[J. F. I
presentation cli the periodic system as a frontispiece. Text, presswork and paper are all very satisfactory. It seems to tGe reviewer that the line has been drawn rather too strictly in the description of the uranium salts. Being a work on “ Inorganic Chemiztry,” it is reasonable that salts of organic acids should not he considered hut the douhlc and triple uranium salts containing sodium, having the peculiar property of high insolubility in water, especially in excess of the reagent, seem The insolubility of sodium magto require more than the brbief notice given. nesium uranium acetate and its very high molecular weight. of which only a small part is that of the sodium itself. suggest the possibility of direct determination of the latter element. The titration of uranium with permanganate is stated to he much less satisfactory than is expressed in the eleventh edition of Sutton’s “ Volumetric Analysis ” (1924, p. 350). HEKRY CHENICI\L
S\-NIJSSMS .4x11TIWD~ NAMES. By William tion, revised and much enlarged. 355 pages, 8vo. Nostrand Company, 1926. Price, $7.50.
Gardner. Third New York. D.
The first edition of this book was issued some years ago. It has l)ccn kept up to date hy a couple of issues in the intermediate period and now appears in a formal third edition very much enlarged. It is a very useful hook. Time was when chemists, pharmacists and manufacturers had in most cases hut one name for each of the common chemicals, hut the ,development of chemistry and the necessary extension of nomenclature has brought about a separation of titles. ” Butter yellow ” is satisfactory to the maker and user : “ dimetliyl-amino-azo-benzene.” the chemist’s name, is adapted only to the laboratory. The hook is timely, containing approximately twenty thousand definitions and cross references. The general features of the work were set forth in HEXKV LEFFMASN. the review of the first edition. PRACTICAL PHI-SIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY:
in Practical Science. By Ph.D. Ninth 273 figures. 1926. Price,
A Book Designed for Use in Courses Physiological Chemistry in Schools of Medicine and of Philip B. Hawk, M.S., Ph.D.. and Olaf Bergeim, M.S., xviii-931 pages, 8 plates. edition, revised and enlarged. Philadelphia, P. Blakistons Son and Company. Copyright, $6.50.
In the ninth edition of this deservedly popular treatise, Dr. Olaf Bergeim appears as a co-author. Seven new chapters have been added: all the chapters The have been revised and enlarged, and several have been entirely rewritten. new chapters arc devoted to: “ Physical Chemistry of True and Colloidal Solutions,” “ Ahsorption.” “ Putrefaction and Detoxication,” ” The Chemistry of the Blood-tissue Analysis,” “ Respiratory Metaholism and Neutrality Rcgulation.” ” The Endocrine Organs,” “ Energy Metabolism.” The chapter on Absorption descrihcs the absorption of the products of digestion from the intestinal tract. The chapter on Putrefaction and Detoxication is devoted to the processes of putrefaction and the mechanism of the animal organism for the conversion of the products of putrefaction into physiologically inert compounds.
Jan., 1927.1
The chapter on Respiratory Metabolism and Neutrality Regulation gives a detailed account of the physiological and chemical processes which control the reaction of the blood and maintain its hydrogen-ion concentration and reserve alkalinity. The chapter on Energy Metabolism is devoted to the basal metabolic rate, its significance. and its determination by both open circuit and closed circuit methods. Among the sections which have been added in this edition are those on oxidation and reduction systems, photosynthesis, vitamins and their assay, the biochemical aspects of ultra-violet radiation, and rickets. A concise summary of enzymes, their classification, distribution, and substrates, and the products of their action is given in tabular form. Six vitamins are recognized, including vitamin E (the reproductive or fertility factor) and the pellagrapreventive factor,; data concerning the occurrence of the six vitamins in various foods are given in a table. In the description of quantitative methods of analysis, sections are devoted to the principle, the procedure, the calculation and the interpretation of the result. The treatise has an excellent index of twenty-five pages. Doctor Hawk is now President of the Food Research Laboratories, Inc., New York City, and Doctor Bergeim is Assistant Professor of Physiological Chemistry in the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois at Chicago. In the preparation of this edition, Doctors Hawk and Bergeim have invited eight specialists to write sections of certain chapters, and have thereby increased the value of their book. The treatise is up to date, and of great value, both as a laboratory text and as a reference work, to the physician, the student, and workers in the various divisions of biological chemistry. JOSEPH S. HEPBURN. NATIOXAL ADVISORYCOMMITTEEFOR AERONAC’TICS. Report 240, Nomenclature for Aeronautics. By National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. 77 pages, illustrations, quarto. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1926. The “ Nomenclature for Aeronautics ” presented in this report is a revision of the last previous report on the subject (No. 157). which was issued in February, 1923. This ” Nomenclature for Aeronautics ” was prepared by a special conference on aeronautical nomenclature authorized by the executive committee of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at a meeting held on August 19, 1924, at which meeting Dr. Joseph S. Ames was appointed chairman of said conference. The conference was composed of representatives of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and, in response to the committee’s invitation, specially appointed representatives officially designated by the Army Air Service, the Bureau of Aeronautics of the Navy Department, the Bureau of Standards, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Society of Automotive Engineers, and the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce. This report supersedes all previous publications of the committee on this subject. It is published for the purpose of securing greater uniformity and accuracy in the use of terms relating to aeronautics, in ofhcial documents of the government and, as far as possible, in technical and other commercial publications. Report 243, A Preliminary Study of Fuel Injection and Compression