Prediction-based Adaptive Robust Control for a Class of Uncertain Time-delay Systems

Prediction-based Adaptive Robust Control for a Class of Uncertain Time-delay Systems

Proceedings of the 20th World The International Federation of Congress Automatic Control Proceedings of the 20th World Congress Proceedings of the 20t...

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Proceedings of the 20th World The International Federation of Congress Automatic Control Proceedings of the 20th World Congress Proceedings of the 20th9-14, World The International Federation of Congress Automatic Control Toulouse, France, July 2017 The International Federation of Automatic Control Available online at The International of Automatic Control Toulouse, France,Federation July 9-14, 2017 Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017 Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017


IFAC PapersOnLine 50-1 (2017) 6489–6494 Prediction-based Adaptive Robust Control Prediction-based Adaptive Robust Control Prediction-based Adaptive Robust Control Prediction-based Adaptive Robust Control for a Class of Uncertain Time-delay for a Class of Uncertain Time-delay for a Class of Uncertain Time-delay for a Class ofSystems Uncertain Time-delay Systems Systems Systems ∗ ∗

Jayaprakash Jayaprakash Jayaprakash Jayaprakash

Suraj Suraj Suraj Suraj

Nandiganahalli ∗ Cheolhyeon Kwon ∗ Nandiganahalli Inseok Hwang ∗∗∗ Cheolhyeon Nandiganahalli Cheolhyeon Kwon Kwon ∗∗ Nandiganahalli Inseok Hwang ∗ Cheolhyeon Kwon Inseok Hwang ∗ Inseok Hwang ∗ ∗ School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, West of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, West ∗ School Lafayette, IN 47907 USA (e-mail: [email protected], of and Astronautics, Purdue ∗ School School of Aeronautics Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, University, West West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]). Lafayette, IN 47907 USA (e-mail: [email protected], Lafayette, IN 47907 USA (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]). [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]). [email protected]).

