Sundyne opens service centre in Abu Dhabi

Sundyne opens service centre in Abu Dhabi

NEWS Sulzer in talks to acquire Ensival Moret S ulzer has entered into exclusive discussions with Moret Industries to acquire pump manufacturer Ens...

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Sulzer in talks to acquire Ensival Moret


ulzer has entered into exclusive discussions with Moret Industries to acquire pump manufacturer Ensival Moret in an E80 million deal. Ensival Moret offers a wide range of industrial pumps for applications including fertilizers, sugar, mining and chemicals. The business had sales of E115 million in 2015 and employs around 730 people. Ensival Moret’s main manufacturing facilities are in Saint Quentin, France, and Thimister, Belgium. The company also operates manufacturing facilities in Brazil and China, and has a number of service centres around the world. Sulzer says that the proposed transaction allows it to close specific product gaps in its general industry pumps portfolio, such as axial flow pumps. The business will be integrated into Sulzer’s Pumps Equipment division. César Montenegro, president of Sulzer’s Pumps Equipment division, said: “We are very excited with the proposed acquisition of Ensival Moret and are looking forward to welcoming its employees to the Sulzer family. Together we can grow stronger in our general industry business by serving our customers’ process needs.” The proposed transaction will be submitted to the relevant workers’ councils and the deal is expected to close in the second quarter of 2017.

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Sundyne opens service centre in Abu Dhabi


undyne has launched a new service and sales centre in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, to support customers throughout the Middle East. The new facility is strategically located in Abu Dhabi to provide centralized access for the Middle East region, serving customers in Qatar, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, Pakistan, Bahrain, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. There are currently thousands of Sundyne API 610 and API 685 pumps and API 617 compressors operating in these countries. “The expanded Sundyne service presence is critical for our Middle Eastern customers,” said 16

Pump Industry Analyst

Arnaud Tardieu, Sundyne After Sales Service manager. “We are providing our customers enhanced access to Sundyne genuine parts and spares, as well as official local service for maintenance, repairs, upgrades, conversions and gearbox exchanges.” The Middle East Sundyne service team consists of field service engineers and sales and service managers. Their office collaborates with Sundyne channel partners throughout the region to deliver a full complement of Sundyne parts and service at the customer site, and through Sundyne factories in Europe. For further information, visit and

ITT starts 6th annual World of Pumps Quiz


TT Inc and its Goulds Pumps, PRO Services and Bornemann brands have launched the sixth annual World of Pumps Quiz, an online pump knowledge game with participants from more than 150 countries. The latest version of the quiz is underway with a new question posted every Monday until 3 April 2017. The World of Pumps Quiz will feature additional interactive elements, including expert videos, infographics and product simulations. Question topics range from pump history and operational facts to pump design and best maintenance practices. The World of Pumps Quiz leads up to the annual Pump Appreciation Day on the second Tuesday of April. Pump Appreciation Day recognizes pumps as “the heart of industry” and features awards highlighting outstanding organizations and industry professionals across the globe. “Each year we are excited to recognize the fundamental role pumps play in our dayto-day lives and honour the manufacturing professionals who make invaluable contributions to the industry,” said Aris Chicles, president of ITT’s Industrial Process business. “For the past six years, we have seen great success with the World of Pumps Quiz program and are excited to continue the tradition.” Once quiz-takers answer the basic question correctly, they can sign up to receive automatic notifications when the next basic question is posted.

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November 2016