j

Ž R 2 y < OG < 2 . ,


nq1 2


and equalities hold if and only if ⍀ is regular and P is the center of ⍀.

Ž 2.4. Ž 2.5.



Proof. According to Ž2.1. and Cauchy’s inequality, we get 1 4


Ý 0Fi-jFn

a2i j G

/ ž

a2i j

Ý 0Fi-jFn

di d j


a2i j






Ý 0Fi-jFn

'd d i




Ž 2.6. Noting the well-known formula a2i j s Ž n q 1 .



Ž R 2 y < OG < 2 . ,

Ž 2.7.


from Ž2.6., we derive


'd d i




nq1 2

Ž R 2 y < OG < 2 .



Ž 2.8.

Inequalities Ž2.4. and Ž2.5. follow from Ž2.8.. Remark. It is easy to see that Ž2.4. and Ž2.5. are two sharpenings of the Gerber’s inequality w3x, n

Ł di F



nq 1

ž /



Taking P s I in Ž2.4. yields at once that R 2 G Ž nr . q < OG < 2 , 2

which is a sharpening of the famous inequality of L. Fejes Toth ´ w2x: R G nr. This also is an analogy of the interesting inequality of M. S. Klamkin w5x, R 2 G Ž nr . q < OI < 2 . 2

COROLLARY 2. Let h 0 , h1 , . . . , h n be the altitudes of ⍀ s ² A 0 , A1 , . . . , A n :, a i j s < A i A j <. Then hi h j

Ý 0Fi-jFn

a2i j

Ý 0Fi-jFn

F a2i j

hi h j

Ž n q 1. 4 G n2 ,

and equalities hold if and only if ⍀ is regular.



Ž 2.9. Ž 2.10.



Proof. Inequalities Ž2.9. and Ž2.10. follow by taking ⍀X s ⍀ in Ž1.2. and Ž1.3.. Remark. Taking n s 2 in Ž2.10., we obtain an inequality of Z. Mitrovic, which is regarded as a more elegant inequality for a triangle in w13, Appendix 1, 6.7x. Hence Ž2.10. is a generalization to several dimensions of Mitrovic’s inequality. COROLLARY 3. For an n-dimensional simplex ⍀ s ² A 0 , A1 , . . . , A n :, let a i j s < A i A j <. Then 1


2 0Fi-jFn a i j


1 4r2


Ž 2.11.

and equality holds if and only if ⍀ is regular. Proof. Taking for ⍀X in Ž1.2. a regular simplex and noting the known fact that n

Ý is0

1 hi


1 r

we obtain Ž2.11.. Remark. The inequality Ž2.11. is a generalization of Walker’s inequality Žsee w13x. to higher-dimensional simplices. For the other proof of Ž2.11. the reader is referred to w7x.

3. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 1 To prove Theorem 1, we need the following two lemmas. LEMMA 1. Let x 0 , x 1 , . . . , x n be Ž n q 1. real constants, and ␪ i j Žs ␪ ji . denote the internal dihedral angle between facets ⍀ i and ⍀ j of an n-dimensional simplex ⍀. Then n

Ý x i2 G 2 Ý is0

x i x j cos ␪ i j ,

Ž 3.1.


and equality holds if and only if Ž x 0 , x 1 , . . . , x n . s ␭Ž S0 , S1 , . . . , Sn . where ␭ is any real constant number.



Proof. Let A s Ž c i j .Ž nq1.=Ž nq1. , where


ci j s

if i s j if i / j.

1 ycos ␪ i j

Then the matrix A is positive semidefinite w11, 19x. Therefore XAX r G 0

Ž 3.2.

holds for any X s Ž x 0 , x 1 , . . . , x n . g R n. Inequality Ž3.1. follows from Ž3.2.. In the following we show the equality in Ž3.1. holds if and only if X s ␭Ž S0 , S1 , . . . , S n . .

Ž 3.3.

Assume that Ž3.3. holds. Since Žsee w1x. n

Si S j cos ␪ i j

Ý Si2 s 2 Ý is0


we have n

XAX r s ␭2


Si S j cos ␪ i j s 0.