Abstract: This paper presents an integrated control design approach for a class of dynamical Abstract: paper presents an integrated control design approach for aa class of dynamical systems thatThis satisfy a certain matching condition subject to known input unknown Abstract: This paper presents an control design approach for Abstract: This paper presents an integrated integrated control design approach for time-delay, a class class of of dynamical dynamical systems that satisfy a certain matching condition subject to known input time-delay, unknown parameters, and time-varying disturbances, simultaneously. A novel nonlinear predictor adaptive systems that satisfy a certain matching condition subject to known input time-delay, unknown systems thatand satisfy a certain disturbances, matching condition subject toA known input time-delay, unknown parameters, time-varying simultaneously. novel nonlinear predictor adaptive robust control (PARC) is proposed to track a desired state trajectory. The controller uses parameters, and time-varying disturbances, simultaneously. A novel nonlinear predictor adaptive parameters, and(PARC) time-varying disturbances, simultaneously. A novel nonlinear predictor adaptive robust control is proposed to attenuate track aa desired state trajectory. The controller uses predictor-based model compensation to the effect of input time-delay, gradient type robust control (PARC) is proposed track desired state trajectory. The controller uses robust control (PARC) is proposed to to attenuate track a desired state trajectory. The controller uses predictor-based model compensation the effect of input time-delay, gradient type projection with model prediction-based learning mechanisms to reduce the time-delay, parameter gradient uncertainties, predictor-based compensation to attenuate the effect of input type predictor-based model compensation to attenuate the effect of input time-delay, gradient type projection with prediction-based learning mechanisms to reduce the parameter uncertainties, and prediction-based nonlinear robust feedback to attenuate the effect of model approximation projection with learning mechanisms to the uncertainties, projection with prediction-based prediction-based learning mechanisms to reduce reduce the parameter parameter uncertainties, and prediction-based nonlinear robust feedback to attenuate the effect of model approximation errors and disturbances, simultaneously. The controller guarantees a prescribed transient and prediction-based nonlinear robust feedback to attenuate the effect of model approximation and prediction-based nonlinear robust feedback to attenuateguarantees the effect ofa model approximation errors and disturbances, simultaneously. The controller prescribed transient performance (with global exponential convergence) and final steady-state tracking error with an errors and disturbances, simultaneously. The controller guarantees a prescribed transient errors and disturbances, simultaneously. The controller guarantees a tracking prescribed transient performance (with global exponential convergence) and final steady-state error with an ultimate bound proportional to the time-delay, the disturbances, and the switching gain. performance (with global exponential convergence) and final steady-state tracking error with an performance (with global exponential convergence) and final steady-state tracking error withThe an ultimate bound proportional to the time-delay, the disturbances, and the switching gain. The effectiveness of the proposed control design is illustrated with a simple tumor growth example. ultimate bound proportional to the time-delay, the disturbances, and the switching gain. The ultimate bound proportional to the time-delay, the disturbances, and the switching gain. The effectiveness of proposed control design is illustrated with a simple tumor growth example. effectiveness of the the control is with tumor growth example. effectiveness the proposed proposed controlofdesign design is illustrated illustrated with aabysimple simple tumor growth © 2017, IFAC of (International Federation Automatic Control) Hosting Elsevier Ltd. All rightsexample. reserved. Keywords: Predictor feedback, Adaptive control, Sliding mode control, Tracking, Stability Keywords: Predictor feedback, Adaptive control, Sliding mode control, Tracking, Stability Keywords: Predictor Predictor feedback, feedback, Adaptive Adaptive control, control, Sliding Sliding mode mode control, control, Tracking, Tracking, Stability Stability Keywords: 1. INTRODUCTION et al. [2015], disturbance observer method was proposed 1. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION et al. [2015], [2015], disturbance observer methodcontrol was proposed proposed 1. to ensure thatdisturbance the teleoperation of motion systems et al. observer method was 1. INTRODUCTION et al. [2015], disturbance observer methodcontrol was proposed to ensure that the teleoperation of motion systems was robust to model uncertainties and time-delay. This to ensure that the teleoperation of motion control systems The problem of developing tracking controllers with guar- to ensure that the teleoperation of motion control systems was robust todesign model uncertainties and time-delay. This The problem of developing tracking controllers with guarinvolved the of ad hoc filters, namely, a high-pass was robust to model uncertainties and time-delay. This anteed transient and asymptotic performance for rigorThe problem of tracking controllers guarwas robust modelof uncertainties and time-delay. This involved thetodesign design ad hoc hoc filters, namely, high-pass The problem of developing developing trackingperformance controllers with with guar- involved anteed transient and asymptotic asymptotic for rigorrigorfilter to handle high-frequency noises and a low-pass filter the of namely, aaa high-pass ously handling a wide range of time-varying disturbances anteed transient and performance for involved the design of ad ad hoc filters, filters, namely, high-pass filter to handle high-frequency noises and a low-pass filter anteed transient and asymptotic performance for rigorously handling wideanrange range of time-varying time-varying disturbances to compensate for the effect of delay disturbances to noises andand low-pass filter that enter through uncertain nonlinear disturbances vector field filter ously handling aa of filter to handle handle high-frequency high-frequency noises and aa low-pass filter to compensate for the effect effect of of delay and disturbances ously handling a wide wideanrange of time-varying disturbances that enter through uncertain nonlinear vector field assumed to have low-frequency variations. In Bresch-Pietri to compensate for the delay and disturbances in theenter presence of input time-delay and parameter un- to that through an nonlinear vector compensate for the effect of delay and disturbances assumed to have have low-frequency variations. In Bresch-Pietri Bresch-Pietri that through an uncertain uncertain nonlinear vector field field in theenter presence of input input time-delay and parameter parameter un- assumed et al. [2012], an adaptive control scheme was proposed to to low-frequency variations. In certainties has remained largely intractable, see Krstic in the presence of time-delay and unassumed to have low-frequency variations. In Bresch-Pietri et al. [2012], an adaptive control scheme was proposed to in the presence of input time-delay and parameter un- et certainties has remained largely intractable, see Krstic Krstic completely reject a constant disturbance in the presence to of al. [2012], an adaptive control scheme was proposed [2009]. Some practical examples include tumor growth supcertainties has remained largely intractable, see et al. [2012],reject an adaptive control schemeinwas proposed to completely a constant disturbance the presence of certainties has remained largely intractable, see Krstic [2009]. Some practical examples include tumor growth supunknown but bounded constant input delay and uncertain completely reject a constant disturbance in the presence of pression, see practical Eladdadiexamples et al. [2014] andtumor high-speed/high[2009]. Some include growth completely reject a constant disturbance in the presence of unknown but bounded input delay uncertain [2009]. Some examples include tumor growth supsup- unknown pression, see practical Eladdadi et control al. [2014] [2014] and high-speed/highparameters. Inbounded Han et constant al. [2012], a sliding mode control but constant input delay and and uncertain accuracy position motion with linear motor drives pression, see Eladdadi et al. and high-speed/highunknown but bounded constant input delay and uncertain parameters. In Han Han etinal. al.the[2012], [2012], sliding mode control control pression, position see Eladdadi et control al. [2014] and high-speed/highaccuracy motion with linear motor drives (SMC) was proposed presence of time-varying inIn aaa sliding mode for precision machining, telemanipulation, Yaodrives and parameters. accuracy position motion with motor parameters. In Han et etinal.the [2012], sliding mode control (SMC) was proposed presence of time-varying inaccuracy position motion control control with linear linear see motor drives for precision machining, telemanipulation, see Yao and put delay and bounded matched disturbances to achieve (SMC) was proposed in the presence of time-varying inJiang [2010], Zhang et al. [2015]. for precision machining, telemanipulation, see Yao and (SMC) wasand proposed in matched the presence of time-varying input delay bounded disturbances to achieve achieve for precision machining, see Yao and put Jiang [2010], Zhang Zhang et al. al. telemanipulation, [2015]. ultimate boundedness ofmatched the closed loop system using delay and disturbances to Jiang [2010], put delay boundedness and bounded boundedof matched disturbances to achieve ultimate the closed loop system using Jiang [2010], Zhang et et have al. [2015]. [2015]. Predictive techniques been popular to handle long ultimate a singularboundedness perturbationof approach. The ideasystem of adaptive the loop using boundedness ofapproach. the closed closed loop using Predictive techniques have invariant been popular popular to handle handle long arobust singular perturbation The ideasystem of adaptive adaptive input delaytechniques for linear time systems with nolong un- aultimate Predictive have been to control (ARC) with rigorous stability analysis and singular perturbation approach. The idea of Predictive techniques have been popular to handle long a singular perturbation approach. The idea of adaptive input delay for linear time invariant systems with no unrobust control (ARC) with rigorous stability analysis and certainties and have been extended tosystems linear time varying input delay for linear time invariant with no units application to motion control problems was presented robust control (ARC) with rigorous stability analysis and input delay for linear time invariant systems with no unrobust control (ARC) withcontrol rigorous stabilitywas analysis and certainties and haveetbeen been extended totolinear linear time varying its application to motion motion problems presented systems in and Mazenc al. [2014], andto nonlinear certainties have extended time systems varying its in Yao and Jiang [2010] and references therein. However, application to control problems was certainties haveetbeen extended linear time varying its application to motion control problems was presented presented systems in and Mazenc al.Krstic [2014], andtoto to nonlinear systems in Yao and Jiang [2010] and references therein. However, in Bekiaris-Liberis and [2013]. An output feedback systems in Mazenc et al. [2014], and nonlinear systems their control law does notand address delaystherein. in the input. ReYao and [2010] references However, systems in Mazenc and et al.Krstic [2014], and to nonlinear systems in in Yao and Jiang Jiang [2010] references therein. However, in Bekiaris-Liberis [2013]. An output feedback their control law does does notand address delays in the the input. input. Readaptive posicast control was proposed by output combining finite their in Bekiaris-Liberis and Krstic [2013]. An feedback cently, in L´ e chapp´ e et al. [2015b], a new prediction scheme control law not address delays in Rein Bekiaris-Liberis and Krstic [2013]. An output feedback their control law does not[2015b], addressadelays in the input. Readaptive posicast control was proposed by combining combining finite cently, instate L´eechapp´ chapp´ et al. al. new prediction prediction scheme spectrumposicast assignment andwas adaptive control to deal finite with cently, adaptive control proposed by with full feedback has been proposed that is robust to in L´ eee et [2015b], aa new scheme adaptive posicast control was proposed by combining finite cently, in L´ e chapp´ et al. [2015b], new prediction scheme spectrum assignment and adaptive control to deal with with full state feedback has been proposed that is robust to input delay and unknown parameters, see Niculescu and spectrum assignment and adaptive control to deal with external disturbances in the presence of input delay, then with full state feedback has been proposed that is robust to spectrum assignment and parameters, adaptive control to deal with full state feedbackinhas proposed that is robust to input delay and unknown see Niculescu and with external disturbances thebeen presence of input input delay, then Annaswamy [2003], Yildiz parameters, et al. [2010].see In Niculescu input delay unknown and extendeddisturbances to output feedback in L´echapp´ e et al. [2015a], external in the presence of delay, then input delay and and unknown parameters, see Niculescu and external disturbances in the presence of input delay, then Annaswamy [2003], Yildiz et al. [2010]. In Niculescu and extended to output feedback in L´ L´ chapp´ et al. [2015a], [2015a], [2003], time-varying disturbances are handled Annaswamy [2003], Yildiz [2010]. and and then to to output an unknown delay case in eeL´eet chapp´ e et al. feedback in eeechapp´ al. Annaswamy [2003], time-varying Yildiz et et al. al. disturbances [2010]. In In Niculescu Niculescu and extended extended to output feedback in L´ chapp´ al. [2015a], Annaswamy [2003], are handled and then tothey an unknown unknown delay case in eL´ L´eeet chapp´ e et et al. al. using add-on σ modification to damp the drift of parameAnnaswamy [2003], time-varying disturbances are handled [2016]. But do not address the effect of parametric and then to an delay case in chapp´ e Annaswamy [2003], time-varying disturbances are handled and then to an unknown delay case in L´ e chapp´ e et al. using add-on σ modification to damp the drift of parame[2016]. But they do not address the effect of parametric ter estimates. In Yildiz et al. [2010], an adaptive feedforusing add-on to damp the drift uncertainties explicitly. [2016]. But they do not address the effect of parametric using add-on σ σInmodification modification to[2010], damp an theadaptive drift of of parameparame[2016]. But they do not address the effect of parametric ter estimates. Yildiz et al. feedforuncertainties explicitly. explicitly. ward term wasIn added to et handle the constant disturbances. ter estimates. Yildiz al. an feedforter estimates. Yildiz et al. [2010], [2010], an adaptive adaptive feedfor- uncertainties uncertainties ward term was wasIn added to handle the constant disturbances. In this paper,explicitly. a direct nonlinear predictor-based adaptive In Bresch-Pietri and Krstic [2009], Bekiaris-Liberis and ward term added to handle the constant disturbances. In this paper, paper, a(PARC) direct nonlinear nonlinear predictor-based adaptive ward term was added to handle the constant disturbances. In Bresch-Pietri and Krstic [2009], Bekiaris-Liberis and robust control framework is developed adaptive for high In this a direct predictor-based Krstic [2010], adaptation of both input delay and plant In Bresch-Pietri and [2009], Bekiaris-Liberis and In this paper, a(PARC) direct nonlinear predictor-based robust control framework for high high th is developed adaptive In Bresch-Pietri and Krstic Krstic [2009],input Bekiaris-Liberis and robust Krstic [2010], adaptation of both delay and plant precision control of a class of n order dynamical syscontrol (PARC) framework is developed for parameters has been studied. However, the above works Krstic [2010], adaptation of both input delay and plant th is developed for high robust control (PARC) framework precision control of a class of n dynamical sysKrstic [2010], adaptation of both input the delay and plant precision th order parameters has been studied. However, above works tems to simultaneously handle input time-delay, unknown control of a class of n th order dynamical sysdo not comment on the transient performance of the conparameters has been studied. However, the above works precision control of a class of input n order dynamical systems to simultaneously handle time-delay, unknown parameters has been studied. However, the above works do not comment on the transient performance of the conparameters and time-varying disturbance uncertainties. tems to simultaneously handle input time-delay, unknown trollers. This means that the actualperformance system mayof have large do not comment on the transient the contems to simultaneously handle input time-delay, unknown parameters and time-varying disturbance uncertainties. do not comment on the transient performance of the controllers. This means means that actual system may large salient and features of the PARC control design is that parameters time-varying disturbance uncertainties. initial tracking errors or the have slower response. In Zhang trollers. This that the actual system may have have large The parameters and time-varying disturbance uncertainties. The salient features of the PARC control design is trollers. This means that actual system may have large initial tracking tracking errors or the have slower response. In Zhang Zhang The salient features of the PARC control design is that that initial errors or have slower response. In initial tracking errors or have slower response. In Zhang The salient features of the PARC control design is that

