

Book reviews Book reviews R C. L. Boswo~rn : Heat Transfer Phenomena. Associated General Pubhcatons, Pty. Ltd., Sydney. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New Y...

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Book reviews

Book reviews R C. L. Boswo~rn : Heat Transfer Phenomena. Associated General Pubhcatons, Pty. Ltd., Sydney. John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York. Pergamon Press Ltd., London, 1952. 22. 10s. (Australian) or $6.00 or 42s. THIS monograph forms an extension and additron to the openmg paper read at a conference on Heat Transfer at Sydney m 1242. As the author says in hrs preface, the book comprises “essentially a review of recent developments in Heat Transfer and is concerned wrth : the conduction of heat m gases, radiative transfer, conductron m sohds and hqmds, forced and natural convectron, heat flow with simultaneous phase change and the use of electrical and other model methods.” Indeed, the book rs not meant as a handbook for those concerned with thermotechmcal calculations, but merely provrdes an expositron of the present fundamental insight into the various fields of heat transfer as well as of the difllculties still to be overcome. In this respect the book is a very welcome addition to the well-known handbooks and enables the reader, wrth httle effort, to become famihar with this more fundamental background of heat transfer problems. Owmg to the swe of the book, every problem IS dealt wrth rather summanly. However, thanks to the lucrdlty of the author, who consistently treats all forms of heat transfer from the pomt of view of “carrier-mean free path,” the work has become a most attractive exposrtion which reads hke a novel for those who are at all acquamted with heat transfer problems. The numerous references at the end of every chapter present sufllcient pomts of departure for a more profound study of the various SubJects. However, the book shows that the nuthor - who has already made several contnbutrons to the hterature in this geld - evmces a partrahty for some of the problems This accounts for the fact that the book suffers treated. from a certam lack of balance as regards the attentron grven to the various SubJects.

Finally, it would be commendable in a subsequent editron to expend as much care on the Sgures as has been bestowed on the printed text, and to consistently use the kg.cm.sec Joule system mstead of expressing the varrous quantrties in arbitrarily selected umts (nubative constant o in erg. cm-a set-1 k-4 and B.T.U.‘s ft-* hr-l “R4, radiancy of gases E in kgd m* hr-l, thermal conductivity k m cal. cm-l, se@, OC-r, heat transfer coelRclent A m B.T.U.‘s ft.-s hr-l “F-l). This alteration would be welcomed, especrally in thus book which forms a hnk between the technical and the fundamental science. C. v. HEERDEN.

E A GUGGENHEIM: Mixtures, 1952,42s.

Oxford Umverslty


L’auteur dont le trart.4 “ Statistical Thermodynamics,” r&hge en collaboratron avec Fowum, est un classique dans tous les pays et dont le plus recent Thewwdynamzcs (est un exemple de precision, pr6sente avec clartd et Iump1m1t.e sa theowe des solutions strmtement r&uh&es. Apr&s un rappel de thermodynamlque chwslque et une mtroductron aux methodcs de la mecamque statlstique, d expose Is theone des solutions hqmdes “ s. r@uheres ” ,(premiere approxunation et appro-tions supdrieures) qu’l met en parallele avec la methode quasichunlque de BETHE et celle de KIIUCWOOD. 11 compare ensuite les r&urltats theoriques et expdnmentaux. De l’etude des solutions hqmdes ddudes, l’auteur passe B celle des imperfections dans les crlstaux 11 Btudre ensurte lee r&eaux crwtalhns surlmpos& (pomt h). Les m&mes approximations que pr&demment sont utm&s. L’auteur passe ensuite a la mecamque statrstique des melanges gaseux parfaits et reels en halson avec la theone des “ &tats correspondants.” Un chaprtre est consacre B la thermodynanuque et B la statrstique des solutions superficielles, nouvelle apphcatron de la theone des solutions “ s. r&uh&res ”

For example, m add&ion to the brief drscussron of dimensional analysrs m the chapters on natural and forced convection, 15 pages of the last chapter are devoted to a rather frurtless treatment of thermodynamrcal smulanty, whereas the important subject of analogy between heat and mass transfer is disposed of m shghtly “The use of the equivalent electrical over 2 pages crrcuit ” recewes 22 pages, but no attention 18 given to the recent development m the geld of heat transfer at very hrgh gas velocrtres.

L’etude des solutions athermes et non athermes (molecules de dimensions differentes) et des solutions de macromolecules complete cet expose des theories suuples partmuherement fecondes et dont les r&sultats peuvent souvent &re ralsonnablement confront& avec les ,experiences.

Apart from thw criticism m comparatively mmor pomts, the author may be said to have succeeded m treatmg the comprehensive sublect of heat transfer in a concise but In consequence the nevertheless extremely lucid way book is particularly suited for teaching purposes, although its rather hrgh price prevents its extensive use as a text book.

Blen entendu, d&s l’mtroductron, l’auteur msute sur le fait que ces modbles ne peuvent pr&endre reprdsenter ,que les solutions les plus simples. Mals cccl permet de trarter quantitativement des problemes Indanmoms ,qui sont d’adleurs compliqu& pour i%m 8uflhamment Imt&essants. A. POTIEU

