ISSN: 0142-0496
APRIL 1994
Editor: HELEN COLLINSON American Editor: CHARLES CRESSON WOOD Information integrity Investments Sausalito, California, USA Australasian Editor: BILL J. CAELLI Queensland University of Technology Australia Europaan Edltor: KEN WON0 PA Consulting Group London. UK
Editorial Advisors: Chris Amery, UK; Hans Gliss, Germany; David Herson, CEC, DGXIII; Les Lawrence, New South Wales, Australia; P.Kraaibeek, Germany; Gordon Lennox, Belgium; Wayne Madsen, Virginia, USA; Belden Menkus, Tennessee, USA; Bill Murray, New Canaan, USA; Silvano Ongetta, Italy; Donn B. Parker, California, USA; Peter Sommer, UK; Mark Tantam, UK; Peter Thingsted, Denmark: Hank Wolfe, New Zealand. Correspondents:
Frank Rees, Melbourne,
Australia, John Sterlicchi,
SORWARE PIRACY NEWS Software copyright law introduced in Argentina ................................................... 1 Microsoft fights software piracy ................... .I WAN/LAN NEWS Canadian agency monitors phone and fax ..2 Warning message against security risks.. ... .2 Recombinant virus protects network.. .......... 2 VIRUS NEWS
Italy - Virus diffusion .................................. . FRAUD NEWS IRS faces increasing fraud ........................... 3 BA accused of further hacking.. .................. .4 DATA PRtVACY NEWS New data protection registration campaign .. 4 .4 MARKETPLACE ........................................ REPORTS CC:Mail users beware.. ............................... .6 US DOD test new E-mail security products.. 7 Clinton approves Ctipper, fails to relax export controts .......................................... 7 BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLANNING ...... 10 ITALY AND COMPUTER CRlMES (better late than never) ........................ .16
California, USA, Paul Gannon,
Brussels, Belgium,
SOFTWARE PIRACY NEWS Software copyright law introduced in Argentina US producers of computer software finally have a law that gives them copyright protection in Argentina. According to a report in TheJournal of Commerce, producers in the USA have the largest share of a local market that sustained about $165 million in losses last year due to piracy.
by President
Carlos Saul Menem and it amends a 1933 copyright law that did not include protection for computer software. The Argentine courts have attempted to provide protection for computer software producers and the formal intellectual property rights protection the industry wanted.
Microsoft fights software piracy
EVENTS.. ..................................................
Microsoft has launched a European clampdown on the supply of illegal software.
STOP PRESS.. .........................................
to Computing,
the firm sent letters to
01994 Elsevier Science Ltd., England./94/$7.00 per item NO par-t of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers, (Readers in the U.S.A. - please see special regulations listed on back cover.)