Copyright © 2017 IFAC 6683 2405-8963 © IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Copyright © 2017, 2017 IFAC 6683Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright ©under 2017 responsibility IFAC 6683Control. Peer review of International Federation of Automatic Copyright © 2017 IFAC 6683 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.1046

Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress 6490 Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017Jayaprakash Suraj Nandiganahalli et al. / IFAC PapersOnLine 50-1 (2017) 6489–6494

it seamlessly extends and then integrates: i) a predictive input delay compensation using the modified finite integral state predictor feedback (Yildiz et al. [2010]); ii) a predictor-based projection type adaptation laws for controller parameters to reduce the conservativeness; and iii) a predictor-based smooth robust filter feedback with local high-gain using modified SMC framework to better attenuate a wide range of time-varying nonlinearities (Yao and Jiang [2010]). The prediction-based parameter adaptation with model compensation is used to reduce the effect of various parametric uncertainties, while the prediction-based robust feedback is used to handle the cumulative effect of disturbances/uncertain nonlinearities and parameter estimation errors from uncertain prediction. These features yield good performances without requiring ad hoc delay compensation strategies or timeconsuming/expensive off-line identification of system parameters. Thus, the structural information of the system dynamics and a priori information are effectively utilized to obtain high-performance tracking control. Quadratic Lyapunov functions are used to prove global exponential convergence of the tracking error with an ultimate bound that depends on time-delay, disturbance bounds, and controller gain, and to show boundedness of the controller parameter adaptation. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II formulates the problem and states the required assumptions. In Section III, a trajectory tracking PARC design is developed consisting of adaptive and robust feedback controllers with predictive state formulation. Section IV discusses theoretical stability and performance analysis of the closed loop system. Section V validates the proposed controller with an illustrative tumor growth example. Section VI provides some conclusions and future work. 2. PROBLEM FORMULATION Consider an uncertain dynamical system with input timedelay of the form: x(t) ˙ = Ax(t) + Bu(t − τ ) + ∆(x, t) (1) x(s) = p(s), s ∈ [−τ, 0], u(v) = q(v), v ∈ [−2τ, 0] where x(t) ∈ Rn represents the state vector, u(t) ∈ Rm is the input vector, τ ≥ 0 is the known time-delay in the control channel, A is a system matrix of appropriate ¯ B is a known, dimension with unknown parameters θ, full column rank input matrix of appropriate dimension, (A, B) is controllable, ∆(x, t) is the lumped effect of unknown time-varying disturbances, and p(s) and q(s) denote the initial conditions on the state and control input, respectively. Our objective is to design a bounded control law u so that the system state x(t) tracks the desired trajectory xd (t) as close as possible. The desired trajectory xd (t) is generated by the following stable reference model: (2) x˙ d = Ad xd + Buc (t − τ ) where Ad is a suitable Hurwitz matrix, and uc (t − τ ) is the delayed reference command input. Without loss of generality, the following practical assumptions about the system and environment are made: Assumption 1. The unknown true plant parameter vector θ¯ = [θ1 · · · θN ]T ∈ RN , N = n2 at most, of system matrix

A lies in a known bounded region Ωθ and the disturbance ∆ ∈ L1loc (Rn × R≥0 , Rn ) is an unknown locally integrable function that is bounded as: θi ∈ Ωθ := {θi | θi,min ≤ θ ≤ θi,max , i = 1, · · · , N } (3) ∆ ∈ Ω∆ := {∆ | ∆(x, t) ≤ δM } where θi,min and θi,max are known lower and upper bounds of parameter θi and δM is assumed to be known. Assumption 2. The input time-delay τ > 0 is assumed to be constant and known, similar to the works of Yildiz et al. [2010], Pyrkin et al. [2014], L´echapp´e et al. [2015b]. Since the predictor feedback design tries to imitate the nominal (i.e., delay-free) system, the following reasonable assumption is required as demonstrated in the ARC design for systems subject to both unknown parameters and uncertain nonlinearities, see Yao and Jiang [2010]: Assumption 3. For the nominal system without timedelay, i.e., x(t) ˙ = Ax(t) + Bu(t) + ∆(x, t) (4) the system trajectory x tracks the desired state trajectory xd (t) ∈ C 1 (R≥0 , Rn ) with a locally Lipschitz nonlinear m control law u(t) ∈ L∞ loc (R≥0 , R ) in the presence of parametric uncertainties and uncertain nonlinearities. 3. PREDICTOR ADAPTIVE ROBUST CONTROL DESIGN The following controller structure for u is proposed consisting of three terms: i) a predictor-based adaptive model compensation um to achieve perfect tracking; ii) a command following feedforward uf ; and iii) a predictor-based nonlinear robust feedback ur to overcome parametric and disturbances uncertainties under time-delay to achieve robust stability and performance of the closed loop system: u(t) = um (t) + uf (t) + ur (t) (5) First, the feedforward command input uf and delay compensation um are designed as: uf (t) = uc (t) (6) ˆ T xp (t + τ ) um (t) = −θ(t) (7)

