

278 Book is suggested reviews that in patients past 40, control of bleeding may be achieved by 1,500 to 2,000 mg. hr. of intracavitary radi...

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is suggested









bleeding may be achieved by 1,500 to 2,000 mg. hr. of intracavitary radium or a comparable dose of x-ray therapy. It is further suggested that in younger patients in whom childbearing is particularly desired that “small doses” of irradiation might he used with the hope of temporary amenorrhra and a return to normal menstruation. This discussion is delivered in the name of conservatism. The statement is made that there is no evidence that “such irradiation per se has increased the incidence of cndometrial cancer.” I feel compelled to ask whether the incidence of ovarian or cervical cancer or leukemia in this group of cases has been increased. In fact, the younger pcoplc who return to normal menstrual function msy even become pregnant and the c-ffeet of such irradiation therapy on their offspring may be questionrd. This dops not strike mc as conservatism, but rather a radical approach. The othrr fine point I would like to discuss brirfly covers the areas dealing with malignancy. These sections are very well done except for thr complete omission of any discussion of chrmothrrapy, particularly in ovarian malignancies. Aside from this, I have only praise for the discussions on malignancy. I would hope that all gynecologists read the srction on pelvic exenteration. Too many pcoplc have condemned this type of surgery with no actual experience. Dr. TeLinde and his group have reached conclusions based upon their own experience. They feel that in properly selected cases radical hysterectomy, anterior exenteration, and posterior exenteration are useful procedures. They have turned total cxrntrration out of their armamentarium becausr of too high a mortality and morbidity rate which cannot bc justified. Those of us who have donr this typr of surgery will find much mrrit in this philosophy. Thr misspelling of Bnmschwig’s name rcpcatcdly should not prejudicr thr rcadrr in any \vay.

current pediatric knowledge, most of them wellknown authorities on particular topics. The arrangement of the material in thr text adheres in general to that of the previous edition. but many of the sections have been rewritten and improved. A more practical discussion of the premature infant is included with specific detail> about care and feeding. The complications oftc‘n associated with prematurity arc covered adcquatrly with mention made of such minor problems as pneumococcal pneumonia and kernicterur following the use of sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin) and rxccssivtx vitamin K. E;vrry student should enjoy the lucid and most thorough discussion of erythroblastosis fctalis, which covers etiology, pathogenesis, diag nosis, and trratmcnt. A more detailed discussion of pediatric elcc.trocardiography and other methods of cardiac, study has berm included in the section on the c-irc.ulator)system. In addition, a numher of excellent x-ray reproductions of the various cardiac malformations, so well described in the tp‘xt, helps to make this section especially noteworthy. The chapters on the rndocrine system and tht, discussion of abnormalities of sex differentiation. their diagnosis and management, are both excellent. Worthy of mention are several illustrations of thr deformities produced by premature closurlx of various sutures. A discussion of recent advances in measles and polio immunization and of ECHO viruses and others illustrates again the intention of the authors to bring the reader up to date. Unfortunately, some of the newest developments in chromosome study, while alluded to in srvrral places, were not discussed in any detail. A most interrsting chapter, with many chanpcs and additions, is the one on anomalies of melaholism. As it has heen in the past, Ifolt’s textbook rvill once more serve as a useful rrfrrrncc for the studrmt and practitioner alike.

James H. Nelson, Jr.


L. E. Holt, Jr., R. McIntosh, and H. L. Barnett. Thirteenth edition, 1395 pages. New York, 1962, Appleton-Century-crofts, Inc. $18.

The thirteenth edition of Textbook of Pediatrirs succeeds once again in presenting the subject in a concise, modern, and easily readable manner. Them are eighty-one collaborators with the authors in this task of organizing and integrating

.Ingela Progress

A. Bennrtt

in Gynecology. Edited by J. V. M. Meigs and S. H. Sturgis. Volume 3, 676 pages, illustrated. New York, 1963. Grune & Stratton. Inc. $16.75.

The contents of volume 4 of “Progress” seems to have been selected with extraordinary c‘arc and acumen. While it is not our intent to review this volume in detail, it seems worthwhile to point up outstanding and important sections.