Obstetric Practice. By Alfred C. Beck, M.D. (ProfesEmeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology State University of New York, College of Medicine ;tt New York City; formerly Professor of Obstetrics and GYIH~CO[ogy, Long Island College of Medicine; formerly (~bstdridllll ~tnd Gynecologist-in-Chid', Long Island (.ollc'g(' I10sPltHl) and Alexundcr H. Rosenthal, M.D. (Clink:1I1 ASSOC~jlltC' Professor of Obstetrics Ilild Gynecolcgv, Stilt" University of New York, Collcg~; of Medicine Ht New York City; Chid' Obstetrician and Gynecologis«, r,ong Island J ewish Hospital, New Hyde Park, N. Y,). Sixth edition, 1,066 pages, 947 (igl;reS find l:l. Iigures in an appendix. References at chapter endings; index, BaltinHlrc, 1995. Williams & Wilkins Co, Price $1::Lno. SOl'
The ({rst' edition of this outstanding book appeared in 193,. Since then frve more editions ha ve been published, with two reprintings and a Portuguese I.:;dit;on in 194,0 (mel a Spanish Edition in 1947. In this necessarily short review, if we added not another wore! a discriminating reader would conclude that this volume must be u nusual, up-to-the-minute, authoritative, and must have earned for itself a place among the excellent works of the past two decades. The conclusion would be correct. In thefrrst edition Dr. Beck started his Preface with this sentence: "The purpose of this book is to present the essentials of obstetric practice to undergraduate students and young practitioners as concisely as is consistent with the requirements of a textbook." Inasmuch as this is the chief 01' dominant ieIea throughout, we believe the book ranks as one of the best if not the most satisfactory work of the present era. There are other books on obstetrics which are outstanding. We have two or three favorites ··--works that have an appeal to the certified obstetrician-s-but for students, interns, residents and young practitioners we believe that Beck and Rosenthal's recent edition may be said to be in a class by itself. Most of the original line drawings were done by Dr. Beck, who wanted them as exact as possible. The old cliche that one picture can 94 I
teU as much as a thousand words is often a truism, and is such in this instance. We compared this edition with the previous one and found that this last edition has been practically rewritten. We do not have the space to list the omissions from the last work, the many new additions, and the rewriting of hundreds of text pages in order to bring into focus thc newer and modern technics, theories and facts. Nothing has been abbreviated; neither have the authors attempted "fine" writing. While studying this tcxt one feels he is reading a satisfactory lecture by great teachers of the art and science of obstetrics. Integrated Gynecology. Principles and Practice. By L C. Rubin, M.D. (formerly Clinical Professor of Gynecology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University; formerly Clinical Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics, New York University) and Josef Novak, M.D. (Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Vienna; formerly Clinical Professor of Gynecology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University). Volume I, 589 pages, Volume 2, 469 pages. Volume 3, 682 pages. Index at end of each volume; illustrated. New York, 1956. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., Blakiston Division. Price $60.00,
We learn this work had its inception many years ago when the authors met in Vienna as postgraduate medical students. Both men having subsequently gained wide experience in their chosen field, they have collaborated on this monumental, three-volume text. Volume One deals with anatomy, evolution and involution, physiology, gynecologic examination, congenital anomalies of the genitourinary organs, injuries to the female sex organs, the effect of toxic agents on the female genital organs, deformities and displacements of the internal genital organs, and infl:ammatory diseases of the female genitals. Volume Two discusses tumors of the female sex organs, constitutional disorders and gynecology, and disorders of reproduction. American Journal oj Surgery. Volume 92, December, 19S6
Book Reviews Volume Three deals with the relationship between reproductive and other body systems, gynecologic symptomatology, operative gynecology, physiotherapy, and fema le hygiene. Each volume has its separate index. An extensive bibliography has been listed at the conclusion of each chapter. There a re numerous illustrations and these are of a high order of excellence. The authors advise the re ader that they have not confined themselves exclusively to gynecology but have considered" . . . facts estab-
lished in other branches of medicine . . . Present day gynecology . .' . is the science of woman in health and disease." We are told in the Preface that the work was designed for use primar ily by medical students and general practitio ners; but since it includes the personal exp eriences and points of view of the aut hors, they hope it will also prove of interest to the specialist. 'vVe are certain that the authors' hopes and wishes will be generously fulfilled.