where θˆ is the control parameter vector that needs to be updated on-line by an appropriate adaptive control law, specified later, and xp (t + τ ) is the predicted state vector at time t of the state at time t + τ given as:  0 e−Aη Bu(t + η)dη (8) xp (t + τ ) = eAτ x(t) + −τ  0 e−Aη ∆(x, t + τ + η)dη (9) = x(t + τ ) − −τ

Due to the parametric and disturbance uncertainties, xp cannot be directly computed (8) and thus um is rewritten as follows:  0   ˆ T eAτ x(t) + um (t) = − θ(t) e−Aη Bu(t + η)dη −τ  0 ˆ z (t, η)u(t + η)dη (10) λ = − θˆz (t)T x(t) − −τ

T ˆ T e−Aη B. The ˆ ˆ z (t, η) = θ(t) λ where θˆz (t) = eA τ θ(t), ˆ z (t, η) are desired to controller parameters θˆz (t) and λ attain their true values as time goes by, given as:


Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017Jayaprakash Suraj Nandiganahalli et al. / IFAC PapersOnLine 50-1 (2017) 6489–6494

θz = eA





λz (η) = θT e−Aη B (12) where θ is given by: (13) A − BθT = Ad Using the defined control parameters for uf and um in (5)-(7) and (9) the closed loop system becomes:  0   ˆ − τ )T x(t) − x(t) ˙ = Ax(t) + B − θ(t e−Aη ∆(x, t + η) −τ   dη + uc (t − τ ) + ur (t − τ ) + ∆(x, t) (14) Let z(t) = x(t)−xd (t) represent tracking error of the closed loop system. The error dynamics for z˙ using (13)-(14) is:  0  ˜ − τ )T x(t) + θ(t ˆ − τ )T z(t) ˙ = Ad z(t) + B − θ(t e−Aη −τ  ∆(x, t + η)dη + ur (t − τ ) + ∆(x, t)  0  ˜ z (t − τ, η) = Ad z(t) + B − θ˜z (t − τ )T x(t − τ ) − λ −τ  0 u(t − τ + η)dη + θ (t − τ )T e−Aη ∆(x, t + η)dη −τ  + ur (t − τ ) + ∆(x, t) (15) ˜ ˆ − θ , θ˜z (t) = θˆz (t) − θ , λ ˜ z (t, η) = where θ(t) = θ(t) z  ˆ λz (t, η) − λz (η). Simplifying (15), we obtain:   ˜ − τ )T Ψ(x, u, τ ) + ur (t − τ ) z(t) ˙ = Ad z + B − Θ(t ¯ + ∆(x, t) (16) 0 T ˜ where Ψ(x, u, τ ) := [x(t − τ ) −τ u(t − τ + η)dη] , Θ(t − ˜ z (t − τ, η)T ]T , ∆(x, ¯ t) = ∆(x, t) + τ ) := [θ˜z (t − τ ) λ  T 0 −Aη ˜ T Ψ is linearly B{θ e ∆(x, t + η)dη}. Thus, Θ −τ ˜ with the parametrized by the parameter error vector Θ known basis function vector (regressors) Ψ. 

ˆ z (t, η) are learned using The controller parameters θˆz (t), λ a gradient type projection with prediction-based adaptation law to ensure bounded parameter estimates as follows: ˙ θˆz (t) = Projθˆz (−γθˆz x(t − τ )ρ(t + τ )) (17) ˆT ∂λ z (t, η) = Projλˆ z (−γλˆ z u(t − τ + η)ρ(t + τ )) (18) ∂t where −τ ≤ η ≤ 0, γθˆz , γλˆ z > 0 are the adaptation gains, ρ(t + τ ) = zp (t + τ )T P B, ATd P + P Ad = −Q, Q > 0, and zp (t + τ ) is the predicted tracking error vector defined as:  0 Ad τ zp (t + τ ) = e z(t) + e−Ad η Bur (t + η)dη (19) −τ

where Ad < 0 and ur is the nonlinear robust feedback designed later. The individual projection operator performs the adaptation with respect to its own parameter bounds. For example, the projection operator for θˆz , Projθˆz (·), which guarantees that θˆz ∈ Ωθˆz is given as:    θˆz = θˆz,max and · > 0 0 if Projθˆz (·) := (20) θˆz = θˆz,min and · < 0   · otherwise


max{θT e−Aη B}, and min and max operators perform elementwise operations. Re-writing (19), we obtain:  Ad τ zp (t + τ ) = e z(t) +


eAd (t−η) Bur (η)dη



Differentiating (21) with Leibniz’s rule and substituting (16) for z(t), ˙ we obtain the following delay-free dynamics regarding the predicted tracking error:  0 z˙p (t + τ ) = eAd τ z(t) ˙ + Ad e−Ad η Bur (t + η)dη −τ

