MON-P172: Determinants of Quality of Life in Free-Living Elderly Population: Nutritional Status and Appetite

MON-P172: Determinants of Quality of Life in Free-Living Elderly Population: Nutritional Status and Appetite


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S242 MON-P172 DETERMINANTS OF QUALITY OF LIFE IN FREE-LIVING ELDERLY POPULATION: NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND APPETITE N. Acar Tek1, M. S. Karacil Ermumcu1 *. 1Nutrition and Dietetics, Gazi University Faculty of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkey Rationale: The aim of the present study was to examine nutritional risk factors such as poor appetite and malnutrition affecting quality of life in elderly. Methods: This is a cross-sectional population-based study consisted of 407 (142 men and 265 women) elderly mean aged 71.7 ± 6.54. Questionnaire including the demographic and general characteristics, health information, nutrition behaviours, health related life quality scale (The Health Survey Short Form-SF36), Mini Nutrition Assessment (MNA), Mini Nutrition Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF) and Simplified Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire (SNAQ) was performed by face-to-face interviews. Anthropometric measurements were measured by well-trained investigators, using standard measurement protocols. Daily food consumption was assessed using 24 hour dietary recall. Results: Women obtained lower scores in the physical functioning, bodily pain, general health, vitality, role-emotional, physical and mental component summary scales ( p < 0.05). There isn’t any significant association between anthropometric measurements, number of main meal/snack and consumption of nutrients (except energy and fiber intake) with life quality of elderly. But night sleep duration negatively correlated with mental component summary scale scores and BMI negatively correlated with physical component summary scale scores. A one unit increase in the elderly’s SNAQ score caused a two unit increase in the physical component summary scale And also a one unit increase in the elderly’s SNAQ and MNA-SF score caused 1.4 unit increase in the mental component summary scale score. Conclusion: Factors such as nutritional status and appetite which affect life quality of elderly have to improve so these factors will increase the quality of life in this group. Disclosure of Interest: None declared.

MON-P173 EVALUATION OF MALNUTRITION ACCORDING TO DIFFERENT CRITERIA IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS E. Koksal1, M. S. Karacil Ermumcu1 *, O. Kucukerdonmez2, E. Karabudak1. 1Nutrition and Dietetics, Gazi University Faculty of Health Sciences, Ankara, 2Nutrition and Dietetics, Ege University Faculty of Health Sciences, İzmir, Turkey Rationale: The aim of this study to evaluate malnutrition according to malnutrition related parameters in hemodialysis patients. Methods: This cross-sectional clinical study was conducted on eighty two patients applied to a special dialysis center. The demographic parameters, antropometric measurements and biochemical findings were taken for all participants. Body weight, body mass index (BMI), energy intake (kkal/kg), normalized protein nitrogen appearance (nPNA (g/kg/day)), albumin (g/dL), blood urea nitrogen (BUN (mg/dL)), creatine (mg/dL) and serum cholesterol (mg/dL) was used to determine malnutrition in patients with their spesific cut off values.

Poster Results: The mean age of the patients was 47.17 ± 10.61 years. And 48.8% of the patients were men and 51.2% were females. Prevalence of malnutrition was 8.5% according to body weight (< %85 ideal body weight) and 92.7% with regard to energy intake (<35 kkal/kg for <60 years and <30–35 kkal/kg for ≥60 years) and 54.90% for BMI (<23 kg/m2) and 46.3% according to creatine (<10 mg/dL) and 35.4% with regard to cholesterol (<150 mg/dL). There was not any malnourished individual according to BUN (<60 mg/dL) and only one patient was malnutrition accordingly nPNA (<1 g/kg/day) and two patients were malnutrition according to albumin (<3.5 g/dL). And 20.7% of patients were malnourished according to 4 or more of the malnutrition criteria. Conclusion: The malnutrition prevalence of patients was found very different according to the parameters related to malnutrition. Therefore it should be necessary to evaluate these parameters together. Disclosure of Interest: None declared.

MON-P174 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN NUTRITION AND PSYCHOLOGICAL STATUS İN DIALYSIS PATIENT M. Aydin Cil1 *, K. Gokalp2, A. Yayla3, M. Tan4. 1Nutrition and Dietetic, Health Science Faculty, Ataturk University, 2 Psychology, 3Surgery, 4Internal Medicine, Nursing Faculty, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey Rationale: Psychological disorders like depression and anxiety are most commonly comorbid diseases to end-stage renal disease patients. Due to poor oral consumption depression is a risk factor for malnutrition. The study aim was to asses the relationship between nutritional and psychological status in hemodialysis (HD) and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patient. Methods: This study was conducted in dialysis centers in Erzurum in Turkey. We evaluated the nutrition status of dialysis patient by antropometric measuruments (body mass index (BMI), waist/hip ratio, triceps skinfold thickness (TSF)), serum albumin and subjective global assesment (SGA). Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) was used to asses psychological status. Results: Totally 177 patients (HD, CAPD) who fit inclusion criteria were enrolled. Mean age was 51.70 ± 16.75 years and 47.5% of patients were male, 52.5% of patients were female. While there was no statistically difference between psychological status and SGA in CAPD ( p > 0.05), statistical significant difference between phobia, psychoticism scores and SGA was observed in HD ( p < 0.05). Well- nourished patients had lower scores than malnourished (SGA B-C). Negatif correlation were found between TSF and psychological status both two groups. In BSI, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, paranoid thought, hostility, psychoticism scores for CAPD patients; obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety and phobia scores for HD was found higher in malnourished patients ( p > 0.05). There was no statistically significant relation between BKI, serum albumin, waist/hip ratio and psychological status. Conclusion: Psychological status was found independent predictors of malnutrition in dialysis patients. Clinicians should be evaluating patient′s psychological status while assessing nutritional status of dialysis patients. Disclosure of Interest: None declared.