FRP problem solver has true intelligence A HIGH level of artificial intelligence for problem solving is how Rapra Technology describes its new design ...
FRP problem solver has true intelligence A HIGH level of artificial intelligence for problem solving is how Rapra Technology describes its new design tool for fibre reinforced plastics (FRP). The system, based on functional modelling, will be developed as part of a two-year multi-client project. It will initially be applied to FRP because Rapra believes the complexity of these materials will best demonstrate the capability of the system. Although still at the proposal stage, the firm is encouraged by the re-
sponse from organizations which have reported a real need for this type of expert system. It will allow designers, with little or no knowledge of composites, to successfully apply these materials in advanced applications. In addition, it will allow users to build a complete design concept alongside material and process selection based on programmed expert judgement and case experience. It will constantly learn from ongoing experience to im-
prove its own performance. “The software will even solve problems where solutions have not previously been encountered - a feature of true intelligence”, says George Weaving, business development manager at Rapra. Rapra is currently assembling a small group of European companies with an interest in composites. However, it is still seeking participation from independent, manufacturingbased companies with less than 500 employees. Weaving is in no doubt as
to the benefits to be gained by a company involved in the project. “Participation in the project is free apart from time and effort spent during the two-year duration and each participant will receive a fully operational system at no cost. This is a rare opportunity for companies with limited resources to make a quantum leap in technology application”, he says. George Weaving, Rapra Technology Ltd; tel: + 44- 1939-250383; fax: + 44- 1939-251118.
Program aids thermoplastics processing THERMAL parameters for processing thermoplastic composites can be rapidly and reliably set using Cositec software from the Institute for Plastics Processing (IKV) in Aachen, Germany. When fibre reinforced thermoplastics are being processed, the thermal control setting is currently still worked out on the basis of empirical knowledge or by means of elaborate tests. This is because the temperature distribution inside the material cannot be accessed by practicable measuring techniques. Now, Cositec is able to provide this ‘insight ‘into the material, says the IKV. The easy-touse program is being developed in the course of a project to contigure the process and the material on a customized basis and to simulate the resultant thermal processes. Cositec will be introduced to the market in
October. It will run on a standard personal computer and be usable without any major supplementary investment. The software company M-Base is the development partner involved in the project. Its involvement guarantees the provision of support and further development of the program beyond the term of the project, says the IKV. The project will be imparting the fundamental theories involved in the process together with currently available knowhow. It will also be providing training in the handling of the newly developed software so as to permit customer-specific solutions to be worked out independently and selectively in a straightforward manner. Cositec, Institut ftir Kunststoffverarbeitung; tel: + 49241803823; fax: + 49-2418888262.
Reinforced Plastics September 1995
RESIN TRANSFER MOLOING SYSTEM Resin Injection Saturators l