+ Bur (t) − eAd τ Bur (t − τ )   ˜ − τ )T Ψ = eAd τ Ad z(t) + B ur (t − τ ) − Θ(t  0  e−Aη ∆(x, t + η)dη + ∆(x, t) + θT −τ  0 + Ad e−Ad η Bur (t + η)dη + Bur (t) −τ

− eAd τ Bur (t − τ )

= Ad zp (t + τ ) + Bur (t) + eAd τ f (x, t) (22)  T T 0 ˜ where f (x, t) = ∆(x, t) + B{−Θ(t − τ ) Ψ + θ e−Aη −τ ∆(x, t+η)dη}. Thus, the effect of input time-delay through predictor-based feedback can result in the cumulative uncertainty f (x, t) (includes disturbances, uncertain prediction, and parametric errors) becoming unmatched due to the structure of eAd τ . To ensure that f (x, t) remains matched, we assume that f (x, t) satisfy the following matching condition: (23) f (x, t) = e−Ad τ Bσ(x, t) where σ(x, t) ≤ h(x, t) and h(x, t) can be determined based on the bound information on the uncertain parametric and disturbance terms in Assumption 1. The above matching condition is satisfied for some practical systems such as in Yildiz et al. [2010], L´echapp´e et al. [2015a], Eladdadi et al. [2014]. This leads to the delay-free predictor error dynamics as: (24) z˙p (t + τ ) = Ad zp (t + τ ) + Bur (t) + Bσ(x, t) Under the above matching condition, the bounds on σ(x, t) satisfy the following inequality: ¯ ˜ T Ψ σ(x, t) ≤ ∆(x, t) + B Θ (25) ≤ h(x, t) + h0 −Ad τ where h(x, t) = (h1 (x, t) + h2 (x, t))/e B and h0 ≥ 0 ¯ min , ∆ ¯ max } is a design parameter. Here, h1 := max{∆ where: ¯ min = min{∆(x, t)} + min{BθT } min{∆(x, t)}µmin ∆ ¯ max = max{∆(x, t)} + max{BθT } max{∆(x, t)}µmax ∆ Amin τ

Amax τ

where µmin = |e A −1| , µmax = |e A −1| , and max min ˜ T Ψ)max − B(Θ ˜ T Ψ)min , and computed using h2 := B(Θ the Holder’s inequality as: ˜ T Ψ)min = min{θT eAτ }|x(t − τ )|+ (Θ  0 T −AT τ  min{B e θ } |u(t − τ + η)|dη

T T where θˆz,min = min{eA τ θ }, θˆz,max = max{eA τ θ }. ˆ z,min (η) = min{θT e−Aη B}, λ ˆ z,max (η) = Similarly, λ



˜ T Ψ)max = max{θT eAτ }|x(t − τ )|+ (Θ  0 T −AT τ  max{B e θ } |u(t − τ + η)|dη −τ

Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress 6492 Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017Jayaprakash Suraj Nandiganahalli et al. / IFAC PapersOnLine 50-1 (2017) 6489–6494

of known input time-delay, unknown parameters, and uncertain nonlinearities, with the following result: – All signals are bounded and the tracking error has a prescribed transient and steady-state performance with global exponential convergence to a ball     {z(∞) | z(∞) ≤ ζd†  2cM + β(hM (τ ) + h0 )} at a convergence rate c = 12 λmin (P −1 Q), where P = ζ T ζ, Ad τ − 1), ζd = ζeAd τ , ζd† = (ζdT ζd )−1 ζdT . β = ζB Ad  (e

Fig. 1. PARC framework for an uncertain delayed system Further, for some initial bounds on the state and input over [t0 − τ, t0 ) and [t0 − 2τ, t0 ), respectively, by inductive arguments similar to Yildiz et al. [2010], we have that h(x, t) is bounded such that h(x, t) ≤ hM (τ ), ∀x, t where hM is a known bounded function. Detailed discussion is omitted for brevity. Using the above computed bound information h(x, t), we design a predictor-based nonlinear robust feedback ur (t) as the ideal SMC law with delay compensation to dominate the effect of cumulative disturbances, as follows: ur (t) = −(h(x, t) + h0 )sgn(ρ(t + τ )) (26) where h0 > 0 is a constant controller gain, and sgn is the signum function that performs elementwise operation as: sgn(ρ) = [sgn(ρ1 ), · · · , sgn(ρm )]T In reality, the ideal SMC law leads to severe actuator chattering due to the discontinuous nature of sgn(ρ). To address this problem, (h + h0 )sgn(ρ(t + τ )) is replaced with a continuous approximation S((h + h0 )sgn(ρ(t + τ ))) utilizing a boundary layer approach to obtain the nonlinear predictor robust feedback ur with delay compensation as: (27) ur (t) = −S((h(x, t) + h0 )sgn(ρ(t + τ ))) The approximation of the smoothed SMC law S((h + h0 )sgn(ρ)) satisfies the following stabilization and approximation conditions: 1. ρur (t) ≤ 0   (28) 2. ρ (h + h0 )sgn(ρ) − S((h + h0 )sgn(ρ)) ≤ (t) where (t) is any bounded time-varying positive scalar (i.e., 0 < (t) ≤ M for some M ) which is a measure of approximation accuracy. An example of S map is the z saturation function (h + h0 )sat( φpz ), where the accuracy is determined by the width of the boundary layer φz .

