Sulzer Pumps opens service centre in Brazil

Sulzer Pumps opens service centre in Brazil

NEWS Ruhrpumpen invests in new manufacturing plant in Argentina R uhrpumpen Argentina has moved to a new larger manufacturing facility in Buenos Ai...

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Ruhrpumpen invests in new manufacturing plant in Argentina


uhrpumpen Argentina has moved to a new larger manufacturing facility in Buenos Aires. Located in Pablo Nogués, Buenos Aires, the new Argentinean manufacturing plant is equipped to assemble all of Ruhrpumpen’s product range, and produces most parts for vertical and horizontal pumps. Initially, the new plant will manufacture parts for the OH2 SCE (API 610) and other new products to be released in 2013, including a European Standard (EN 733) Ruhrpumpen pump. The 7500 m2 Ruhrpumpen facility includes an 11 000 m3/hr testing laboratory, 3000 m2 of office space and a well-equipped service centre capable of repairing all types of pumps. The new Argentinean plant will focus on providing centrifugal pumping equipment to the local market and to neighbouring countries, serving the power, mining, water and oil & gas markets. For further information, visit

Flowserve expands Spanish pump testing facility


lowserve Corp has completed an upgrade of its open loop test bench at its manufacturing and testing facility in Coslada, Spain. The Flowserve investment is designed to meet increased customer needs for larger cooling water pumps and expanded testing capabilities. Flowserve customers in Europe, the Middle East and Asia can now obtain actual site condition tests together with run-out flow verification at the point of manufacture. “The expanded capabilities at the Coslada test facility further underscore our commitment to satisfy our customers’ needs for high-quality pumps and technical services,” said Jim Quain, president, Flowserve Engineered Pump Operations. “We recognise their investment in special purpose vertical pumps is significant, and we work hard every day to confirm our 16

Pump Industry Analyst

customers’ confidence in us by providing world-class performance testing and verification support.” Following the upgrade, the Flowserve test bench now accommodates flows of up to 90 000 m3/h (400 000 gpm) for a total differential head of 10.5 m (34.4 ft), making it among the largest of its type in the world. The upgraded test loop now covers an area of 1800 m2 (19 400 ft2) at a depth of 8.5 m (27 ft), fitted with anti-vortex devices to handle the increased flow characteristics. It can accommodate motors up to 5 MW (6700 hp) with variable frequency drive from 20 to 66 Hz. Flowserve says that the addition of a multi-size discharge manifold provides the flexibility to test pumps with discharge ports to 2750 mm (108.3 in). For further information, visit

Sulzer Pumps opens service centre in Brazil


ulzer Pumps has added a new service centre for configured pumps, mixers, agitators and aeration systems in Nova Lima, Brazil. Located in Brazil’s Minas Gerais region, where mining is prevalent, the new service facility will serve Sulzer Pumps’ customers in the growing wastewater, mining, general industry and agroindustry markets in southeastern, northern and central western Brazil. Operating in close collaboration with Sulzer Pumps’ Curitiba manufacturing facility in southern Brazil, the new facility will provide repairs, refurbishments and spare parts for submersible and process pumps and for other rotating equipment, for Sulzer Pumps and for other OEM products. The new Sulzer Pumps facility will also offer field services, long term maintenance contracts and upgrades, as well as rental dewatering pumps and related accessories for short-term use. Sulzer Pumps has had a presence in Brazil since 1948 and currently has two manufacturing facilities and four service centres in the country. The Swiss pump company has opened two service centres in Russia in the last 18 months (see Pump Industry Analyst, May 2012).

For further information, visit

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March 2013