Ý Si2 y 2 Ý is0



Hence the equality in Ž3.1. holds. Conversely, put n

⌽Ž X . s

Ý x i2 y 2 Ý is0

x i x j cos ␪ i j .


Then ⌽ Ž X . G 0 holds for any X g R n. So assume Ž x 0 , x 1 , . . . , x n . g R n such that the equality in Ž3.1. holds, namely ⌽ ŽŽ x 0 , x 1 , . . . , x n .. s 0; then Ž x 0 , x 1 , . . . , x n . is a minimum point of ⌽. Hence we have

⭸⌽ ⭸ xi


Ž i s 0, 1, . . . , n . .

Namely xi y

Ý x j cos ␪ i j s 0

Ž i s 0, 1, . . . , n . .

Ž 3.4.

js0 j/i

Equation Ž3.4. can be rewritten in the form ª

AX r s 0.

Ž 3.5.



Since det < A < s 0 and rank A s n Žsee w19x., the system of fundamental solutions of Ž3.5. has only a non-vanishing vector. On the other hand, noting the known fact Žsee w19x. Si s

Ý S j cos ␪ i j , js0 j/i

we find that Ž S0 , S1 , . . . , Sn . is a solution vector of Ž3.5.. Hence any solution vector of Ž3.5. satisfies

Ž x 0 , x 1 , . . . , x n . s ␭Ž S0 , S1 , . . . , Sn . , as desired. LEMMA 2 w11x. Let V be the ¨ olume of ⍀ and ␪ i j the internal dihedral angle between ⍀ i and ⍀ j , and let Vi j denote the ¨ olume of the Ž n y 2.dimensional simplex ² A 0 , A iy1 , A iq1 , . . . , A jy1 , A jq1 , . . . , A n :. Then Si S j sin ␪ i j Vi j


nV ny1


Proof of Theorem 1. Let Ti j Ž0 F i - j F n. be the bisection of ⍀ at the dihedral angle ␪ i j and the Ž n y 1.-dimensional volume < Ti j <, and let Ei j be the intersection of edge A i A j with Ti j . Then ⍀ is divided into two n-simplex ⌺ 1 s ² A 0 , . . . , A iy1 , Ei j , A iq1 , . . . , A n : and ⌺ 2 s ² A 0 , . . . , A iy1 , Ei j , A jq1 , . . . , A n : by Ti j . It follows that V s V Ž ⌺1 . q V Ž ⌺ 2 . ,

Ž 3.6.

where V Ž ⌺1 . and V Ž ⌺ 2 . are the volumes of ⌺ 1 and ⌺ 2 , respectively. By Lemma 2 and Ž3.6., we have

Ž n y 1. nVi j

Si S j sin ␪ i j s

Ž n y 1. nVi j

S j < Ti j
␪i j 2


Ž n y 1. nVi j

S i < Ti j
␪i j 2


This clearly implies < Ti j < s

2 Si S j Si q S j


'S S


␪i j 2


Therefore < Ti j < F



␪i j 2


Ž 3.7.



From Ž3.7. and Lemma 1, we infer


dXi dXj < Ti j < 2 F

Ý Ž dXi Si . Ž dXj S j .Ž 1 y cos ␪ i j .

1 2


0Fi-jFn 2



1 4



dXi Si




Ž 3.8.

On the other hand, we have a i j < Ti j < s < A i Ei j < < Ti j < q < A j Ei j < < Ti j < G nV Ž ⌺ 1 . q nV Ž ⌺ 2 . s nV.

Ž 3.9.

Combining Ž3.8. and Ž3.9., we obtain

Ž nV .


Ý 0Fi-jFn

dXi dXj a2i j


1 4



dXi S i

žÝ /


Ž 3.10.


By the formula h i Si s nV, inequality Ž1.1. follows immediately from Ž3.10.. It is clear that equality in Ž1.1. holds if and only if dX0 s dX1 s ⭈⭈⭈ s dXn , S0 s S1 s ⭈⭈⭈ s Sn , and a i j H Ti j . This also is equivalent to saying that P X s GX and ⍀ is regular.

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