The structure of the proposed PARC design is outlined ˆ in Fig. 1. The projection operator guarantees that Θ(t) ∈ ΩΘ , ∀t. The predicted tracking error zp , thus ρ, is determined through a predictive scheme given in (19). 4. PERFORMANCE AND STABILITY ANALYSIS In this section, the theoretical results on the stability and performance of the closed loop PARC design are discussed. Theorem 1. Given the uncertain time-delay system (1) under Assumptions 1 - 3 and the initial conditions ˆ z (s, η), x(s) for s ∈ [−τ, 0] and u(v) for v ∈ [−2τ, 0], θˆz (0), λ  ∃τ such that ∀τ ∈ [0, τ  ), the proposed PARC law (5) and the projection based adaptation laws (17) - (18) allow tracking a desired reference trajectory (2) in the presence

Proof. Consider the following Lyapunov function regarding the predicted tracking error behavior, where P is the positive definite matrix satisfying the Lyapunov equation given by ATd P + P Ad = −Q, Q > 0: 1 Vs = zp (t + τ )T P zp (t + τ ) (29) 2 From (16), (24), (27), and (28), we obtain ∀t, τ ≥ 0: 1 1 V˙ s = z˙p (t + τ )T P zp (t + τ ) + zp (t + τ )T P z˙p (t + τ ) 2 2 1 T T T = zp (Ad P + P Ad )zp + zp P B(ur (t) + σ(x, t, τ )) 2  1 = − zpT Qzp + ρ(t + τ ) σ(x, t, τ ) − S((h(x, t, τ ) + h0 ) 2  sgn(ρ(t + τ )))  1 ≤ − zpT Qzp + ρ(t + τ ) (h + h0 )sgn(ρ(t + τ ))− 2  S((h(x, t, τ ) + h0 )sgn(ρ(t + τ )) 1 (30) ≤ − zpT Qzp + (t) 2 where ρ(t + τ ) = zp (t + τ )T P B. Further, ∀P > 0, Q > 0, the following holds true: xT Qx ≥ λmin (P −1 Q)xT P x (31) −1 where λmin (P Q) > 0 is the smallest eigenvalue of P −1 Q. This allows us to re-write (30) as: 1 V˙ s ≤ − λmin (P −1 Q)zpT P zp + (t) 2 1 (32) ≤ − λmin (P −1 Q)Vs + (t) 2 Using the Comparison Lemma, see Krstic [2009], we obtain the following bound on Vs :  t Vs (t) ≤ e−ct Vs (0) + e−c(t−v) (v)dv 0

M (1 − e−ct ) (33) c where c = 0.5λmin (P −1 Q). Let ξ(t + τ ) = ζzp (t + τ ) where ζ ∈ Rm×n is full column rank chosen such that P = ζ T ζ. Then using (33), the bounds on the predicted tracking error is given by: 2M 2 2 (1 − e−ct ) (34) ξ(t + τ ) ≤ e−ct ξ(0) + c From this, we have the uniform ultimate bound of ξ(t) that exponentially converges as:  2M ξ(∞) ≤ (35) c In practice, however, there always exists a lower bound when choosing M , since it can lead to local high-gain feedback exciting the neglected high-frequency dynamics, thus limiting the achievable tracking accuracy.


≤ e−ct Vs (0) +

Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017Jayaprakash Suraj Nandiganahalli et al. / IFAC PapersOnLine 50-1 (2017) 6489–6494

Remark 1. If the ideal SMC law is used for ur (t), then we have the following inequality: Vs (t) ≤ e−ct Vs (0) ⇒ ξ(t + τ ) ≤ e−ct ξ(0) , ∀t (36) From this, the uniform ultimate bound of ξ exponentially converges to 0 as t → ∞. Finally, to determine the ultimate boundedness of z(t), we note that ζ is of full column rank and exploit the relationship between zp (t + τ ) and z(t) in (21) as:  t ξ(t + τ ) = Sd z(t) + SeAd (t−η) Bur (η)dη (37) t−τ

where ζd = ζeAd τ . Due to the full column rank of ζd , we have an empty nullspace for z(t). By taking the MoorePenrose pseudoinverse of ζd denoted as ζd† = (ζdT ζd )−1 ζdT , we obtain the following inequality using the bound on ξ:     z(t) ≤ ζd† ξ(t + τ ) + β sup (h(x, η) + h0 ) (38) where β = results:

ζB Ad τ Ad  (e

t−τ ≤η≤t

− 1). Then, we have the following

• Uniform Boundedness: From the exponential stability of ξ(t + τ ), ∃α1 > 0, a constant, such that: ξ(t + τ ) < α1 , t ≥ 0 (39) Hence, from (38), we obtain: (40) z(t) ≤ α2 , ∀t ≥ 0    † where α2 = ζd  α1 + β(hM (τ ) + h0 ) • Uniform Ultimate Boundedness: Again, from the exponential stability result of ξ(t + τ ) given in (35), we have from (38) as t → ∞:    2   M z(∞) ≤ ζd†  + β(hM (τ ) + h0 ) (41) c

Thus, ∀τ ≥ 0 the tracking error z(t) has global exponential convergence to a ball with a uniform ultimate bound given in (41) where M and c are design parameters which can be freely adjusted to predetermine the transient and steady state performance. Further, the projectionbased adaptation laws in (17) - (18) render the parameter ˆ z bounded ∀t ≥ 0. Also, z(t) and xd (t) estimates θˆz , λ are bounded implies that x(t) and the control input u(t) are bounded. Finally, from (38), we note that for ln(1+



ζB β < 1 i.e., for τ < τ  = , in addition to the Ad  ultimate boundedness result, the effect of the cumulative uncertainty on the tracking error is guaranteed to be a fraction less than 1 of the maximum uncertainty (hM (τ ) + h0 ) affecting the closed loop system. Remark 2. It can be observed from (41) that for τ = 0, we retrieve the results of the ARC, see Yao and Jiang [2010].

