evaporated or distilled down to a small volume which is then transferred quantitatively to a tared capsule, which is evaporated to dryness on a water bath. The final traces of solvent are removed by heating to 110°C in an oven. The capsule is cooled for 30 min in a desiccator and weighed. Parallel blank determinations are carried out using an equal quantity of the chosen extractant and the value of the residue obtained in this blank is subtracted from that given by the sample. When heptane is the chosen extractant, the numerical value of the residue must be divided by 5. If the value thus obtained is greater than 50 ppm for articles whose capacity is equal or greater than 250 ml, or greater than 0.06 rag/era 2 for articles whose capacity is less than 250 ml, the residue thus obtained must be subjected to an extraction with chloroform in the following manner: 50 ml of pure analytical grade freshly distilled chloroform is added to the residue in the weighing capsule. The sample is heated cautiously and filtered through Whatman No. 41 paper into a tared capsule, washing the filter with more chloroform. The sample is evaporated to dryness and dried in an oven at 100°C. After cooling in the desiccator for 30 min, the weight of the residue is determined and this value is used in the calculation. 5. Calculations
For articles of capacity equal to or greater than 250 ml the result of the extraction test (referred to the capacity of the article in ppm) is given by the formula: exa
Q ----x
Where e = weight of residue in mg referred to the container examined a = total surface area of the component including the lid expressed in cm 2 v = volume of the container, expressed in g of water s = surface of the container in contact with solvent expressed in cm 2. For articles of capacity less than 250 ml the result of the extraction test (referred to the article in mg/cm 2) is given by the formula
e s
Suitable modifications may be made to the methods described where this is indicated in any particular case.
Japan LIST OF P E R M I T T E D PRESERVATIVES The folloWing is a recently published list of preservatives permitted for food use by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare. With certain exceptions the items appeared in regulations dating from 1960; the use of benzoic acid or its sodium salt in caviar however was permitted by a regulation which came into effect on 26 May 1962. Levels of use are expressed in g/kg unless otherwise stated.
Salicylic acid Japanese wine and fruit wine, 0.25 g/l ; vinegar, 0.06 g/l.
Benzoic acid and sodium benzoate (as benzoic acid) Soft drinks (excluding articles which contain carbon dioxide) and soy, 0.6 g/l; caviar, 2.5.
Sorbic acid Products of kneaded fishmeat, meat and whale, urchin product, boiled beans, peanut butter products, smoked cuttle fish and octopus, 2; smoked cuttlefish and octopus, 0.5.
Sodium sorbate Products of kneaded fishmeat, 2; smoked cuttle fish and octopus, 0.5.
Potassium sorbate (as sorbic acid) Products of meat and whale, urchin product, boiled beans, peanut butter products, smoked cuttle fish and octopus, 0.5.
Dehydroacetic acid and sodium dehydroacetate Cheese, butter, and margarine, 2; soft drinks (excluding articles which contain carbon dioxide, 0.05; bean paste (Miso) and bean jam (An), 0.2; pickles, 0.08; fermented milk and lactic acid drinks (only those approved by the Minister of Welfare based on the regulation stipulated in the Article (2) of appendix (lI) of the Ministerial Ordinance Concerning the Standards of Constituents of Milk and Milk Products. Welfare Ministerial Ordinance No. 52, 1951).
Nitrofurazone Products of meats and kneaded fishmeat, 0.005; ice which preserves fishes and shells, 0.02.
Nitrofurylacrylamide Products of meats and kneaded fishmeat, 0.02; dried fishes and shells, 0.001 ; bean paste (An), 0.02; "Tofu", 0.005.
Ethyl, propyl and butyl p-hydroxybenzoate (as p-hydroxybenzoic acid) Soy, 0.25; vinegar and soft drinks, 0.1 g/l; fruit sauce, 0.I g/l; fruit, 0.012 g/I; pickles,
0.03 g/1. Methylnaphthoquinone Jam and ketchup, 0.05 g/1 ; preserved food boiled down in soy, 0.03 g/1 ; kneaded urchin and soy, 0.1 g/1 ; and fruit sauce, 0.04 g/1.