Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

Multi-Media Crime 30see Prittwitz, Stragrecht und Risiko, 1993, at p, 249. 31Sce Herzog, Gescsschaftliche Unsicherheit und strafrechtliche Daseinfiir...

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Multi-Media Crime

30see Prittwitz, Stragrecht und Risiko, 1993, at p, 249. 31Sce Herzog, Gescsschaftliche Unsicherheit und strafrechtliche Daseinfiirsorge 1990, pp. 129 et seq, 3ZSe e Tiedemann, ZStW87 (1975), pp. 253 et seq., at p. 269. 33see Herzog (FN 31), p. 145; Hassemer,)uS 1987, pp. 257 et seq., Prittwitz, (Supra note 30), pp. 247 et seq. 34see. W. Hassemer, Produktverantwortung im modernen Strafrecht, 1994, at p. 24. 35Sce D. Kratsch, Verhaltenssteuerung und Organisation im Strafrecht, 1985. 36About the problems of symbolism in criminal law see the study of M. Voss, Symbolische Gesetzgeung, 1989; see also

Amelung, ZStW 92 (1980), pp. 54 et seq.; Haffke, KritV 1991, pp. 195 et seq, Hassemer, NStZ 1989, pp. 553 et seq, Noll, ZSehwR 1981, pp. 347 et seq. 37see Herzog, (Supra noe 32) pp. 56 et seq, FX Kaufmann, Normen un Institutionen als Mittel zur BewaItlgung von Unsicherhcit; Die Sicht der Soziologie, in: Bayerische Ruckverslcherung Aktlengesellschaft (Hrsg)., Gesellschaft un Unsicherheit, 1987, pp. 47 et seq. 38see also Hassemer, (Supra note 34), p. 12. 39see also Sieber, (Supra note 28), at p. 506. ·°See Harbert, (Supra note 2), p. 197. 41see also Meyer, DOS, 1996 (5), p. 30.

BOOK REVIEWS Intellectual Property Intellectual Property, 3rd Edition, by W.K. Cornish, 1996, soft-cover, Sweet & Maxwell, 722 pp., £30.00, ISBN o 4Z1 53520 2. Professor Cornish is Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the University of cambridge. He published the first edition of his book in 1981 with three types of reader in mind Firstly, students in universities studying business law or training for one of the intellectual property professions. Secondly, for lawyers, business executives and civil servants who come into contact with the field in the course of their work. lbirdly, for specialists in the subject abroad who are looking for a relatively succinct presentation of UK law. Since that time, this work has become the leading text book on intellectual property law, covering the whole spectrum of intellectual law as it applies in the UK. It has changed radically since first published Whereas the second edition in 1989 had to accommodate the many changes brought about by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988, so too has the third edition had to accommodate significant change. This includes, for example, the GAIT TRIPS agreement (Trade Related Intellectual Property agreement) included at the end of the Uruguay Round world trade talks in April 1994. It has also had to deal with major changes within the European Union regulation of the information market. This has embraced Directives to harmonize copyright law, covering computer software, rental rights, neighbouring rights, satellite and cable, and the duration of rights. There has also been a Directive dealing with databases protected by a mixture of copyright and a producer's right in their content. The author points out that these changes have made it difficult to complete this edition, as much has had to be altered in the course of production, as developments occurred, requiring comment. The work is divided into six parts and 18 chapters. Following two introductory chapters, parts deal with patents; confidence; copyright and designs; trademarks and names; and a smaller section on intellectual property in the European economic area. There are also three appendices, a detailed index, a table of statutes and of cases. Cases and Materials on Intellectual Property, 2nd Edition, by W.K. Cornish, 1996, soft-cover, Sweet & Maxwell, 680 pp., £35.00, ISBN 0 421 5350 8. This text is intended as a companion volume to Professor Cornish's third edition of Intellectual Property. It is designed to provide a 'one stop' source, enabling readers to refer to actual statutory text and relevant case law in digested form . This is likely to be of major assistance to the reader. Instead of having to wade through pages of primary source material, the author has structured it so that the relevant sections and cases are reproduced within a clear format of headings. For example, the section on patentable subject matter includes extracts from the relevant sections of the Patents Act 1977, followed by analysis of 17 cases which develop the case law. This method is employed throughout the work with great effect. The second edition has been updated to deal with the terms of five Directives from the European Community on different aspects of copyright law, as well as reforming the law of registered trademark as contained in the Trade Marks Act of 1994. Both texts are available from Sweet &: Maxwell Ltd, Cheriton House, North Way, Andover, SPI0 5BE, UK; UK customer service, tel: 01264 342899 or fax: 01264 342723; international customer service, tel: + 44 1264 342828 or fax: +44 1264 342761.


Computer Law & Security Report Vol. 13 no. 3 1997 © 1997, Elsevier Science Ltd.