5. SIMULATION To demonstrate the proposed PARC controller, a second order tumor growth model is considered, see Eladdadi et al. [2014], where x1 (t) and x2 (t) represent the volume of tumor cells in the quiescent and the active phases of the cell cycle at time t, respectively, u(t) is the amount of injected oncolytic virotherapeutic vesticular stomatitis virus (VSV), τ is the total biological time for VSV to travel


through the cell cycle and act on the tumor cell 1 , ∆(x, t) is the neglected chemical interactions and VSV dynamics:        x˙ 1 −1 0 x1 (t) 0 = + u(t − 0.3) a1 a2 x2 (t) x˙ 2 1   0 + ∆(x, t) (42) 1.2214

The simulation is run with a1 = 0.4, a2 = 0.3, ∆(x, t) = 0.2sin(3t), x(0) = [1, 0.6]T . The parameters bounds a1 ∈ [0.3, 0.5] and a2 ∈ [0.25, 0.35] (i.e., 25% and 16.67% variability, respectively) are known to the controller. Here, a1 is the rate at which cells move from quiescent to active phase and a2 is the rate at which cells die in active phase. A stable, desired reference model (2) with ad1 = 0.5, ad2 = 0.6, uc (t) = 3.5sin(t), xd (0) = [0.5, 0]T is given as:        −1 0 xd1 (t) 0 x˙ d1 = + u (t − 0.3) (43) −ad1 −ad2 xd2 (t) 1 c x˙ d2 The goal here is to prevent the unbounded growth rate of tumor cells so that the condition of the patient can be quickly stabilized as desired. The adaptation gains are set as γθˆz = 100 ∗ I2 , γλˆ z = 100, and M = 0.01. From (13), we have the true parameter θ = [a1 + ad1 a2 + ad2 ]T . It can be checked that the cumulative uncertainty     0 0  ˜T f (x, t) = ∆(x, t) + − Θ Ψ + θT 1.2214 1    0  0 −Aη e ∆(x, t + η)dη (44) 1.2214 −τ

lies in the column space of e−Ad τ B, thus satisfies the matching condition in (23), with an easily computable bound h(x, t) on σ(x, t) based on the known parameter and disturbance bounds. Using (5), we design the PARC controller of the form:  0 ˆ z (t, η)u(t + η)dη λ u(t) = uc (t) − θˆz (t)T x(t) − − h(x, t)sat

 zT P B 



(45) φz where φz = 4 hM , and P is solved from the Lyapunov equation ATd P + P Ad = −Q, Q = 5 ∗ I2 . The parameters ˆ z (t) are learnt using (17) - (18). To implement θˆz (t) and λ the PARC control law, a discretized approximation of integration as noted in (Yildiz et al. [2010]) is performed and Euler approximation is carried out for parameter adaptation with the sampling rate set as 1 kHz. Figure 2 shows trajectory tracking for both x1 and x2 by the proposed PARC and the baseline ARC, where the PARC’s tracking is excellent and smooth, while the ARC’s tracking is poor with larger transient and phase lag. Figure 3 shows superior tracking error performance of the PARC compared with the baseline ARC. The PARC’s tracking error for x2 exponentially decreases to a small value of 0.0860, unlike the ARC’s tracking error of 0.6251. This indicates that tumor growth in active phase is better suppressed with the PARC than the ARC. The tracking error for x1 goes to 0 for both the controllers indicating that 1

VSV is an oncolytic virus which can only infect tumor cells when they are in the active phases of the cell cycle. The ensuing side-effects of VSV injection are currently disregarded in this paper


Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress 6494 Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017Jayaprakash Suraj Nandiganahalli et al. / IFAC PapersOnLine 50-1 (2017) 6489–6494


4 3 2


1 0 Reference state 1 Reference state 2 ARC state 1 ARC state 2 PARC state 1 PARC state 2

−1 −2 −3 −4





Time (sec)

Fig. 2. Trajectory Tracking (baseline ARC vs. PARC) 1 Tracking Tracking Tracking Tracking

0.8 0.6

error error error error

1 2 1 2

of of of of

baseline ARC baseline ARC proposed PARC proposed PARC



0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8





Time (sec)

Fig. 3. Tracking Error (baseline ARC vs. PARC) 4 PARC Control Input 3 2


1 0 −1 −2 −3 −4





Time (sec)

Fig. 4. Control Input History (baseline ARC vs. PARC) tumor cells in quiescent phase is eliminated. It can also be verified that the theoretical ultimate error bound z(∞) of PARC is 0.6670 and τ  is 0.4101, confirming that the simulation results satisfy the analytical derivations. Figure 4 shows the smooth control input of the amount of VSV injection using the PARC to treat the tumor growth. 6. CONCLUSIONS This paper has developed a predictor adaptive robust controller (PARC) for nth order dynamical system that satisfy matching condition to simultaneously handle unknown parameters, known input delay, and time-varying uncertain but bounded disturbances, while guaranteeing superior transient and steady state tracking performance. Our future work is to relax the matching condition restriction and extend to unknown delay case so that our PARC framework is applicable to even broader class of systems.

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