Processing aids

Processing aids

Add~~vesfor Primers MATERIALS Fire retardants A magnesium hydroxide based fire retardant from Aican and smoke suppr~ss~t Chemicals, is designed for u...

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Add~~vesfor Primers

MATERIALS Fire retardants A magnesium hydroxide based fire retardant from Aican and smoke suppr~ss~t Chemicals, is designed for use in injection moulded and extruded thermopiastics. Designated Flamtard M7, it is a non-toxic product, thermally stable to 572°F. Contact: Alcan Chemicals, Cleveland, OH, USA.

Stabilizerslantioxidants A liquid ~tioxid~t, BNX loo0 from Mayzo Inc. is said to eliminate particle size dispersion problems associated with solid products. BNX loo0 can be used to protect a range of adhesives, resins and elastomers. Contact: ~~za

Inc., Norcross, GA, USA.

July 1993

Lubricants Luvaslip

Iubricant masterbatches from Lehmann & Voss, are based on erucic acid amide, oteic acid amide, or ~mbinations of both in conjunction with SiO,, in a polyolefinic carrier (either potythene or poIypropylene). Contact: Lehmann $r Voss & Co, Alsterufer 19, ~~2U~, Ha~urg 36,

Antib~o~k~ng agents The SR 340346 series of ~tiblocking agents

from GE Silicones are based upon a fine particle spherical form of silicone. They work by decreasing the contact area between film layers thereby preventing adhesion. Sphere sizes range from 0.3 to 12 microns. Contact: GE S~l~~o~~s, 260 N. Hudson River Road, Waterjord, NY 12188, USA. Tel: -i-l518-237-3330.

Air release agent BASF has introduced three ~ompatibi~i~rs for improving the impact strength, elongation and flexibility of two-component mixtures of reclaimed polymers. Grade RCM 1 is for reclaimed polythene/polystyrene mixtures. Grade RCM 2 is for use in the compatibili~ation of poIypropylene/ polystyrene mixtures, and Grade RCM 3 is for ABSlpolypropylene mixtures. Contact: BASF AG, Carl-Bosch-Strasse 38, D-6700 L~wigs~ven, Gerry. Tel: +49621-60-0. Fax: +49-602-l 4-50.

Curing agents Akzo is marketing an accelerator for polyester and vinyl ester resins which is a cobaft-metal complex with 4% cobalt, Designated Grade 383, it is said to eliminate ‘gel time drift’ in pr~promoted resins. Contact: Akzo Chemie America, 300 So&t Wacker Drive, II” Floor, Chicago, IL 60606, USA. Tel: +I-3~2-786”~~.


Byk-A grade 555 displaces air from fillers

and reinforcements by reducing the interfacial tension between polymer and filler. It creates air bubbles which then rise to the surface and dissipate. ft is said to be effective at most viscosities_ Contact: Byk Chemie GmbH, Abelstrasse 14, Pos~a~h 245, D-4230 Wesel, Ge~ny. Tel: -I-49-281-6-70-O. Fax: i- 49-281-6-57-35.

Processing aids Plasadd PE9396 and Plasadd PE9361 from

Cabot Plastics are masterbatches containing proprietary fluoro-elastomers which coat the internal surface of extrusion dies and reduce the friction between the polymer melt and the die. Using the masterbat~hes increases output, eliminates melt fracture and allows extruders to be run at lower temperatures. In some applications die build-up is also eliminated and cycle times reduced. To use the products, dies are first conditioned by using material @1993 Efsevier

Science Publishers Ltd

with a 50 per cent mast~rbat~h content. After conditioning, addition levels can usually be reduced to 2-3 per cent PE9396 or 1.5-2 per cent PE9361, de~nding on polymer type and formulation. ~~~~~~: Cu&X P~~t~~s ~~te~~~~~~~~, tes P~~~~~s A3, Aveme des ~l~~~es II, B”~2~ Brussels, Belgian. Tel: -t-32-2-774-14-11, Fax: + 32-2- 771-23-62.

Release agents

and forecast by the study include: desiccants/ catalysts, soaps/detergents, paints/coatings, professing aids, a~esives~binders, steel, cast iron, aluminium, superaIIoys~ rnis~ell~~us altoys, construction, transpo~ation, electrical/ electronics, industrial, chemicaf processing, househo~d/~rsonaI, and medical. It presents a concise, detaifed anaiysis of silicon compounds in the US with emphasis on: materiaIs and te~hnology~ applications markets, m~k~ing, competitive analysis, and company profiles.

KantStick Q Powder and K~tS~~ S Powder are internal lubricants, designed to

increase the ffow of ~ermopiastic resins into the deeper recesses and areas of the mould cavity. KantStick S Powder can also be used to assist in the release of mouldings in processes such as extrusion Galendering~blow and injection moulding, using all types of thermoplastic resin systems. Both KantStick Q and KantStick S Powders are ~proved for use as lubricants in the fabrication of various plastic food contact articles, ~~~~~~~:S~e~~~~i~ P~~d~~ts ~~~~ny, 75 ~~~tg~~~~ street, Jersey city, NJ 07303U306, USA. Tel: -I-I-2~~-434~4~~. f;irx: +l-


Silicon compounds in the USA G Path~nder report from TPC cosines Research Group predicts that ~rn~h in this sector witf be focused on the development of new appli~tions rather than in the expansion of existing markels, Silicone eiastomers, (silicone rubbers) will experience the highest growth with an average annuat rate of 8.7%. Liquid, twocom~rtme~t, heat-cured silicone ruhbers that can be jnjection-mounded, offer the most promise.

This Pathfinder report provides primary market data for the three major silicon compounds groups: silicates, silicon alloys, and silicones. AppIiGation markets anaIyzed @I993 Etsevier Science ~bIishers Ltd

Polyester and alkyd resins in Western Europe A second Pathfinder repmt from the TPC Business Research Croup provides market analyses for each of the following resin product groups: saturated polyesters; unsa~rated polyesters; u~odi~ed alkyds; and alkyds modified with styrene, isocyanate, and silicone. Applications covered in the report include: inks; paly-ure~~es, glassreinforced pl~~~~paints ~maintenan~e/~~~~ generaf industrial, wood coatings, vehicfe finishings, marine coatings, and construction); and other applications. The study presents separate market data and forecasts for the following eight territories: Benelux, France, Germany, Iberia, Italy, UK, remainder of the EC, and the remainder of Western Europe. The report, reference PF #9104 is priced at $S,C@O(SFr. 7,X@) and is available from: TPC Bminess Research Group, ~at~~~er ~~er~t~~~s, 8.51 New ~~~~u~d Averme, Box 3535, ~~~~~st~~* PA 17~4, USA. Tet: -t-f717-29~-56~9. Fm: + f-71 7-295-4538, or