September 2004
Pump Industry Analyst
GARDNER DENVER FORMS NEW FLUID TRANSFER UNIT Gardner Denver’s Pump Division has been consolidated into the company’s Fluid Transfer Division. This combined unit will operate as the Fluid Transfer Division, with Rick Steber as vice president and general manager (see People, page 10). Steber previously served as the vice president and general manager of the former Pump Division. Gardner Denver chief executive officer Ross Centanni said that they were excited about the formation of the new Fluid Transfer Division. “All of the products of the former Fluid Transfer and Pump Divisions are used in fluid conveyance, and thus, logically fit into the same division. Combining all of these products under the new Fluid Transfer Division should enhance the efficiency and profitability of the company’s operations.”
PENTAIR SEALS WICOR DEAL Pentair Inc has completed the acquisition of Wicor Industries, creating a US$2 billion water technology business that will now be known as Pentair Water (see Pump Industry Analyst, February and August 2004). “This transaction marks a significant milestone in that it doubles our water revenue and significantly expands our global market opportunities in an attractive market where Pentair has already established a leadership position,” said Randall Hogan, chairman and chief executive officer of Pentair. “The new geographic footprint of Pentair Water allows us to increase our global
reach. Our mission - to deliver innovative products and systems for the movement, treatment, storage and enjoyment of safe, clean water - transcends borders, as does our business,” said Richard Cathcart, president and chief operating officer of Pentair Water. Since the acquisition was first announced in February 2004, 14 integration planning teams involving more than 90 Wicor and Pentair employees have developed an integration framework that will now be implemented across the businesses.
NATIONAL OILWELL AND VARCO TO MERGE National-Oilwell Inc is to acquire Varco International Inc in an all-stock deal. Like National Oilwell, Varco provides services, products and highly-engineered equipment to the world’s oil and gas industry. When the transaction closes, National Oilwell will change its corporate name to National Oilwell Varco Inc. The merger agreement will see Varco stockholders receive 0.8363 shares of National Oilwell common stock for each Varco common share. National Oilwell chairman, president and chief executive officer (CEO) Pete Miller will serve as president and CEO of the combined company, while John Lauletta, chairman and CEO of Varco, will be chairman of the board.
WORLDWATER LOOKS BEYOND PUMPING FOR GROWTH WorldWater Corp plans to generate significant growth by expanding its market penetration of solar-powered technology in multiple markets on a worldwide basis.
“Going forward, we’ll be expanding well beyond just solar water pumping,” said chief executive officer Quentin Kelly. While water pumping was WorldWater’s original core competency, the company has extended its proprietary solar systems to drive any type of motor. “By bundling our technologies with other renewables, we’re achieving our goal of providing our customers with the most dependable and cost-effective energy solutions,” said Kelly. WorldWater is exploring a number of different areas to drive this expansion. The company has, for example, met with military officials to discuss implementing solar water and power systems at some of the 5000 military bases in the USA, and has also started talks with education officials in New Jersey to take advantage of the state’s rebates to encourage renewable power. Collaborations include a broad-based agreement with Kirloskar Brothers Ltd to explore implementing its solar technology in India and other countries.
MAAG PUMP SYSTEMS TEXTRON RELOCATES HQ Maag Pump Systems Textron is moving its headquarters from Zürich to Oberglatt, Switzerland. After decades at the Zürich location, Maag Pump Systems Textron will relocate to new premises in Oberglatt, about 15 minutes outside Zürich, by the end of August 2004. The new 5200 sq m building will have office and manufacturing facilities for 160 employees. “Even though our old location was deep in Maag history, we needed to upgrade our facility and this was the perfect time,” said Ueli Thürig, VP/GM of Textron Fluid and Power’s Polymer Systems.
Editor Roisin Reidy Elsevier Advanced Technology PO Box 150 Kidlington Oxford OX5 1AS United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1865 843695 Fax: +44 (0)1865 843971 E-mail:
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