269 not have been Phosphate of ammonia Oxalate of lime its for beneficial effects 1½ attempted; Animal matter - - 2 were likely to prove of only a ver...

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269 not have been Phosphate of ammonia Oxalate of lime its for beneficial effects 1½ attempted; Animal matter - - 2 were likely to prove of only a very 1 Waste and moisture short duration, as it left the cause of the evil precisely where it was had an opportunity of observing a found, and did not therefore, in very remarkable fact, the complete of the oxalate of lime the least degree, afford any tion against a recurrence of the by potass. hemorrhage, nor a source of relief, M. LAUGIER says, * that he should it return. We all know the heated ten parts of this calculus proneness of fungoid tumours towith a weak solution of caustz’c spontaneous bleedings, and theirpotass, with the intention of sepathe oxalate of lime from the frequent repetition when once they have happened; and conformably’ uric acid, either - pure. or in a to these established facts, that ope- state of this being the ration which would leave a chan- I mode recommended by all authors nel for the future escape of the for effecting the separation. blood, was the only one in any way The insoluble portion, which calculated to afford the wished-for M. L. considered as the oxalate of relief, and there was no means of lime, turned out to be pure carbosecuring this, but by cutting into nate of lime. As this could only the bladder through the rectum. have been produced from the oxaMr. H. says, that the enlarged late of lime, it was evident that this state of the prostate prevented the salt had been decomposed by the and nn Ptaminatinn the attempting that operation, but the description of the tumours, subse- I oxalic acid was found united with quently given, negatives that asser- the potass. M. LAUGiEH., desirous tion, and shows that it might have to verify this fact, took 100 parts been accomplished with the utmost of artificial oxalate of lime, and ease and security; and by thus boiled them with a solution of making a permanent opening of potass, when he succeeded in comThe expesome magnitude at the most de- pletely decomposing it. riment 20 the was on of the bladder, repeated parts of pending part of lime, which were taken blood and urine would have found a ready exit through the rectum, from a mulberry calculus, harder and the life of the unfortunate suf- than ivory, and two experiments ferer have been, in all probability, with the solution of potass were sufficient to effect their complete materially prolonged. decomposition. From this it may PHARMACEUTICAL CHE- be seen that a solution of potass is not a good substance, particularly MISTRY. for separating the when substances Decomposition of the Oxalate ofoxalate of lime fromwhich almost Lime by Potass. soluble in that alkali, contains carbonic M. LAUGIER, in analysing acid, or always it the which he found absorbs urinary calculus, during operation. If M. used LAUGIER of the by potass composed Uric acid 1 part, Urate of ammonia - 4 * Journal de Phatmacle, x. 261.







rating I


potas ,







270 was in any degree carbonated, it will easily explain the fact which we have just related, because oxalate of lime is easily decomposed by carbonate of potass. If the potass was perfectly pure, it proves that oxalate of lime is capable of being decomposed by that sub-

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of the lungs by tubercle into the of the pleura. This acci. one

bursting of



dent presents two principal varieties : sometimes the tubercular ex,cavation communicates with the bronchia; at others it does not: but, in both cases, the time at which the perforation occurs is stance in a caustic state. often marked by very severe symp. toms, and sufficient, when they are well marked, to enable one to form FOREIGN DEPARTMENT. a certain diagnosis, or, at least, a one. accurate These symp. pretty ANALYSIS OF FOREIGN MEDICAL toms have not yet been laid down JOURNALS. by authors, and to supply this deThe Archives Generales for last ficiency, M. Louis has published month contains several interesting the four following cases, which articles; among which are, some came under his notice at the hosobservations on the perforation of pital de la Cltarité. the parenchyma of the lungs, by Case 1st. Phthisis Ptilmonaris; M. Louis—anatomico-pathologi- tubercular excavation communical observations on hypertrophy of cating with the bronchia, opening the heart, by M. BOUILLARD—a into the pleura of the left side, paper read in the name of M. D U- &c.-A man, thirty-six years of PUYTREN, before the Royal Aca- age, and of short stature, was addemy of Medicine at Paris, on the mitted into la Charité on the 16th extirpation of two tumours, &c. September, 1822. The man had for some time past had a bad cold, Obse-rvations respecting the Per- which affected his health, and, foration of the Parenchyma of days before his admission, the Lungs, by the opening of a he had been suddenly seized, after Tubercle into the Cavity of the which was produced by vomiting, Pleura. BYM.I,ouis. the vapours from burnt charcoal, The subject treated of in this with a violent pain in the leftside article is so important, and all in- of the chest, accompanied with formation respecting it so desirablechequing and extreme anxiety. to those who take any interest in These symptoms preserved the the diseases of the chest, that we degree of violence for the first shall make no apology for present- twenty-four hours, after which they ing our readers with a full account lost somewhat of their severity. of its contents. M. LAENNEC has, in On the day after his entry into the a valuable work, directed the atten- hospital, the pain of the chest contion of medical men to a very serious tinuing to a considerable degree, circumstance which is sometimes twenty leeches were applied to the observed in the course of pulmonary part affected. On the .. next day he phthisis, and which accelerates the had the appearance of great lassifatal termination ofthe disease-we tude, the countenance was pale, allude to the perforation of the breathing difficult; acute pain in



