Ion exchangers in analytical chemistry. By Olof Samuelson. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1953. Illustrated. 291 pp. 15.5 × 23.5 cm. Price $6.50

Ion exchangers in analytical chemistry. By Olof Samuelson. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1953. Illustrated. 291 pp. 15.5 × 23.5 cm. Price $6.50

BOOKS RECEIVED The Use of Drugs-A Textbook of Pharmacology and Therapeutics f o r Nurses. By WALTERMODELL, M.D., and DORISJ. PLACE,R.N. Springer Publi...

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BOOKS RECEIVED The Use of Drugs-A Textbook of Pharmacology and Therapeutics f o r Nurses. By WALTERMODELL, M.D., and DORISJ. PLACE,R.N. Springer Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1953. 468 pp. 15 X 22 cm. Price $4.50. Major Metabolic Fuels. Brookhaven Symposia in Biology No. 5, September, 1952. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, N. Y. (Associated [Jniversities, Inc., under contract with the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.) 234 pp. 18 x 25.5 cm. Paper bound. (Copies can be obtained from the Office of Technical Services. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C.) Color i n Business, Science, and Industry. By DEAN B. BUDD. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1952. 401 pp. Illustrated. 15.5 x 24 cm. Price $6.50. The Phurm-Assist Manual. (Formerly Gray’s Pharmaceutical Quiz Compend.) By A. E . SLESSNER. The C. V. Mosby Co., St. Louis, 1953. 167 pp. 13 x 20 cm. Price $3.50. Farwelliana-Am Account of the Life and Botanical Work of Oliver Atkins Farwell, 1867-1944. By ROGERSMCVAUGH, STANLEY A. CAIN,and DALE J. HAGENAH. Cranbrook Institute of Science,

The Natural Nistory of Infectious Disease. 2nd ed. By SIRMACFARLANE BURNET. Cambridge University Press, New York, 1953. 356 pp. 14.5 x 22.5 cm. $4.50.

Bulletin, No. 34. Cranbrook Institute of Science, Bloomfield Hills, Mich., 1953. 101 pp. 15.5 x 23 cm. Price $0.75.

The Formulary of the Nebraska State Medical Association. 1st cd. Nebraska State Medical Association, 1315 Sharp Building, Lincoln, Neb., 1953. 90 pp. 13 x 19 cm. Paper bound. Price $1.50.

-4Manual for the Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Ry LEIGHC. ANPERSON and WERNERE. BACHMANN. John Wiley &Sons, Inc.. New York, 1953. xvi 164 pp. 23 x 28 cm. Paper and ring bound. Price $2.75.


Soap Manufacturr. Vol. I (in 2 volumes). By J. DAVIDSOHN, E. J. BETTER,and A. DAVIDSOHN. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1953. xii 535 pp. 16 x 23.5 cm. Price $12.50.


Organic Syntheses. Vol. 33. CHARLESC. PRICE, Editor-in-Chief, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. 1953. 115pp. 15.5x23.7cm. Pricet3.50. Studies on Dried BCG Vaccine. The Japan BCG Research Council, Tokyo, Japan, November, 1952. 99 pp. 18.5 x 22 cm. Paper bound. Illustrated.

“Practical” scctioti covcrs the tcchtiiques of ion cxchange separations for analysis and chromatography. The major section, “Applications,” covers specific methods for inorganic, organic, and biochemical analysis. The application of ion exchangers for analytical separations is based upon two principles: ( a ) Separation of exchangeable ions from nonexchangeable ions and nonelectrolytes (ion change method). ( 6 ) Separation of exchangeable ions from each other due t o differences in exchangeability (ion exchange chromatography). The first is treated more completely in this text. Each chapter is followed by a bibliography, and author and subject indexes are appended.

The author presents the subject from the ecological point of view, describing the interactions be. tween the organisms which cause disease and the host, which must either combat the infection or die. This second edition (the first edition, 1941, bore the title “Biological Aspects of Infectious Disease”) contains a new chapter (11 pages) on “The Antibacterial Drugs.” The author stresses the dangers of mass chemoprophylaxis, particularly regarding the evolution of resistant varients of pathogens. The author’s fine style and clarity of expression make the text interesting. There is no documentation, but an index is appended.

Ion Exchangers in Analytical Chemistry. By OLOF SAMUELSON.John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1953. Illustrated. 291 pp. 15.5 x 23.5 cm. Price $6.50. This well-written and interesting volume presents the text matter in three main divisions. The “General” section discusses principles and properties of ion exchange equilibria, kinetics, and rcsins. The

New and Nonoficial Remedies 1953. Issued under the direction and supervision of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry, American Medical Association. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1953. xlviii 623 pp. 13.5 x 19.5 cm. Price $2.65. The 1953 edition of this very useful and valuable book has a “new look”; it is thinner and the words “Accepted by the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry” appear on the cover. The book is

