Ribose improves myocardial function and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients

Ribose improves myocardial function and quality of life in congestive heart failure patients


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GATA-4, SRF, USF-1 AND -2 REGULATE CARNITINE PALMITOYLTRANSFERASE-1P EXPRESSION IN THE RAT HEART Meredith Moore, G-L Wang, J.B. McMillin. Dept.of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UTX-Houston, TX USA. The promoter for carnitine palmitoyltransferase Ib (CPT-IP) isolated from rat heart is only minimally responsive to oleate. Here we define alternative positive regulatory elements in the -391/ +80 promoter luciferase construct including GATA (-96,-130), SRE (-112), and Ebox(3 15, -252). These sites demonstrated binding to GATA4, SRF and USFliUSF2 heterodimers with competition specificity and Ab supershifts. Individual expression vectors for SRF, GATA4 and the USF proteins enhanced CPT-IP reporter gene expression 4-, 36- and 8fold respectively, in CV-1 cells. SRF and GATA-4 resulted in synergistic activation of CPT-I/3 (56-fold, p
BENEFICIAL EFFECT OF INSULIN THERAPY FOR MYOCYTJZ REMODELING IN DIABETIC CARDIOMYOPATHY Tatsuvuki Onodera*Hidekazu Mivazaki.Fumiko OkazakiShunrou Min&i,Shingo Seki,Masayuki ‘Tanig;chi,IkuoTaniguchi&Seibu Mochizuki,Division of Cardiology,Department of Internal Medicine,Jikei University School of Medicine,Tokyo,JAPAN Background:

In uncontrolled




iucose uptake and metabolism secondary to insulin %eficiency and/or resistance may be resulted in the development of myocardial dysfunction. We have reported that diabetic heart showed abnormal myocyte remodeling, especially myocyte atrophy. The resent study was designed to clarify whether insulin tR erapy improved abnormal myocyte remodeling in the diabetic heart. Methods: Male S tague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups, i.e. K control group (C group), 2) diabetic.group (DM roup: stre tozotocin 50mg/kg iv.) and 3 ms$n treate % group ( 8 I grou gj streptozotocin ;yi $ 1;: Fd . regular. msulm 3u/lOOg body we1 h t/ ay ‘s c.) Then the hearts were removed and sed with Jokhks media contauung collagenase. solated myocytes were fixed immediately with 2% lutaraldehyde. Myoc te volume was measured with a !s oulter Channelyzer r Model C-256,Coulter Electronics, USA).Cell length was measured with a light microsco e. M oeyte cross-sectional area (CSA) was calculated wit?l a fo rlowing formula (CSA= volume/length). Results: DM group showed significantly smaller heart weight, myoc te volume, cell len th and CSA when compared with 6 group. However, b1 group showed significantly larger heart weight, m ocyte vo ume, cell length and CSA than those in d M group. Conclusion: Insulin deficiency pla s an important role for myocyte remodeling in t Ke diabetic myocyte. Insulin therapy may improve cardiac function by regressing the abnormal myocyte remodeling in the diabetic heart.

RIBOSE IMPROVES MYOCARDIAL FUNCTION AN’D QUALITY OF LIFE IN CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE PATIENTS H. Omran*, S. Illein, Department of Cardiology, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany; D. MacCarter, J.A. St.Cyr, Bioenergy, Inc, Minneapolis, MN, USA Alterations in myocardial energy levels may play a role in heart failure. Ribose (R), a naturally occurring sugar, has shown to enhance myocardial energy levels following ischemia. Might R aid in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF)? Fifteen CHF patients, NYHA II-III, were randomized in a cross-over study, R (15 gms/day) vs.placebo (dextrose, 15 gms/day). Patients received oral supplement for 3 weeks,1 week washout, and an additional 3 weeks of the alternative supplement. Echocardiographic and quality of life (QOL-SF36) assessments were performed (pre-and post) during each 3 weeks of supplementation. There were no adverse events. R demonstrated significance in E-wave deceleration rate (p&.002), both % atrial contribution to left ventricular filling and left atrial volume (pcO.O2), QOL (pcO.004); and phylical functionine score (nanagigg m&y CHF patients, R sh&ld strongly be. considered as a therapeutic option in this heart disease state.

CARDIOPROTECTIVE EFFECT OF LOW ENERGY LASER IRRADIATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH ENHANCED ATP PRODUCTION IN INFARCTED HEART OF RATS AND DOGS url Oron’, Tali Yaakobi’, Amir Oron’, Lidya Ma&, Daniel Mordecbovih’, Rona Shofti*, Gal Hayam*, Uzi Drag , Lior Gepstein’. TamirWolf3, Christian Hsudenscbild’& Shlomo Ben Haim’. ‘. Dept. of Zoology, Life sciences Fat. Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, 69978, Israel. *. Fat. of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel.

Low energy laser irradiation (LELI) has been found to attenuate various biological processes in tissue culture and experimental

animal models. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of LELI on the formation of scar tissue in experimentally induced chronic infarct in dogs. Myocardial infarction (MI) was induced in 50 dogs and 26 rats by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary altery. Following induction of MI the laser irradiated (LI) group received laser irradiation (infrared laser, 803nm wavelength) epicardially. Control MI-induced non-laser irradiated

(NLI) dogs were sham operated and laser was not applied. All dogs were sacrificedat 5-6 weekspost MI. Infarct size was determined by TTC staining and histology. The laser treatment significantly (~‘0.05) lowered mortality from 30% to 6.5% following induction of MI. The infarct size in the LI dogs was significantly (p
induced rats were severelydamaged as compared to 36 + 1% in NLI rats. Accordingly, ATP content in that zone was 7.6 fold significantly higher in LI vs. NLI rats. Our observations indicate that epicardial LELI of dog hearts following acute MI caused a marked reduction in infarct size, most probably due to cardioprotective effect of the LELI via elevation of ATP production pathways.
