Microprocessor simulator

Microprocessor simulator

product review Turnkey system /', complete system consrstmg of a mlc),)computer, keyboard, triple floppy dtscs, d)spla,, and printer has been launched...

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product review Turnkey system /', complete system consrstmg of a mlc),)computer, keyboard, triple floppy dtscs, d)spla,, and printer has been launched in Europe by Gamma Computer Products, and costs £7 500 in one-off quantities Dusigned by General Robotics Corporalion o[ W)sconsm, USA, the system is based on the new half-s~ze LSI l l / 2 c a r d s f ) o m DEC TheCPU Js PDP 11 software compatible and comes complete with 64 khytes RAM. The floppy dtscs are double-sided Pertec MIcroFIoppys Dvmg a total memory capacity of over 1.25 Mbytes. The pnnter comes from Centromcs and has a speed of 60 character/s and column width of 132 characters. The plasma a 21 '( lines X

dlspla} is a 'self-scan' gas umt from Burroughs, providing 12 cm viewing area with 12 40 columns


BASIC, FORTRAN, APL and FILETAB (a PDP 11 versEon ot RPL) are among the high-level languages to be offered, and nmesharmg software for multi-user envwonments is also available (Gamma Assocmtes, Com-

pass House, The Rope~va/k, Nottingham, L/K Telephone (0602) 49555 Telex 3~7Xl 7)

Microprocessor simulator The Mechamcal Engineering Department at UMIST has developed a program enabling PDP8 users to ,imulate the M6800 The program is available in alternatwe versions for systems with MIKBUG or MINIBUG debugging aids. At least 8 kwords or memory and

paper-tape input are requ)red to run the software, so that any mlcroporcessor program under test can be generated on paper tape by crossassemblers already a~adable on the market All available PDP8 memory above Fmld 0 may be used to simulate both random-access and/or read-only memt,rv Reg~ste) and memory contents may be &splayed or modified and programs ma~ be executed either contmuousl; o) ~n 1)ace mode Up to four breakpomts facd~tate program testing and timing Jn conluct~on with the cycle count Both versions of the program ale avadable, as a package m standard bmar,, paper-tape format accompamed by a user's manual, price £115 (US $ 200)less 25% fo) educational establ)shments (G t/ Vale, Depart-

ment o f Mechamca/ Engineering, UMIST, ~lanchester :ll60 IQD, UK. Telephone: 061-236 3311)


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